So, I had this awesome theory to address to overlap of two concepts:
1- Amargasaurus having giant webbed sails joining the dorsal neck spines
2- Literally anything happening, like weather.
And BOOM! Behold, mobile swimming-pool Amargasaurus! Such an animal could survive only one way- by living in deserts to justify the structures, and would require the largest, tallest individuals drinking from progressively shorter individuals' pools, until only the very shortest, left with nothing to drink, is sacrificed for the herd!
I've had some very frank and mature discussions with colleagues who suggested this feature would further allow Amargasaurus to approach crocodile-infested waters and attempt to 'scoop' the crocodiles into their pools, to act as a defense against predators. It all fits together!
Anyway, I hope to start a discussion that could revolutionize our understanding of this socially-active, water-toting desert-dweller!
April Fools!
Evidence already exists that Amargasaurus' spines had keratin sheaths wrapping around at least the upper 2/3 of the protrusions.
Please ignore any proposal this abomination says, instead, as a token of apology, please read below this actually-scientific, actually-well researched and actually-awesome paper that discusses both Amargasaurus anatomy and a more recently discovered and even more bizarre relative, Bajadasaurus!…