glyfy — Chibi Glyf by-nc-nd

Published: 2010-02-20 20:06:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 631; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 7
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Description Do I really need to explain Glyf? Because I don't think I do.

Anyway, the outfit makes me think of Judas from Tales of Destiny 2. Well, just a little bit. (I love how he can wear that skull mask and people automatically don't recognize him. And I love how they make fun of it in the other games, too.)
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Comments: 12

xTwistedRealityx [2010-02-21 01:38:00 +0000 UTC]

Wow. You know, I don't think I've ever seen this character before. I'm sorry, but you might have to tell me a bit about him.

... xDDD

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glyfy In reply to xTwistedRealityx [2010-02-21 13:49:03 +0000 UTC]


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Ai-No-Hana-10 [2010-02-20 21:02:05 +0000 UTC]

Epic Awesome. I think Tales of Destiny 2 I havent looked into yet. I might look hatup seening as how im still trying to get the Tales of Abyss and Tales of Symphonia from my brother

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glyfy In reply to Ai-No-Hana-10 [2010-02-20 21:16:58 +0000 UTC]

Ah, the ToD2 I'm referring to is the Japanese one. There was an error when the games were coming to the US and the one that they called Destiny 2 is actually Tales of Eternia (the main character there is Reid Hershel). The Tales of Destiny 2 that I refer to is the actual sequel to ToD, and it has Stan and Rutee's son Kyle as the main character.

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Ai-No-Hana-10 In reply to glyfy [2010-02-20 21:37:37 +0000 UTC]

WHAT!!!???!!! No Way!
I have heard of Eternia. So they realeased it here as ToD2
Ah, That would make sense.That sucks that all the epic-amazing games get put on hold to be shipped over to the U.S. although I did see a Japanese PS2 on E-bay.

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glyfy In reply to Ai-No-Hana-10 [2010-02-20 22:42:42 +0000 UTC]

You can purchase the Magic Swap discs to play Japanese PS2 games on the US PS2, but you also have to pop off the door and fiddle with the inside some. It took me a long time (and several Youtube videos) before I was brave enough to try it myself, but I really really wanted to play ToD2. I've beat it on the easiest mode, but I intend to unlock the more difficult modes in the future. I'm also playing the Japanese Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut, which has a LOT more than the original ToD did. Still the same story, but with a lot more detail thrown in, plus cutscenes. <33

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Ai-No-Hana-10 In reply to glyfy [2010-02-20 23:08:22 +0000 UTC]

I'd think I'd be to afraid to fiddle with it. I;ll get either my dad or brother to do it. Where do you get those discs? I'll put them on my wish list. Ah, awesome I really want to play ToD2 so bad now. Awesome, how are the cutsecnes. I love when games have cool cutsecenes, I still need to complete ToS on my Wii been so busy lately.How is the Game play for ToD2?

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glyfy In reply to Ai-No-Hana-10 [2010-02-21 00:16:30 +0000 UTC]

I got them online, but I don't remember the store I purchased them from. You also have to get the little tool to open the tray with, but there are videos on Youtube that show you how to make one for free (just use an old credit card). The ToDC cutscenes are really pretty, as are the ToD2 ones; you just have to get over the fact that Reala has really really big eyes. XD

ToD2's gameplay is kind of frustrating; you can't allow enemies to get behind you or you get in trouble. You also have this bar that limits how many moves you can make at a time, but it's not too bad once you get used to it. You just can't hack-and-slash the whole time. It's REALLY hard to get grade. I often get negative grade. XD And my favorite party is Kyle, Reala, Harold, and Nanally. I kind of ignore Loni and Judas once I get Nanally and Harold. OTL

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Ai-No-Hana-10 In reply to glyfy [2010-02-21 00:27:51 +0000 UTC]

An old credit card huh? So I could get then on E-bay?
I'll have to check. I think i could handle Reala's huge eyes Ahahaha

Oh man, well it must be worth it then. I'd probably be like you then, grade wise, it would take me a while before i get any good scores lol.

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glyfy In reply to Ai-No-Hana-10 [2010-02-21 01:31:44 +0000 UTC]

I think you could, but I never checked on there.

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Ai-No-Hana-10 In reply to glyfy [2010-02-21 01:34:19 +0000 UTC]

I'll be sure to check that out.

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Chiru2008 [2010-02-20 20:38:39 +0000 UTC]

Aww, how cute X)

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