Wilx Name : Elias
Designer : R9DH3
Purchased or Adopted out? : Purchased (comment chain)
Current Owner : Strinisaur
Standard Wilx
Custom Ears, Custom Fur, Custom mane + Hair
Edited expression
Square shaped Pupils
"A wilx working for WilxCorp. He works within the deep labs, as one of the Cleaners. As a Cleaner, he works closely with the labwilx and experimental subjects. Elias's memory is wiped and rewritten on a daily basis to ensure the security and secrecy of the company.
Elias is the lone wilx Cleaner employed by the company, and his specialty is in pacifying spirits and lingering energies with the power of the forbidden songs. His work is some of the most important within the company, as his work keeps the godly wilx off of their tail. Being such a valued individual, word of his successes for the company cannot leave the grounds; and is enforced with deadly force.
Elias himself is a kind and gentle wilx, who greatly dislikes seeing the abuse and mistreatment of his kind. He makes great effort to soothe the souls of his dead brethren, and to soothe those alive who are left behind. His favorite 'co-workers' are the labwilx, who he treats like the pups they are. His experiences with the experimental labwilx have led to the development of his new powers; powers that nobody can quite comprehend yet, least of all him. Those powers are used innocently for now, to play with the labwilx and sing their tortured souls sweet lullabes."
Breeding Slots
- unused
- unused
- unused