Comments: 57
DiamondEyedGemini In reply to haffri [2017-04-16 16:45:55 +0000 UTC]
No need to thank me your art is wonderful! Hehe >w<
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malgrumm [2013-10-31 05:34:48 +0000 UTC]
that happens to all versions im afraid............
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haffri In reply to malgrumm [2013-10-31 10:23:14 +0000 UTC]
So it's not my equipment! Good to know.
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malgrumm In reply to haffri [2013-11-03 10:46:50 +0000 UTC]
yeah the hit boxes for some interactive objects can get screwed up sometimes
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WhiteLynx57 [2013-10-29 05:47:57 +0000 UTC]
XFD Those friggin' doors man. Just... Rofl!!
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WhiteLynx57 In reply to haffri [2013-10-30 01:42:21 +0000 UTC]
Damn right I do! Sometimes you just wanna blow them apart to get through faster but then, you'd lose the surprise factor more than once. Damn it's got us trapped! Sit and wait for it to open, getting angrier with each second wasted or blow it apart and nearly get shot to death? Cruuuud.
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haffri In reply to WhiteLynx57 [2013-10-31 00:30:06 +0000 UTC]
Then it's a good thing Bioware took care of that choice for you, since you can't really force your way through. Killing a reaper? Pfft. Shepard does that before breakfast as a morning workout. Forcing your way through a closed doorway, however, well. WELL.
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WhiteLynx57 In reply to haffri [2013-10-31 01:19:09 +0000 UTC]
Hell more like. It's worse than waiting to get to the top of a building like the Empire State in the only elevator available with the creepiest guy in the city. And he's breathing with his mouth open. All you can do is stand there and politely not look at him or be annoyed with the guy.
Sure killing the Reaper is easy but the delay on getting the door open is torture!
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haffri In reply to WhiteLynx57 [2013-10-31 10:21:34 +0000 UTC]
Okay, I know that's not what you meant, I figured it out already, BUT my first impression when you said that thing about the elevator and a creep and all was that you were talking about Saren, beliee it or not. As in, you know. In the final part of ME1, where you get on the elevator, then have to climb the tower, and then you fight the creepiest guy in town. The "being polite to him" part didn't really match though. Maybe it could refer to talking him into killing himself instead of just shooting him in the face, like, "no, no, YOU first".
Sorry. I just thought it's a funny mistake to share.
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WhiteLynx57 In reply to haffri [2013-11-01 05:06:58 +0000 UTC]
...Then you honestly didn't get what I meant. Waiting for the door to open is like being in the elevator too long with creepy guy. You have no choice but to wait it out until you can escape.
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haffri In reply to WhiteLynx57 [2013-11-01 09:08:02 +0000 UTC]
No, I DID get it. I understand what you meant- waiting for the door to finally work in ME compares to another tedious, annoying, and also socially awkward situation, where things beyond your control force you to stay in uncomfortable circumstances, and the time it takes to get out is beyond your control either. It's just that what I described was my first impression, and it was really ridiculous, and I thought it was funny, so I decided to share.
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WhiteLynx57 In reply to haffri [2013-11-02 01:45:36 +0000 UTC]
...Right. Let's not get blown up by the Reaper then.
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haffri In reply to WhiteLynx57 [2013-11-02 10:42:11 +0000 UTC]
I wasn't angry at you, you know that, right? Because it looks to me like you thought I was angry. I wasn't.
And let's definitely not get blown up by a Reaper. Definitely. That's the last thing we should do.
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WhiteLynx57 In reply to haffri [2013-11-03 01:31:26 +0000 UTC]
I know you're not and I'm not either. We just had a little mix up there.
Lolz, still it'd be more ironic than my brother letting himself get stepped on while on Tuchunka.
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haffri In reply to WhiteLynx57 [2013-11-03 11:10:31 +0000 UTC]
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WhiteLynx57 In reply to haffri [2013-11-04 01:49:33 +0000 UTC]
He'd used up all his ammo and he was down to his pistol or something, which only had one shot left in it. He shot up at the Reaper in defiance (naturally, moron) and got stepped on for his effort. I mostly ran around killing Brutes and leaving Liara to get run over. I only learned about this after the fact but it's still hilarious as hell.
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haffri In reply to WhiteLynx57 [2013-11-04 02:04:26 +0000 UTC]
I never shot at that reaper in defiance noooo NOOOOOO I failed everybody I'm such a loser
Actually, I mostly use powers. Because, you know. Powers cool down and are basically infinite, and thermal clips can run out. I'm such a miser in video games. I once played majority of ME3 as a soldier using pretty much only concussive shot and carnage, and companions' powers. I think it's possible I used up like three thermal clips on that playthrough.
Also I'm bad at shooting and powers have auto-targeting.
But I didn't even throw a single warp at it, god, I hate myself now, and that reaper died without being aware of my pointless defiance. I'm a failure.
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WhiteLynx57 In reply to haffri [2013-11-04 07:15:48 +0000 UTC]
That's the thing though, my brother always plays as a soldier. I'm always at least a biotic in some way, usually impartial to the Infiltrator or the Sentinel. I sometimes play as the Adept or Vanguard just to spice things up but never Soldier. But noo, my brother is too stubborn to use the other classes. It's all about guns and ammo powers.
What? No, dude. When I play, I literally unload my weapon into my enemy's face. I'm talkin' half the clip just into their cranium before using my other abilities to finish them off. I just ignored the Reaper and ran around, hoping not to die.
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haffri In reply to WhiteLynx57 [2013-11-04 16:28:08 +0000 UTC]
Actually, I have just recently played through that part, and I got stepped on TWICE, and survived both times. I think maybe it's because my adept Shepard has some insanely strong barriers. Nice.
I only tried a class other than soldier on this playthrough, for the first time, and I'm playing as an adept, and it's so cool, he kicks ass so bad SO BAD I'm telling you. I guess I was just worried before that my Shepard will be a fragile health-less biotic who will crumble into dust when someone shoots him, so I'd always stick to a soldier, a tough, buff, heavy-armored soldier. Because, you know, I'm rubbish at not being shot at and at shooting fast and accurate enough to kill before I'm killed. Welp. looks like playing as an adept solved that issue.
I really really REALLY can't shoot. And I have spent most of my Mass Effect time playing as a soldier. I mean. I. Uh.
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WhiteLynx57 In reply to haffri [2013-11-05 02:23:33 +0000 UTC]
Well he got stomped and died cuz his shields clearly weren't enough.
Lolz now aren't you glad you were wrong? Biotics may need a bit more care than the other classes but in battle they're a real asset. Dude everybody gets shot full of holes no matter what class they chose so don't feel so bummed.
What the? Shit I hated that show.
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haffri In reply to WhiteLynx57 [2013-11-05 09:39:45 +0000 UTC]
that gif was meant to be a symbol of my irrational ridiculous decision of playing as a soldier. Because, you know. The gif is pretty ridiculous too.
I always knew biotics were useful, you know. I always went everywhere with Liara and Tali and I kicked ass so bad with their combined badassery, but I just always assumed I needed my Shepard to be the one who takes all the fire while they use powers while hidden safely. Adepts can't do that, crumbly babies. That's what I thought back then, anyway. But I used the same team (or Miranda/Mordin in ME2 and Liara/EDI or Liara/Tali in ME3) everytime I played and it's so great, and I used the same one with my biotic Shepard. And let me tell you, I don't need no tanks to take bullets for me, at all.
God my Shepard is so badass I'm almost scared of him myself.
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WhiteLynx57 In reply to haffri [2013-11-06 01:56:04 +0000 UTC]
Lolz what? You never took Garrus out? I never liked Liara but Tali was indispensable at times.
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haffri In reply to WhiteLynx57 [2013-11-06 14:11:49 +0000 UTC]
well no, I never do. Garrus has some basic electronics, but he's mainly a shooting guy. I don't need my team to shoot, I just need them to throw singularities, hack geth and drones, overload shields, set enemies on fire and detonate biotics with warp. I'm telling you, adept+liara+tali, adept+mordin+miranda and adept+liara+EDI/Tali is like a walking atom bomb on the battlefield, especially if in ME2 and ME3 you can pick an extra power (my favourites are area-reave or the one that steals shields from enemies). I don't think Garrus has the qualifications for the job, unfortunately. Unfortunately, because he is one of my fav characters.
Actually all characters in Mass Effect 123 are my favourite characters. All of them. I'm pretty sure I love them all equally.
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WhiteLynx57 In reply to haffri [2013-11-07 02:10:46 +0000 UTC]
Ah I see. You really put some thought into this didn't you?
Garrus is a fave. How can he not be with that voice of his?
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haffri In reply to WhiteLynx57 [2013-11-07 09:00:35 +0000 UTC]
I knooooooow
but I love all of them voices, Legion, Mordin, Liara, Tali, admiral Raan, Wrex, Anderson, Miranda, omg hhhhhhhhhh all the voice acting is so perfect and the voices are so nice
and all the characters
and I hope you're proud, i have a mass effect character-induced nervous breakdown again. Congratulations.
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WhiteLynx57 In reply to haffri [2013-11-08 02:27:41 +0000 UTC]
Lolz did you just have a geek moment?
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haffri In reply to WhiteLynx57 [2013-11-08 11:09:21 +0000 UTC]
my whole life for the past year or so has been one huge Bioware geek moment.
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WhiteLynx57 In reply to haffri [2013-11-09 02:51:32 +0000 UTC]
XFD And we finally get snapshots of ME4!! I'm so excited!
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haffri In reply to WhiteLynx57 [2013-11-09 09:33:25 +0000 UTC]
I'm... sorry, but I'm not. I'm curious, if anything. If you care, here's a rant explaining why. If you don't care, or don't want to read about not-excited attitudes, feel free to skip it, I understand.
So. The only reason I'm so crazy about ME123 are the characters- Shepard, his friends, side characters like Udina, Anderson, the Council, the Illusive Man, Aria T'Loak, Benezia, all that. And to a lesser degree the lore, settings, customs. And they said very clearly that ME4 won't be about Shepard, and they also said something weird like "it's neither before or after or during ME123". So to me it sounds like they're making it about a different galaxy, about a world/a network of worlds behind an undiscovered relay that wasn't involved in the events of ME123, or maybe so far into the future or past that the events of ME123 won't really matter. Or maybe not, but it's something that lets them start from scratch. It's possible there won't be any asari, salarians or turians involved, the way they talk about it.
And I don't blame them, mind you, because making a game where you'd have to include all those decisions from ME123 would be a fucking nightmare from a game designer's point of view, and it would be ultimately pointless, while playing in the not-distant past would always be overshadowed by the huge-ass reaper war looming over the horizon. But still. Everything that made me impatient for ME3, or, say, for Dragon Age Inquisition, is pretty much absent this time.
AND I am aware they will make me care again once I play, about new characters and all the new stuff, because it IS Bioware, and that's what they do. It's just that there's nothing in this new game that I'm awaiting impatiently, no characters I hope to see again, no places I could revisit, no Citadel probably. Nothing to long for. Blank slate. I kind of feel like a lot of people getting so excited about it will be disappointed when it's not what they expected.
But I probably WILL get super excited when it's closer to the release date, I am aware of that.
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WhiteLynx57 In reply to haffri [2013-11-10 01:51:48 +0000 UTC]
Wow you know how to fill in the box don'tcha? Just a simple 'yes' would've been fine.
I know it's not about Shepard and all that anymore but it's still so exciting for me. I'm a casual gamer more than anything so you're throwin' stuff my way that might never make sense. There's no doubt it's some time after the Reaper War and if they do manage to incorporate our choices from the previous games than 'hoorah'. If not, oh darn. There's no such thing as perfect.
But still, new enemies, new worlds and environments. New gear and weapons, maybe new races with a few of the old ones. Who knows! I'm just glad they're working their butts off to get it out in the next two years.
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haffri In reply to WhiteLynx57 [2013-11-10 09:13:28 +0000 UTC]
Alright, fine, I know it's going to be great- well, probably, because Bioware's merger with EA sure didn't work seamlessly and there's less Bioware in Bioware these days, but I'm sure it will be pretty good anyway. I just
I think I just need to get out of all the tangled Mass Effect 123 emotions before I can get excited about Mass Effect 4. Emotioning over Mass Effect 123 is so damn exhausting.
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WhiteLynx57 In reply to haffri [2013-11-10 09:40:11 +0000 UTC]
Yeah that is a concern. EA did bully them into releasing ME3 early which is why we have the three crappy endings.
Did venting at me help any? Surely you've drained that battery. Feel any better?
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haffri In reply to WhiteLynx57 [2013-11-10 10:33:29 +0000 UTC]
Kinda. But it will be back when I replay ME3 again, and I WILL get back to it, because it's Mass Effect. It's a gift, but it's also a curse. Mass Effect, I mean. Mass Effect is a gift but also a curse.
Thanks for your concern though, it's much appreciated. I feel better, thanks.
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WhiteLynx57 In reply to haffri [2013-11-11 02:02:06 +0000 UTC]
Yeah I know what you mean. Though I have to start from ME2 cuz I have yet to get ME1 and I'm borrowing ME3 from my sister's boyfriend. Hopefully X-mas will be most kind to me.
Lolz good. I'm sure we all need to let out our frustrations at some point.
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haffri In reply to WhiteLynx57 [2013-11-11 09:07:29 +0000 UTC]
Haha well, I wonder if Xmas that bring you two Mass Effect games should actually be considered kind, or cruel beyond belief.
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WhiteLynx57 In reply to haffri [2013-11-12 02:36:40 +0000 UTC]
It'll be cool that I can finally play them all in a row but sad that the ending will still suck. I'm sooo tired of playing ME2 and 3 with defaults for ME1. Real tired of 'makin' do' with what I got. I want those games dammit!
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haffri In reply to WhiteLynx57 [2013-11-12 10:16:26 +0000 UTC]
Well I hope you get them and finally get to play however you want. Good luck?
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WhiteLynx57 In reply to haffri [2013-11-13 02:29:07 +0000 UTC]
Lolz thanks. Yeah I know, it's odd but enough is enough. As I said, I'm a casual gamer and I'm mostly broke all the time so you can guess I miss out on alot that more serious gamers already know about.
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haffri In reply to WhiteLynx57 [2013-11-14 10:23:01 +0000 UTC]
There's nothing odd about wanting to own your own Mass Effect trilogy. It would only be odd if you DIDN'T want to own your own Mass Effect trilogy. You want to hear about odd? I have a boxed version of ME1 and ME3, but I only have ME2 in a digital format on Origin, and I am so tempted sometimes to buy it again in the disk format just so I can cuddle with it. Or look at it and never let anyone touch it or breathe near it. You know. The usual obsessed owner stuff.
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WhiteLynx57 In reply to haffri [2013-11-15 02:18:47 +0000 UTC]
...That is strange. And you are a little odd about it. Then again who isn't weird in their own way?
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haffri In reply to WhiteLynx57 [2013-11-15 20:52:52 +0000 UTC]
That's what i always tell myself.
Uh, I mean. Not as in talking to myself. Since we're talking about odd behaviour and all that. Just an expression. I didn't make English language, okay.
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WhiteLynx57 In reply to haffri [2013-11-16 06:34:14 +0000 UTC]
XFD No you didn't. Our ancestors did and they were nuts.
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haffri In reply to WhiteLynx57 [2013-11-16 19:14:50 +0000 UTC]
...and that's how they invented the language! Wow. I'm brilliant.
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WhiteLynx57 In reply to haffri [2013-11-17 02:46:17 +0000 UTC]
--_-- No. That's not it.
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