The mind has no boundaries
when it comes to over
thinking. Especially when
it is tag teaming with
your heart. Your soul is the
person to who you are
and when your mind and
heart start to toy around
with your thoughts and
judgments. Your soul
becomes lost and confused.
You do not know what to
think because they are
thinking every possible
thing. But when your soul.
Your mind. Your heart all
start thinking on their own.
Is when you truly become
confused. The soul
wanting the heart and mind
to settle. The brain wanting
to move on but still over
thinking every little thing.
The heart forever loving
and wanting and craving
for love. Sending these
thoughts of possibilities to
the brain making the mind
hurt and confused.
Causing the soul to shut
down and watch them bicker
back and forth; becoming
Seems never ending.