JaredtheFox92 — Super Sherly

#anarchyberyl #kaiju #moebius #sonicfancharacter #kaijumonster #sonic_fan_character #kaijumonsters #jaredthefox92
Published: 2017-11-22 21:33:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 702; Favourites: 8; Downloads: 4
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Description This was an idea that's been floating around in the Roleplay Bunker chatroom for a while, basically Sherly threw a coup against the Order and Grief and uses some Anarchy Beryl to turn herself into a Godzilla sized monster that everyone must fight.

Base made by my mate:

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Comments: 6

Constructio [2017-12-02 05:07:30 +0000 UTC]






You know, I shouldn't be surprised that Super Sherly looks like she climbed out of Hell itself, considering her nature, but boy, am I surprised! She went from an arguably 'cute' vicious pink cat with beautiful blue eyes, to a monster that would actually have me running scared instead of staring in awe. And I think what I love about this is that she barely even looks like she has a trace of Moebian in her, but she is now a force of nature. She doesn't even look like she has a soul or that she can even think of anything that isn't evil!
I can just imagine Sherly with the Anarchy Beryll, wanting it to take her soul and morph it into what she thinks a true monster is! That she would be willing to even sacrifice her body as if it was just weak flesh for to become an avatar of destruction and death. And the fact that she is even bigger than Grief makes her that much more intimidating!
You know, remember when I saw Super Scylla and I went on about how she looked like a beautiful monster? Well, at least with her, she was wearing an elegant goddess-like white with gold, and she still at least looked like Scylla. But Sherly..... "What have you done...?" She might respond with something like "I have transcended! I was always doing your job better than you could, 'Baron'. You thought you miniscule little Brandanskas were 'monsters'? Here's what a REAL monster looks like!"
And the highlights- I love the dress! The sickly green and the tattered edges make her look even less 'human'. And the black hole adorned with stalactites and stalagmites that is her mouth with rows of teeth, it's really chilling almost. Good job on the scare factor. Her eyes are terrifying! And finally, the dark clouds with the purple lightning add a supernatural effect, clearly the Anarchy Beryll at work, but it adds so much more "power" to her that you can SEE that Grief is going to need a LOT more than the tiny things he calls titans.
From this piece, I get- "If the Bradanskas want to keep this world, they're going to need some help"

Great job on this art piece, Jared.

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Constructio [2017-12-01 11:29:35 +0000 UTC]

Are those black clouds with purple lightning near her ears?
Is she wearing shoes?

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JaredtheFox92 In reply to Constructio [2017-12-01 13:55:49 +0000 UTC]

Yes they are, no she is barefoot. That's some rubble and ruin.

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Constructio In reply to JaredtheFox92 [2017-12-01 15:12:56 +0000 UTC]

Is she bigger than Grief's max height?

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JaredtheFox92 In reply to Constructio [2017-12-01 15:13:32 +0000 UTC]

A lot bigger.

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Constructio In reply to JaredtheFox92 [2017-12-01 17:41:52 +0000 UTC]

How far would Grief be willing to go to defeat her?
Using Anarchy Beryll?
Asking his Mobius Prime doppelganger for help?
Asking Scourge for help? (I think you hinted that they used to be friends)
I mean, who else would help Grief? I don't know if a 'bad guy' like him has many friends...

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