Art by the beautiful Zaabu . //SOBS//
Name;; Yue
Kit Name;; Cassie
Nickname(s);; Cas, Yu
Gender;; Female
Age;; 6 moons
Tribe;; Water-Tribe
Breed;; Flame Point Siamese / American Curl / Moggie Mix x Chausie / Jungle Cat / Okapi
Accessories;; Yue's necklace and earring were both crafted by her father, and match the accessories worn by Tsulasada. They also have similarities to Kintsu's own accessories, and Yue treasures them more than anything else.
The industrial is silver and pierces her left ear, the opposite of her father and sister. Her necklace sports a golden tag with an insignia of fire and water upon it, resting between four clay beads, two on either side.
Ability;; Primary Water
Rank;; Gem Collector Apprentice
Tribe Tattoo;; Pink-Water
Soulbound;; None
Skills;; SKILL 1; Water Walking | SKILL 2; Basic Water Control | SKILL 3; Rising Water
| Considerate || Devoted || Oblivious || Jealous || Impatient || Talkative |
Considerate;; “Are you not feeling well? Let me get you something for your stomach! Are you hungry, thirsty? You should rest.” Like most little girls, Yue enjoys acting as the perfect doting she-cat. While sometimes it may get a bit over-bearing, she doesn’t intend for it to be so. Yue really does care deeply for those around her, even felines that she has never spoken to before. She hates for others to stress themselves out, and does what she can to make life easier for those around her. This quality sometimes causes Yue to get in the way, all other cats have to do is tell her kindly (or not so kindly) and she’ll awkwardly apologize and try to fade into the background. Sometimes cats need space, she understands.
Devoted;; “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere. Friends don’t abandon each other just because things are hard.” Yue isn’t the type to give up and sit idly by when the going gets tough. If a task needs to be done, no matter how challenging, she’ll fight her way along until she reaches her goal. When it comes to friendship, doggedly sticking by through thick and thin is practically stitched into Yue’s DNA. When others are ready to toss everything aside and discard her friendship like rotten prey, she’ll gladly fight to rebuild the shattered bond. Trash-talk her, stab her in the back, or kick her while she’s down, if someone is important to Yue, she’ll stick by them regardless of what they do to her.
Oblivious;; “He fancies you? What do you mean? You look the same as you always do.” Even though Yue tries hard and is the type to put forth as much effort as possible, she doesn’t always catch onto things quickly. In a sense, many jokes and remarks will soar right over her head. It isn’t that she lacks intelligence – she’s really quite smart – things just don’t always sink into her mind the way they should. This trait isn’t just present in positive situations, either. She’s not the best at picking up on subtle hints when she’s not wanted, and if someone doesn’t come right out and say “go away”, she’s not likely to realize she isn’t wanted. It would be cute if it wasn’t so annoying sometimes.
Jealous;; “What makes him so special? I’m important too, hellooo!” Despite being thoughtful toward others, Yue is easily miffed. She would never say so aloud, but she’s actually quite the attention hog. She feels she should constantly be the focus of those around her, and when she feels overlooked she can become quite the little monster. Be it showing a bit of an attitude or being sickeningly sweet, Yue will do whatever she can to draw eyes in her own direction. You have a shiny stone? She’ll go on a mad hunt to locate a bigger, prettier stone – or she may just discreetly slink away with the other cat’s precious find and hide it.
Impatient;; “Hurry up, I’ve been waiting all day! You’re slower than frozen tree sap!” Life is short and there’s no time to sit around waiting for other felines. Yue is the type of she-cat who likes to get things done as soon as possible, no time spent dawdling or procrastinating. If you have plans to meet her, you had best show up on time or you’ll be in for quite the earful. A lady has better things to do than sit about all day waiting. No time like the present, after all? Sometimes even the days are too slow for Yue, and she’ll take a brief moment to berate the Spirits – in private, of course.
Talkative;; "Water-Tribe is nothing like where I was born. It's a lot colder here -- I guess because there are no volcanoes. Did you know that we really did have volcanoes in Fire-Tribe? It's true! It kept the land warm all the time, and it made the ground dry and hard underpaw. Lots of cats had cracked pawpads from it, but usually they just calloused over!" Overall, this trait speaks for itself (and if it didn't, Yue would probably speak for it). She doesn't mean to ramble, unfortunately she has a habit of getting carried away when she believes she has something relevant to say. This often leads to her annoying others, or spewing out secrets like word-vomit. If there's something that's best left unsaid, one can count on this little she-cat to announce it anyway.
Immediate Family;;
Yellow-Fire ; Kintsu ; father ; alive
Orange-Fire ; Nuri ; mother ; deceased
Kit ; Ember ; sister ; deceased
Pink-Shadow ; Tsulasada ; sister ; alive
Unknown ; Tzuno ; brother ; unknown
I don’t think myself much of a story-teller, nor do I believe I shall ever be one. I feel that, in order to be a weaver of tales, you have to have an interesting tale to tell. Still, we each have a history to share, be it alive with adventure or as dry as grass on the hottest summer’s day. If you have the time, I suppose I can share. If you’re busy, that’s fine too.
My first memory is hazy and dark, I know where I am and yet I cannot see a thing. There are others around me, soft and warm, and they press close against my small form. My muscles lack strength, and I find myself able to do little more than wriggle forward. The air is thick, comforting, and I hope I can remain this way forever. I’m in the place that I will later come to know as the Fire-Tribe nursery, but at this current point in my life, nestled in the warmth and the comfort, it is my entire world.
Days pass – or perhaps longer, I have no real sense of night and day – and I am growing stronger. My siblings squeak and mewl beside me, clambered over my hand and step on my face. I wail, something I do quite a lot, actually, and then I can feel my mother nudging me gently. I’m not hurt, I knew the moment he (or she, I’m not sure which it was) stepped on me that I would be fine. It doesn’t matter, I know I can get back at them later, perhaps when they’re asleep I’ll pull my squishy little body over theirs and disturb their sleep . . . or not. My thought process hasn’t developed into something so vengeful yet.
Yue is presently a wriggling little ball of blind fluff in the nursery of Fire-Tribe. The only relationship she has is the one between her mother’s warmth and nourishment, and her frail little baby body.
Art of or Including Yue;;