juniormonk — WiP - Rhino

Published: 2011-10-12 01:25:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 314; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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Description Title: WiP - Rhino
Name: Angel Quintero
Country: USA
Medium: WED Laguna Clay, 74-30 Rubber, Plaster

Here's my latest piece. I was commissioned by The University of Texas for a project piece called "The Colossal Project". This piece is about 4 times the normal scale of my sculptures but I think I just might stick with this scale. I'm learning as I go but love the attitude this piece has already

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Comments: 4

IMPL0SION5 [2011-10-12 01:28:01 +0000 UTC]

You are really good at this! I know how hard some of this clay sculpting can be. In ART at high school when we did it you think it would be easy but when you start doing it , it is really temperamental some things go your way and other things don't

Anyways good job on this mate!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

juniormonk In reply to IMPL0SION5 [2011-10-12 02:07:39 +0000 UTC]

Hey thanks, Implosion5! You speak the truth when it comes to the temperament of clay. This clay body has glycerine in it which makes it dry slowly but cracks like nobody's business. Anyways I'm done sculpting. The fun part of casting is coming soon!

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Clarkispotamia [2011-10-12 01:27:04 +0000 UTC]

Looks very cool so far! Can't wat to see how it turns out.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

juniormonk In reply to Clarkispotamia [2011-10-12 02:05:17 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! It's a love hate relationship hehe

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