Comments: 8
MatevzUr [2011-07-19 08:48:01 +0000 UTC]
Your paintings are awesome. I tried to paint with oil, since I got it for birthday but it ain't that easy. You could give me some tips on how to work on layering? Everything just messes up into something vortexy, black hole etc. I've heard there are mediums you have to use with it?
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KevinJacksonArtist In reply to MatevzUr [2011-07-20 10:40:13 +0000 UTC]
Hi MatevzUr. Thanks v. much for the compliment. Really appreciate it!
Is it just oils that you have difficulty with or is it painting in general? Either way I do sympathise. For a long time I did mostly pencil work because I felt colour and painting were too challenging. If you keep practising though you will make progress, so don't give up.
Oils can be tricky but they do have some good advantages. In particular I think it's easier to blend, make alterations and do colour shifts with oils than with say acrylics. A good paint to start out with is the Griffin alkyd oils made by Winsor & Newton. The paint stays workable for several hours but will be nice and dry the next day, and that's without adding anything to make it dry faster. This will make it quicker if you like to layer in your oils. You can either thin the paint with a little bit of turps or use a medium (lots to choose from but I often use liquin).
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