honeylocust — All Wet

Published: 2003-08-07 22:24:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 131; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 22
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Description Here's a little faery I stumbled across one day, I'm not really sure what it was doing...maybe a little dance? So her it is, the second in a series of faeries, this one just happens to be my favourite.

I've been told they look like anime, which really wasn't my intention when I was drawing them. These faeries helped me release some creative hangups, specifically with nudity and, to a certain degree, sexuality in art.

I still have a lot more hang-ups to work through.

This drawing was coloured in photoshop using the little nubby thing on my laptop.
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Comments: 2

Shimmeringautumn [2004-08-30 08:57:16 +0000 UTC]

This is really good. I am a big fan of Brian Froud I have his book Good/Bad Faeires. He is an amazing artist.This reminds me of his work but but brought to live by your imagination.I started to read another one of Froud's books one time and was amazed with his imagination. Its as if he truely believes in Faeires and after reading his book I actually started to create in my mind my own Faeires.I also like how he does use nudity in his art though he makes it seem extremely innocent and beautiful.

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honeylocust In reply to Shimmeringautumn [2004-08-30 11:52:47 +0000 UTC]

I love Froud and while he was the inspiration for these particular faeries he has been an inspiration for my art. I have Good/bad faeries and Faeries. They are both fantastic books and he does have one hell of an imagination. Thank you for comparing my work to his

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