IShallClawYou — Merry Christmas
Published: 2011-12-24 14:45:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 157; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 1
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Description Her usual brown hat had been replaced by the hat that represented, to her, generosity. A smile was plastered on her face as she walked around the town centre. Her cheeks were rosy and there was a significant bounce in her step. She certainly feeling the cheer of the season. Lots of children had received gifts from her. She had made lots of them, wrapped them and let them pick their own box, with the rule that they only open it on Christmas Eve before going to bed. All of them had agreed happily, which only served to make her smile even more.

She wasn't expecting to see him there, but she found her feet taking her to him, "Merry Christmas," she blurted out to his back, holding the bag out to him.

"Louisa? Fancy seeing you here," he chuckled, peering into the bag, "I take it I pick one?"

She nodded, "I'm giving these to people. You can only have it if you promise to open it before you go to bed on Christmas Eve,"

"But you're supposed to open them on Christmas Day. Your rule defeats the purpose of Christmas," he replied, inspecting the box he had picked. He grinned and put in his own bag as she pouted at him, "How long have you been out here?"

"Since this morning," was her short answer. She tugged on her scarf and flexed her hands, numb from the cold and having held the bag for so long. Next thing she knew, Taylor was dragging her through the shopping centre into a small café for a hot chocolate.

She sipped the chocolatey liquid slowly, savouring the taste. Subconsciously she was wasting her time so that they could be together longer, but she didn't realise this because he was doing the same. Both thought and talked about the previous Christmas, where they had been visiting the girl's older sister. And fighting for their lives, but it was nice to share memories. It was when Louisa was given the hat she was wearing and also where she got the idea to give random people gifts.

Her smile had yet to be taken away from her.

As they got up to leave, Taylor leant over the table and pecked her on the cheek. Louisa gave him a  questioning look, to which he merely pointed upwards. There was a sprig of mistletoe above them. She then leant over the table too and kissed him. It was only for a second, but he was surprised. The girl was never this forward, let alone in public. Louisa then reached up and picked a berry from the sprig.

"For luck," she explained to him. She watched him do the same and they walked out of the café and left for their homes. Neither one of them would let anyone know why there were grinning like idiots when they got home.
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Comments: 10

CrazyRainbowCindy [2012-01-14 19:06:41 +0000 UTC]

It's so cute <3 BAD DAMN IT NEXT TIME MAKE IT LONGER Love smoochy stuff XD <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IShallClawYou In reply to CrazyRainbowCindy [2012-01-28 10:01:37 +0000 UTC]

I'll try D: I've never been good at writing cute stuff

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CrazyRainbowCindy In reply to IShallClawYou [2012-01-28 15:25:52 +0000 UTC]

;D Practise makes perfect my friend

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IShallClawYou In reply to CrazyRainbowCindy [2012-01-30 18:25:28 +0000 UTC]

True. I'm afraid I will never be good enough at romance though XD It's really hard and I don't have any experience myself for it to be any good because it's much easier to write it when you've experienced it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CrazyRainbowCindy In reply to IShallClawYou [2012-01-30 18:26:59 +0000 UTC]

I never experienced it but a lot of roleplaying between me and my friend and my own imagantion seems to help me a lot. XD

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KaminariOokami7 [2011-12-25 09:07:05 +0000 UTC]

that made me simle like an idiot. i loved the ending!

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IShallClawYou In reply to KaminariOokami7 [2011-12-26 12:09:47 +0000 UTC]

It was so short, but it had what I wanted in it. Even if it wa kind of failure. This is the reason I don't write fluff, it gets rushed

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Cat-O-Nine-Cheese [2011-12-24 21:45:10 +0000 UTC]

awwwh dat is cute as heeelll

and yet, i love watching things die...


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IShallClawYou In reply to Cat-O-Nine-Cheese [2011-12-26 12:10:02 +0000 UTC]


I like watching thing die too...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Cat-O-Nine-Cheese In reply to IShallClawYou [2011-12-28 12:25:45 +0000 UTC]

yaay x3

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