I have wanted to draw an ice cream truck for many years, so I could not pass up this Draw This In Your Style challenge from Instagram hosted by artist lycheecoffee.
When I was around 10-12 I was seriously fixated on ice cream trucks. I knew which trucks sold certain treats that you couldn’t buy from other ice cream trucks, and I could name any song an ice cream truck from any part of the country could play. I was one of those people who would hear an ice cream truck playing music and be like “Oh, that’s a Nichols Electronics Mark IV playing Pop Goes The Weasel.” I even made my own ice cream trucks in Photoshop.
So ice cream trucks are nostalgic to me not just because I loved buying from them, but because I enjoyed watching videos of them, learning about all the different ice cream selections nationwide, and discovering that not every ice cream truck played the same song. Ice cream trucks hold a special place in my heart, and these cute animal friends brightened my mind and my heart to draw. Bunnies and pandas are adorable animals, some of my favorites for sure. I’d totally buy ice cream from this truck if it were real.