imclod — Burning butterflies

Published: 2013-09-14 17:21:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 903; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 0
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Description Fairy-tale. Peppered with a bit of feelings.

paper: A3 190gsm smooth
tools: H,HB,B,3B,5B,8B pencils, blending stump, kneadable eraser, q-tips
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I tried a new technique for the hair, mostly based on negative space and sort of "searching" for loose strands of hair. I wanted a lot of bright fly-away hair (windy days are fun), so creating them by erasing was a no-go (like I often do, when I want just a few of them).
I also didn't held on to the reference much; it was more adventurous that way.
The freckles took a lot of touch-ups with blending stump and H/HB pencils. I actually remember getting hypnotized by them; now isn't that fun, is it.
Probably my best work so far, methinks.
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Comments: 30

Shelfcloud [2014-02-28 19:35:46 +0000 UTC]

I like the work a lot. There is some good feeling to it. The hair certainly works in dimension and in flow. The strands though, on the left side are all white. In each strand, there is a minor shadow that is cast right beneath, that flows over within the dark parts of the single hair and back again. Erase the strand, guide it half with a mechanic and color with a very hard pencil to create flow and local play. Take note of how the light should fall; this way it is rather confusing. Now my next crits will be homed towards understanding.

As you've said you didn't work from the ref a lot. That means most comes down towards what you think is real, based on your remembered knowledge on how things look for real, hence the intellectual realism. The proportions are believable, but you miss a part of subtlety. For one you've contrasted the freckles quite a bit and very distinct. Remind that freckles are in the skin, not on top. It involves some subtle shadings around it; dissolve shading, match it with the surrounding shade taint. It is apparent that you use almost one tone for almost the entire face. There are more definitions and dare to exaggerate and buffer it at the same time. You also drew a hard texture that is flowed one direction too much (due southwest is predominant). It makes the womans skin texture rough. Chaos it out more. Just like the freckles are in reallife differ in size and shape. Here they are just dots with some a comma to the southwest. Dim them down and chaos it out by creating more play. You can loose a bit porosity-detail and make your portrait less "black-head pimple".

In summation a very good drawing and a good radiance of life and that remains the most important!

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ivabed [2013-12-08 14:22:17 +0000 UTC]

krásne tie detaily :3 

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imclod In reply to ivabed [2013-12-14 07:27:37 +0000 UTC]

Ďakujem tie detaily sú naschvál. Neko!

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porge7 [2013-09-23 10:11:17 +0000 UTC]

Great work! How did you do the little white strands of hair on the ends? I'm doing a portrait and finding it very difficult to do them..

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imclod In reply to porge7 [2013-09-23 18:37:28 +0000 UTC]

The ones over the background? Negative drawing mostly, I drew the background around the places I wanted the strands to be. It requires a bit of planning ahead. Also, you can use a kneaded eraser (they are cool) - draw a light grey background, form a sharp edge on the eraser and push it around the grey surface area lightly. Works pretty well, though you may want to refine the edges of the strand with a hard pencil.
You will find your way It's fun. Good luck!

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porge7 In reply to imclod [2013-09-23 22:37:17 +0000 UTC]

Thanks that helps alot I'm drawing Thor and as I'm sure you may have seen, his hair is blonde so finally finding some good tips on doing the wispy hairs is a huge step forward!

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imclod In reply to porge7 [2013-09-24 20:57:53 +0000 UTC]

Thor rocks Just be aware of the underlying structure of the hair - groups of hair/locks have their own volume, shades, highlights... Good luck! Additional practice sketches help, too.

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porge7 In reply to imclod [2013-09-24 21:25:46 +0000 UTC]

I will thanks

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KnottyMorningWood [2013-09-18 08:16:33 +0000 UTC]

Very nice work!

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imclod In reply to KnottyMorningWood [2013-09-18 14:32:56 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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KnottyMorningWood In reply to imclod [2013-09-18 18:34:55 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!

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VeVe-350Z [2013-09-17 15:06:53 +0000 UTC]

Perfektný portrét, tie vlasy sa naozaj vydarili a tie detaily, hlavne pehy. Dal si si záležať, palec hore, skvelá práca

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imclod In reply to VeVe-350Z [2013-09-17 21:13:21 +0000 UTC]

To moja posadnutosť textúrami je na vine! Ďakujem moc, cením si.

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VeVe-350Z In reply to imclod [2013-09-19 11:03:37 +0000 UTC]

Ale to je posadnutosť ktorá vedie človeka správnym smerom teda ak sa jedná o precíznosť

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imclod In reply to VeVe-350Z [2013-09-20 10:34:23 +0000 UTC]

Je? Idem roznymi cestami teraz, dosť ma bavia aj skice na hodinku-dve, trochu sa učím maľovať a narábať s airbrushom. Ale som strašne rád že som zas nejaký portrét dokončil.

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k3si4k [2013-09-16 19:26:18 +0000 UTC]

perfektné. páči sa mi aj tá technika na vlasy.

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imclod In reply to k3si4k [2013-09-17 08:09:17 +0000 UTC]

Díky moc, niečo v podobnom šýle si ešte niekedy chcem skúsiť.

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finiteInfinityQ [2013-09-16 05:12:14 +0000 UTC]

tak si to predsa dokoncil

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imclod In reply to finiteInfinityQ [2013-09-16 08:02:29 +0000 UTC]

Jasné že som, veď už je jeseň. Čo by som to bol inak za dvorného kresliča, keby som to nedokončil? A nezačal nové skice, nenavrhol a nezavrhol venovania...
Vďaka, bolo mi potešením.

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finiteInfinityQ In reply to imclod [2013-09-20 15:35:00 +0000 UTC]

no to je pravda, jesen je tu
ale je to take zvlastne, pozerat sa na seba.
a tie vlasy.
ved vies.

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imclod In reply to finiteInfinityQ [2013-09-20 17:34:27 +0000 UTC]

Jeseň, moja favoritka z mladých čias. Však mi dala toľko, že aj školu som jej odpustil
Je? Podľa mňa o pár (viac ako pár) rokov bude viac.
Hej vlasy. Celkom náhodne som konečne zistil, odkiaľ sa vo mne tá posadnutosť asi zobrala.

A ponuka platí, ak ju chceš, je tvoja, len si vyber spôsob doručenia.

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finiteInfinityQ In reply to imclod [2013-09-21 08:37:13 +0000 UTC]

vsetko opada, aj my opadame!
ale nie. ved ja vyzeram rovnako. uz dlho. a este dlho budem. vies, vily.

to myslis uplne vazne?
musim porozmyslat.

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imclod In reply to finiteInfinityQ [2013-09-21 10:52:21 +0000 UTC]

Nestraš, jak budem opadaný vyzerať!
Neviem, nevyzeráš, rastieš (plus mínus makeup a tak).

Jasně že hej. Je tak k neuvereniu, že nie vždy kecám?
Musíš? Teda! Sa musím viac snažiť.

Btw. náhodou mám Válka - tvorba pre deti. Čo už, niečím začať musím
a btw2: "Musím porozmýšľať" je citát môjho brata. Musel som sa smiať, keď mi to došlo.

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finiteInfinityQ In reply to imclod [2013-09-21 15:16:16 +0000 UTC]

nikdy nevies. mozno fajn.
budes mi musiet verit.

ale nie len ja ak som nieco nekreslila s tym ze to idem tomuto cloveku darovat, tak sa toho nedokazem vzdat. ani za milion kamionov eskima.
ale chcela by som ju. len ti ju nechcem vziat.

zozen si Dotyky. a Milovanie v husej kozi. ked docitas tie detske

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imclod In reply to finiteInfinityQ [2013-09-21 21:14:28 +0000 UTC]

Ah, but I can imagine. "I can imagine quite a lot!"
Aj by som Ti, ale vieš jak to chodí.

Hm. Sme iní. Neviem čo by som robil s toľkým eskimom Čo keď som to s tým úmyslom kreslil?
A vziať? Už mi ju nevezme nikto. A je hotová, takže už mi nič nedá. Tak ber.

Uvidím, ešte chvíľu (ok, večnosť) to potrvá. Konečne mám Remarque-a (jazykolam) a pribudne mi ďalší Pratchett a ešte mám asi 3 dôležité knihy.

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galadhrim05 [2013-09-15 15:36:34 +0000 UTC]

awesome , really , very realistic look

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imclod In reply to galadhrim05 [2013-09-15 16:57:52 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.

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ulltraz [2013-09-14 20:17:32 +0000 UTC]

nice job!!! 

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imclod In reply to ulltraz [2013-09-15 00:59:17 +0000 UTC]


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ulltraz In reply to imclod [2013-09-15 01:40:03 +0000 UTC]

you are welcome!!! 

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