RULES: -offer an amount of money, keep in mind offers that have been placed before you. Paypal only, no points.
- have money ready to send, don't offer what you don't have.
-offers below 15$ will be ignored, sorry but i'd rather just keep them at that price.
-REPLY to my comment below with your offer. reply to the proper comment.
-minor design changes are fine, they are species adopts though so keep in mind the species guidelines.
-no reselling, contact me about commercial use or other royalties.
-If you don't read the rules and follow them I will ignore your offer, if you break the rules (offer money you don't have, can't pay if i accept your offer) then you will be banned from offering or bidding on the next batch of designs.
I'll be accepting an owner tonight, so approximately in the next 5-6 hours
OWNER: kaussin 40$ paid
art and design by me, species is mine, don't be a thief.