Name: Sonic
Species: Pikachu
Gender: Male ♂
Age: Teenage
Birthday: 23th June
Nature: Hasty
Ability: Static
Items: Def. Scarf
- Thunderbolt
- Focus Punch
- Iron Tail
- Discharge
Personality: He’s quite clever and bright Pikachu that why he’s the brain of the team, besides he tends to carry all work.
Characterized by his affability and charisma, he’s quite outgoing and he usually jokes with sarcasms and ironies with his friends to pull the wool over eyes. Sonic sometimes thinks that he looks a big brother on the team, especially with Kairi.
On the other hand, he shows maturity and he can be very direct, for example: He can say something about someone and that person normally thinks that it’s a joke but immediately he says: “I tell ya seriously, do you think I’m laughing?” with an expressionless face.
Past (Sonic’s life story summary)
Sonic was living in the shop with Miss Leavanny and her daughters like the “errand boy” he was very popular in the town thanks to his charisma and his job, sometimes he carried the orders of the guild and Chatot tried to convince him to join to the guild because he always said that Sonic would be a great explorer but he wasn’t interested on that, he really liked his life.
One day a Nidorino stole in the entire town and accidentally he kidnapped one of Miss Leavanny’s daughters, immediately Sonic kept his trail and with astuteness he captured the criminal before the explorers of the guild. Guildmaster, who decided to participate in this mission, was observing Sonic and he tried to convince him to join to the Guild. In that moment Sonic realized that with his brain and with his acquired abilities in the dojo would be perfect for this job, so one day Miss Leavanny made his scarf and he decided to visit the beach before joining to the guild.
Now (After meeting his leader)
He decided to have a time for himself at the beach, thinking on his new life, nevertheless when he turned he saw an unconscious eevee, luckily she was fine and at the beginning he thought she was “crazy” because of “I’m human”, he only knew those creatures thanks to some of his books. Then Zubat and Koffing, two guys who had always hated Sonic because when they made jokes to Leavanny’s daughters and their friends Sonic always stopped them, they found the occasion to steal his bag and ran away.
Sonic realised that and he said Kairi to wait but she didn’t listen to him. After fighting against them, they came back to the beach and Sonic decided to tell her about the rock that he had found a long time ago and also, this situation reminded him a kind of mission, that why he told her about the explorers and the Guild.
Afterward, Sonic had to leave but he said to Kairi to come with him and she followed him. When they arrived to Guildmaster's room, Sonic said that Kairi would be the leader, the reason was:
“If you want to learn how to live here, you must wake up, so you’ll the leader, how a wonderful beginning, isn’t it?”
-Sonic’s eyes are green but it’s hard to see them.
-Sonic has quick reflexes.
-Sonic likes reading books but normally he doesn’t show that.
((I know that I could have some mistakes in English XD remember that I'm Spanish so, if you find something strange, you can tell me and I would be grateful to correct it nvn~))