Kiro13 — Lunar Wolf Keyblade

Published: 2010-01-12 08:53:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 1781; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 21
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Description Here is the keyblade for Rei Kithe, the Moon changes color based on what is being doing and helps increase the potency of Rei's magical abilities and at night the keyblade grants her extraordinary healing abilities.
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Comments: 2

Swish42 [2010-01-13 06:13:36 +0000 UTC]

Healing ability is a nice touch and it should come in mighty handy. I like the design, and my sister does too. ^^

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Kiro13 In reply to Swish42 [2010-01-13 07:08:16 +0000 UTC]

Yes it will definently to bad it won't rejuvinate energy or heal teammates lol. And thanks x2 lolski

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