hetana — Kenpachi Zaraki

Published: 2004-05-31 18:02:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 58785; Favourites: 86; Downloads: 903
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Description the captain of the 11th division. it's from one of my favorite manga "bleach".
art by kubo taito, colour by mista mouse
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Comments: 19

Ryuhoshi7 [2008-10-25 15:47:09 +0000 UTC]

Just AWESOME! *_*

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hetana In reply to Ryuhoshi7 [2008-11-02 22:00:51 +0000 UTC]

thank you.

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Spiegel666 [2006-11-07 01:21:48 +0000 UTC]

Kenpachi is so cool...I harbour a deepdesire to hug him, but I have the sneaking suspicion that he'd kill me. Oh well.
He is still very awsome. And that grin makes me happy.

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hetana In reply to Spiegel666 [2006-11-12 23:31:36 +0000 UTC]

yes, he is one of the deepest characzers in bleach and of course one of the coolest

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Spiegel666 In reply to hetana [2006-11-13 09:50:56 +0000 UTC]

Naturlich! He would be so awesome to have on your side...But very bad to have on the opposite side...*shudder*

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Scary-Dave [2006-05-22 10:52:23 +0000 UTC]

Kenpachi OWNS!!!!!!

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hetana In reply to Scary-Dave [2006-05-23 17:08:24 +0000 UTC]

true, true.
thank you for the fav.

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Kisha-sama [2004-06-21 17:00:44 +0000 UTC]

kenpachi!!!!! but he isn't that scary! he's really funny!
i like the coloring!
btw. yujo, how did you make that coloring effects? you know, so that the body looks not flat, but more realistic more 3D... can you provide some hints for a coloring wanna-be?

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hetana In reply to Kisha-sama [2004-06-21 17:49:53 +0000 UTC]

how did i make that? um. i am just a coloring wanna myself so how would i know? well, i think the biggest and most obvious secret is that you have to invest time to make something look good. i invested at least 3 hours coloring..but i used mista mouse, so with an artpad it should be possible to do it faster.
um..here is a little hint though:
i realized while looking carefully at other pics that you need at least 3 different familiar colors to make the enhightened spots and the shades look more 3d like, more realistic.

the rest is up to you. just imagine the light source and work out the whole pic by setting the right effects.

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Kisha-sama In reply to hetana [2004-06-22 16:44:28 +0000 UTC]

did you know that i needed some hours till i notice who mista mouse is?
well, i color with miss mouse, but im dreaming of an artpad since ages....

3 familiar colors at least? wowowow, that means a lot of work... *bowsherheadtothosethathavesuchapatience *

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hetana In reply to Kisha-sama [2004-06-22 23:24:11 +0000 UTC]

do you know hikaru no go? the mangaka spends up to 10 for coloration. and he uses copics, so no faults allowed.

and well when he has finished he has most likely gotten drunk by the alcoholic scents that those markers emit.

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Kisha-sama In reply to hetana [2004-06-23 16:10:43 +0000 UTC]

10????? wow, but the hikaru no go color pages were always excellent....

btw, what is so special about copics? i know that they're used for manga coloration, but ... well ... what's their speciality! (next to the fine alcoholic scent )

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hetana In reply to Kisha-sama [2004-06-23 17:34:22 +0000 UTC]

well, their most special specialty, super ability is that they are f.. expensive! depending on where you buy them up to 5, 60 euros per marker.

copics are the best way to quickly? and easily color a picture in a traditional way. there is is also aquarell and oil who deliver better, more realistic results but you need experience in mixing colors and handling a brush.
the biggest advantage of copics to other markers is that they are colorfast and light resistant. there are also other markers that are cheaper but lack the light resistance or have other disadvantages.
anyway, the biggest advantage of copics is that they are sold in a vast variety of colors. so you can choose your tone and dont have to mix it again and again or even have the problem of not finding the right one again.
also there are special copics called blenders that you can use to create a fluent change from one color into the other.

if you intend to buy some: EBAY!!

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Norimi [2004-05-31 20:29:57 +0000 UTC]


i must read the manga faster.... i must......

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hetana In reply to Norimi [2004-06-01 10:29:44 +0000 UTC]

what chap are you right now, norimi?

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ExAngel [2004-05-31 18:03:35 +0000 UTC]

Bleach rules!!!! awsome pic great job! ^^

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hetana In reply to ExAngel [2004-05-31 18:13:27 +0000 UTC]

thanks for your nice words. but i was pretty lazy with the background and so..hahaha

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ExAngel In reply to hetana [2004-05-31 18:17:20 +0000 UTC]

the back round kinda fits but you mimicked that style perfectly

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hetana In reply to ExAngel [2004-05-31 18:24:56 +0000 UTC]

ahahha...thanks a lot! cant wait to see some more of him. his vice captain is so cute! kanbachi looks tough but i guess he can be a real nice guy as well! haha

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