Theme: G00P
Current Designer: PkingSora
Owner: Ghostly-Interface
Mane: Full Stylized
Ears: Floof
Eyes: Standard (colour up to owner)
Rings: 1 Standard 2 Halo
Tail: Fancy + Curtain
Deviant Traits:
Halo/Halo creation: ring that is not attached at the tail(this is not Forger trait)
1x Meatless Body: body made of anything else except meat or the standard make up for a Phantagrin. (this include meatless tail) examples - goo, rock, cheese, beverages
Please keep the ownership of this design updated!
Please reply below to transfer ownership of this design, along with the method of transfer (Resell, trade, gift, swap).
If you were tagged, please confirm the exchange, whether you're the old or new owner!
Phantagrins are a CS owned by @/Cygnean and @/PkingSora
Please do not make your own!
But feel free to join the community ^^