HoboPatch — Skrimir: Squirrels turned treesnakes

#dragonscape #wildlife #worldbuilding
Published: 2023-07-03 14:56:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 438; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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So there are more, notably older background drawings from my furaffinity I could post here but, just due to being very old and not really canon at this point, I am gonna avoid those and start catching up on other small doodles and whatnot to help give a good idea of the setting and I think wildlife is important! As of course the DragonScape and all the planar within it are home to a vast array of different animals and plants.

In the Americas of course most of the previously native species have been Õndemified. Many insects, amphibians, and reptiles simply Õndemically mutated, changing and generally becoming 'more draconic'. Whereas most mammals were changed into Õndemically native species, like humans and drekir! With these new Õndemiic animals often having very loose ties to their prepulse counterparts.

for those who wanna read more on the lore: sites.google.com/view/thedrago…

If anything what im about to post here is just copy and pasted from the loresite! But anywho

lets talk about Skrimïr (Pronoounced Skreem-yeer)

Many arboreal rodents, namely squirrels but many other arboreal rodents as well, were turned into a type of creature known to the sivilão as the skrimïr. Though as Skrimïr are a õndemic native species, they can be found all across the many planar of the DragonScape and are one of the most widespread species of the DragonScape. They will almost always be found where there are forests and thickets, albeit not in the largest population densities outside of only the most dense of woods.
Anatomy, Biology, Variants and Diets

Skrimïr are highly variable in size easy between skrimïr of the same variant, while they aren't a species capable of indeterminate growth, there are many skrimïr that achieve sizes that are more than double that of the more average members of their population. They are snake-like but all skrimïr do have small, leg like appendages, usually between six to eight legs. Their leg like appendages along with their belly scales allow them to firmly grip onto surfaces, and how they stick to (usually) trees or other sturdier surfaces such as cliff faces.

Skrimïr are purely herbivores, known as grazing animals that will graze on a variety of plants. Most commonly they are known to feed on trees, often using their strange mouths to cut off and swallow small branches and clusters of leaves whole. Though they are also known to eat a variety of nuts, grasses, and reeds. Their mouths are also dangerous for predators, capable of seriously injuring limbs.

Skrimïr are often relatively solitary, not forming larger groups and relying mostly on their ability to hide in trees to protect themselves from predators. During the beginning of colder seasons they are known to group up and hibernate, with a mating seasons beginning right before their hibernations, with eggs commonly being laid shortly after and hatching as soon as warmer seasons hit the region. Skrimïr are not necessarily territorial, but rarely travel far distances from their general ranges of food.

There are only four really widespread breeds/variants of Skrimïr, considering that they only really live where there is enough plantlife to sustain their populations. This isn't to say there can't or are no other variants/breeds, just that they aren't common enough to warrant mentioning here.

Skrimïrfijal or temperate skrimïr are perhaps, arguably, the most common of the skrimïr and are of course found in a variety of temperate coniferous and deciduous forests and even temperate plains, prairies, and savannas amongst the clusters of trees within those environments. The often occur with a variety of brown or beige scaletones with small speckles or stripes along their backs, and darker green belly scales. Skrimïr fijal are of course known to hibernate and feed on an immense variety of plantlife.

Skrimïrpura or arid skrimïr are the smallest variant of skrimïr and occur in more semi-arid thickets of woods, sagebrush steppes, and other semiarid environments. While they sometimes are found in true deserts they aren't a common animal in those parts. While arid skrimïr can and do feed on a variety of trees found in many arid regions of the DragonScape, they more commonly feed on both woody sagebrush plants and other arid shrubs as well as many species of wild succulents. They tend to have sand and reddish scaletones and grow a protective series of spines to protect themselves from predators whilst they slowly meander through the open semiarid range.

Skrimïrjuln or tropical skrimïr are the largest variant of skrimïr and occur in tropical woodlands including rainforests, swamps and jungles. They are semiaquatic pseudoamphibians and as such need to maintain a moistened skin whilst out of water. Unlike most other skrimïr they more commonly feed on aquatic plantlife such as many species of seaweed, lilies, reeds, ferns, etc. Though they are known to feed on the roots of aquatic trees such as mangroves.

Skrimïrkal or arctic skrimïr are mostly found in subarctic/arctic taiga and boreal forests. Unlike other skrimïr arctic skrimïr are both warm blooded and thickly furred. They also are known to not hibernate like other breeds of skrimïr and are active year round. Their furtones tend to be grey or white with a dark, black scaly underpelt.

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