Comments: 9
hawthorne-cat [2010-04-04 16:15:35 +0000 UTC]
well I assume that the original drawing is larger than your scanner... but you really should photograph it flat before you frame it.. the distortion... and the refection of the lights in your room... as well as the colour of those lights... isnt the best way to showcase your art...
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icedelegance In reply to hawthorne-cat [2010-04-04 23:38:23 +0000 UTC]
I know, i didn't really think about it before i took the picture. I need to fix the framing, actually, i just wanted to make sure i got it out of the hassle of my room and away from dust. when i reframe it, i was planning on getting a better picture.
and my scanner can only fit an 8x10 piece of paper, not an 18x23.
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hawthorne-cat In reply to icedelegance [2010-04-05 02:34:16 +0000 UTC]
yes most scanners are sortta limiting when it comes to size
tips for photographing larger art:
do so outdoors in natural light...
not bright direct sunlight tho b/c it can wash out your image
lay your art flat on ground
brace your camera at 90 degrees above
with two hands and your strap
avoid shadows or blocking the light
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jmoneygetdown [2010-04-04 16:11:55 +0000 UTC]
Great work there!
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