Date Originally Finished: 06/26/14 at exactly 12:50pm
[Edit:] Introducing:: Tag Counter on 06/30/14
[Edit:2] Artwork Update. Added Light tool/Backpack. Added more information. Cleaned app. Ranked up. Added Tags 07/02/14
[Edit:3] Artwork Update. New Light Tool. More app Cleaning. Changed information. 07/31/14
[Edit: 4] Placeholder. Just trying to get them new refs out before the 18th.
[Edit: 5] 12/4/14 New art finally. Didn't draw her harness/light tool. It can be found here> Lia3
= Tag Counter =
Will be updated periodically.
Current Tags:: 108
= Personal Information =
Full Name: Lia
Pronunciation: L-ee-Ahh
Nickname/Alias: DogMeat, Aanha (by Niles)
"Well... back when I was little, my handler used to call me DogMeat---but I catch you callin' me that and I'll have your arce for breakfast, infected or not, got it?!"
Title/Rank: Flare
= Appearance Information =
Age: 21/2 Years old.
Breed{s}: Irish Wolfhound xx Xoloitzcuintli mix
Sex: Female
Eye Color: A lighter-than-lime green. Though depending on the lighting, the shade may darken into a more foresty green.
Weight and Height: 26 inches tall, 65lbs
Type of Build/Appearance:
Since becoming a Flare, Lia's rations have been increased substantially. She's now finally regained her old physique; lean, muscular and extremely fit. Thin chested, long bodied... sleek fur. She was definitely built for running. Thin but muscular legs. Powerful hindquarters. Swimming and jumping are not a problem either.
>> Ears were sloppily docked. Seemingly with a pair of scissors.
>> Tail was also half-docked improperly in the same way, but is done much cleaner.
>> Rather than removing her old restraint (the rope) after she'd broken it, Lia's handlers just added a collar.
>> The words "Dog Meat" have been scratched into her collar with a knife.
>> Scars were earned from various baitings and/or fights.
>> Since she's regained some of her muscle mass, her old rope restraint has begun to suffocate her a little bit more every day. This may or may not cause blackouts due to either the increased stress, or due to the simple lack of air flow.
= Personality Information =
Are they a daredevil or cautious? ::
"Well... I'd say I'm someplace in-between. I mean, I don't always think about what I do, ya'know? Sometimes I just do it. An' other times I feel like I'm thinking about somethin' hard 'acuz I don' wanna screw it up... Ya'understand?"
Do they act the same alone as when with someone? ::
Actually, yes. Lia tends to put on a mask of indifference around others; she doesn't like showing all that much feeling-- too afraid to get attached to anyone after what she's seen in the past year.
Greatest Strength ::
Her quick-thinking skills/fighting experience. Back in the ring Lia wasn't the biggest or the strongest, but she was, by far, the most intelligent.
Greatest Weakness::
Oddly enough, she's an emotional wreck with doggy type ptsd. Her feelings often get in the way of what's most important, and though she tries really hard to keep up a wall, she fails. All the time.
Soft spot::
"OI! I ain't soft fer NOTHIN'!!"
She likes flowers. Any kind of flowers. And color.
Is their soft spot obvious, why/why not::
Nope. Not obvious at all.
If not, how do they hide it::
The one flower she's ever had in her possession is hidden away in a secret place. Only two other mutts even know of it's existence.
Biggest Vulnerability::
As of late, it's been the rope tied around her neck. She's still a growing girl and it's been getting tighter and tighter by the day.
= Background Information =
What did they do before The Fall?:
Lia was caught off the streets as a pup and used as a "free bait dog" (a baiter that is allowed to run away from the fighting animal to heighten the chase and upset the fighter further) for a while, but was soon restrained for her tendency to fight back. It became apparent that she would keep growing in both height and muscle, and her fighting spirit never faltered, so eventually they ("they" being Lia's handlers) decided to use her as a fighter. They had nothing to loose from it, after all. And so, that's what she did until previously mentioned "Fall."
Did they have a previous owner?:
Not really an owner.. She had two handlers, one man named Rick, and the other a man named Travis. Both were terrible men, and they disappeared to some sort of safety during The Fall, leaving all of the dogs behind to their fates.
How did they find "The Pack":
This explains everything.
= Traits: =
Optimist or pessimist? Optimist. Because Enoch. *mushyfluffy*
Introvert or extrovert? Introvert. Because past. *emoschmemo*
Drives and motives: Become awesome because pokemon. *wannabetheverybest*
= Theme Song =
La La La--…
= Companions =
(If Flare or higher they can have a bird companion)
Soooooon. e Oe
How Long:
Previous References{s}::
Lia1 Lia2 Lia3 Lia4
I keep these here because improvement :3