jasinmartin — NIGHT of the 80's Undead TPB COVER

Published: 2013-12-19 23:14:28 +0000 UTC; Views: 1764; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 0
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My current comic series Night of the 80's Undead  is being collected into trade paperback this January, so here's the cover I designed (graphics and colors by me, art by Bill), plus all the info on the book!

Writen and colored by me

Artwork by

96 pages, full color, $8.99, mature readers

Synopsis - It’s 1986, and Russia’s last-ditch Cold War effort is to strike at our American excess lifestyle with bio-engineered Colombian cocaine. What happens when teenagers out for a good time cross paths with a huge celebrity party hyped up on commie zombie blow? Radical undead action, man! Totally!

Diamond Order Code – NOV130742

It's commie coke zombie 80's icons vs automatic weapon toting valley girls in one non-stop neon horror comedy thrill ride!

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Comments: 1

BillMcKay [2013-12-20 01:55:39 +0000 UTC]

The first "must buy" of 2014!

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