Thorin is Esper's "big brother"
The two were brought into the world generally around the same time frame. Being small and sad about the world she clung onto something that gave her a little hope. Meeting Thorin she was able to walk up to the big softy and proclaim him as her older brother. Being young himself and not able to correct Esper, Thorin went along with the brother sister duo. Years later the two still visit each other from time to time. Esper has it ingrained in her brain that Thorin has always been her brother while Thorin sees Esper as his adopted sister.
Esper is rather quite and light footed so she's able to "sneak" up on Thorin. Thorin had been living with Esper for so long that he can subconsciously recognize Esper's noises to not get too scared when she comes by.
I haven't drawn Thorin in some time so it was nice to be able to include him in the wave of my newer chits.
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Commission me yeah?
Gray's Art Shop [Commission Info]
Closed Species the-chittery
Chitters - Varigo
Art, design and Thorin, Esper are mine - Immonia
Done in Microsoft Paint