ghjdtyurt — Monabur | Clayton | Soldier | CRPG

Published: 2014-06-15 01:57:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 2209; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 18
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RP Tracker

 Will re-write some minor details from his history soon - it currently includes some inaccurate information.  Will also add cliffnotes eventually.

Ugh, just realized the text in his story is all mixed up.  I'll have to fix that later :/


Gold Shards

Total: 55
Application Sheet | + 10 GS
A Walk for the Ages  | +8 (?) GS 
Clayton's RP Tracker  | +1 GS
~-Young Life-~  | + 2 GS 

The Cat and the Mouse  | +5 GS
Sketches Will Be Sketches  | +2 GS
NO | +2 GS
Don't Think... | +8 GS (maybe..?)
"Sarah" - Valentine's Day RP | +5 GS
We Are The Storm | +2 GS
Not their average day | +10 GS

Total: 10 Vend

Participation in 2015 Valentine's Day Event | +5 Vend
Completed Application Sheet | +5 Vend

General Information

Name: Clayton Rolanndo Leahcum (Lay-coom)

Preferred Name: Clayton

Nickname:  Has never had one that caught on...

Age: 13 years (24 human years) 

Birthday:  9th "October" 794

Species:  Pegasus

Breed:  Akhal Teke x Marwari

Gender:  Male | Stallion

Height: 16 hh

Orientation: Strait | Heterosexual

Mate/Crush:  None

Quote: "Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances."  (original owner = Thomas Jefferson)

Mother: Chanelle

Father:  Finnion

Siblings:  None


Location: Koruna | Monabur (Capital) | Western area of the Central District

Class:  High Society

Occupation:  Soldier (Sergeant) | Messenger 

Monthly salary:  1500

Reputation: His reputation more or less depends on the person and their situation.  While some applaud him, others find him repulsive.  He is admired for his work ethics, dedication, and high I.Q.  However, he is severely disliked for his frank temperament.  Around the lower classes, he is appreciated for his generous nature, but everyone knows not to grow close to him.  He's widely known for turning in anyone who defies the law. 

Cloak:  Link

Place and situation of living:
  Clayton lives alone with his Raccardi in a very small house (more so resembles an apartment).  It has only the bare minimum he needs to survive.  Because of his past, he doesn't need much.  It consists of one room (for him to sleep in), a miniature storage compartment (for food and other supplies), and another open room that holds a table.  He only keeps it around in case of guests, and enjoys decorating the room with what little he has.  His Raccardi sleeps on a blanket in his private room.  Even though it doesn't sound like much it's the most he's ever had.

Magic kind:  Water

Magic:  Water Manipulation | He can perform very basic manipulations with water and simple telekinesis.  He usually carries a small water skin-like-pouch that holds water inside, in case of emergencies.  He cannot do much, still a beginner and all, but is striving to improve his magical abilities.

Magic level:  Beginner (Level 22)

Personality[ Blunt | Materialistic | Loyal | Ambitious | Erudite | Generous | Prideful | Simple Tasked Minded | Job Oriented | Fair | Critical | Distant | Astute | Quick Learner ]

Blunt] "Ma'am, you are not of excellent background or standing."
    While Clayton may come across as a polite conversationalist, he prefers to keep his conversations brief.  This is most easily shown while he is on duty; be it delivering a message or patrolling the city.  Because he enjoys giving it to you straight, he can come across as rude or insensitive.  Clayton's blunt behavior extends to his relationships with others.  He keeps his acquaintances brief, and rarely engages in true friendships.  However, he is not a complete  introvert and will immerse himself into a conversation if so desired.

[Materialistic] "Don't touch that!"
    Clayton may go to the the ends of the earth for you, but lay a paw on his stuff, and you're dead.  He has a strong enjoyment for material items and is intrigued by rare artifacts. Because he grew up with next to nothing, he is extremely possessive of anything that belongs to him.  He will cringe up if he fears you may break something, even if it's not his, finding not only a disrespect but also a waste.  If it is his and you break it, well, then good luck.

[Loyal] "I would never betray my king."
    This is one of Clayton's more definable traits.  His allegiance in the end always lies in both those closest to him and whoever creates opportunities for him to excel.  In this case, his faithfulness belongs to the royal family and, to a much lesser degree, those militarily higher than himself.  He follows out his orders without question and reports any news without hesitation.  His services are easily accessible to anyone either related to the royal family or on good terms with them.  He's loyalty also ties in with any promises he may keep.  Once made, he goes through with it until the very end; the main reason why he doesn't make very many.

[Ambitious] "..."
    Clayton is one of the most ambitious stallion you'll ever meet.  He sets himself high goals or desirable skills, then does whatever he can to succeed at them.  Put simply, he wants to succeed at life and live a good, successful life.  He doesn't nearly want to prove others wrong, but more of he wants to prove to himself he can do anything he wants.  Sadly, he can be too ambitious for his own good.  He may become inconsiderate and insensitive to others, causing him to do things he later regrets.

[Erudite] "Monabur was founded after the Great War when a herd of horses befriended th inhabitants of Koruna.  The once abandoned city was transformed into this fine jewel."
    Because he was always pushing himself as a youngster, he has developed a wide variety of knowledge.  Some of it is silly, but some of it is useful.  He has developed an aching hunger to learn as much as possible.  From recipes, to wars, to magic, he's always up for discovering new things.  He relishes in any debates he may come across, and would spend hours arguing with facts by his side.  He finds a pleasure in watching others skills, habits, and cultures and attempting to mimic them.  All in all, he's fond of anything new or challenging.

[Generous] "Stop killing yourself and let me carry it.  I don't have small children to live for like you."
    Regardless of Clayton's materialistic and somewhat greedy nature, he is oddly enough generous with his time and well being.  For example, if he was walking down a street and say someone having trouble with their cart, he would instantly stop and offer them assistance.  He would not leave their side until the cart was fixed and all was well again.  You could say he exercises justice, but not charity.  He is also willing to buy you anything you may need.  However, he is still very touchy about his stuff.  Odd, aye?

    He has a very large ego and hates it when it is challenged in anyway; even if it's by accident.  He is extremely proud of his accomplishments.  Although he keeps his bragging to minimal now, Clayton still enjoys integrating his successes into conversations at some point.  He'll only make a comment or two just to get his name out, unless you confront him or challenge what he says.  Some could say he is an arrogant mess.  He also takes pride in his home, which currently happens to be Monabur.  

[Simple Tasked Minded] "..."
    Clayton has a one track mind.  He can only handle one job at a time in order to be as efficient as possible and not go berserk.  Once he has a mission, that's his entire world until its completed.  He's not very good at multi-tasking.  This is quite the hindrance for him since there's so much he wants to do.  It also annoys him because he knows he could be so much better if he learned to multi-task.  Clayton's realization of this flaw adds to his bluntness and rude behavior when he wants to get the job done quickly.  Otherwise, he knows it'll be nearly impossible for him to move on to the next thing.

[Job Oriented] "Sir, I can't join you tonight.  I have work to do."
    This stallion's world revolves around his job as a soldier.  While it may not be even close to his passion, he realizes it's the only thing holding him up right now.  Clayton wants to be the best messenger he can be and live a successful, pleasant life.  He doesn't have to be so great that he goes down in history, but he does want to be one of the best. 

[Fair] "Stealing from a young mother and her foal?  Now that's just pitiful."
    He tries his best to be as fair and just as possible.  He especially tries to give his Raccardi the dignity and respect she deserves.  Clayton has a good sense of right from wrong, but terrible at rationalizing.  He sees black and white.... Not many shades of gray.  So, his judgement calls are just as blatant.  He wants Koruna's time to be peaceful and prosperous, and currently believes that bending the laws and orders will lead to their destruction.

[Critical] "You need to stop act icing like you own the world. No one enjoy being friends with an arrogant fool."
    Clayton is extremely critical of everyone, including himself.  In fact, he is the harshest on himself.  When he does something he regrets, he'll bang himself up for it and go into a temporary deep depression.  Clayton sees everything through "judgement lens".  He can't help but notice the good and bad traits one has, and quickly assess how they could be better.  However, he has learned to bite his tongue for most of the time.  He mentally criticizes every breath he takes and every move he makes.  Because of this, he can be super negative and sarcastic when he is either stressed or overworking himself.  He is not only critical of people, but also their products and work ethics.  Difference is this: he's not afraid to blatantly tell you this.  Whether or not he is polite about it is another story.  He will insure that you'll know what he believes will improve your dress.  

[Distant] "My mother was a mother and my father was a father.  People live and die... There is not a variety of types of parents to choose from.  There is only one, and that is a parent."
    Because of his past, Clayton has learned to distant himself from others.  He rarely speaks of his past life or family, and keeps anything else he is uncomfortable to share hidden.  He never really opens up and speaks about his feelings.  So, no one really knows who Mr. Leahcum is.  However, this doesn't mean he would begin or continue brief conversations.  He has perfected his technique so well that you would have to spend a lot of time with him to realize this.  As people believe they're getting to know him better, he's really distancing himself further and further away from them.

Astute] "No, you're right.  I'm not from around here, but I was cunning enough to make it this far without relying on my lineage... Unlike you."

    One of his greatest skills he has ever developed.  Clayton has overtime learned different methods and ways to approach situations.  He has also become very good at analyzing the problem at hand.  This not only comes in handy in the war field, but also occasionally on the great battle of socializing (although not always).  He has taught himself to keep his arrogant temperament in check around the high society.  And when someone does attempt a stab at him, he has perfected the sly of witty, haughty remarks that usually ends it there.  He has found this much more successful than a full out argument that is really quite embarrassing.  He is also fairly good at guessing one's main traits and backgrounds.  However, as he gets to know them better, his estimated assess become less and less accurate.
[Quick Learner] "..."
    Do to his ambitious nature, Clayton is a quite the fast learner.  He has a knack for catching on to the main idea pretty quick, and even when he doesn't, he's fairly good at bluffing his way through.  However, if he doesn't catch on quick, then he grows frustrated and it takes a long while for him to grasp the concept.


Foal-hood (0 years - 3 years)

      Clayton was born in a very small, almost unheard of village located some what near the outside cities of Koruna.  He had two very loving, but very young parents.  To add to their inexperience, Finnion was the youngest stallion of fie brothers.  So, he inherited a minor portion of his father's land that was meant to sustain him.  The expectation was to hunt and gather what he could from it for his little family.  However, he could just barely feed the three of them.. Even with all the berry bushes plucked bare.  The family had to learn to save what they could and limit their food in take.  They had to if they were going to have enough good produce to sell to the local vendor.  
     Clayton's fraternal grandparents still lived at the time of his birth, but he maternal parents were long deceased.  So, being the only current grandson of the family, he was continuously dotted on and beloved by his grandparents.  And he relished their attention.  To add to this, he was one of six of the village's total number of youngsters.  They all grew to be very close because their village was so small and what schooling they did receive was fun for all of them.  However, one day an epidemic struck their home.  An unknown illness swept through their families.  Many friends died, along with two foals, and two more were orphaned.  Although no one was willing to personally adopt them, the entire village pitched in for the next three years to insure their survival.


 Born to two very young parents in a small village located near Koruna.
 Maternal grandparents dead, fraternal grandparents alive, Clayton is first grandchild born.
 Uknown illness kills many and leaves foals orphaned.

Childhood (3 years - 6 years)

     As time went on, resources and food began to dwindle.  People began dying off left and right, or moving away to other locations.  Clayton's parents had to work double time in order to put food on the table.  They knew that they couldn't last this way forever.  Their little foal, Clayton, as he became more and more aware of his surroundings, eventually noticed his parents' pressuring for him to be successful.  However, instead of running from it, he embraced the idea and threw himself into learning as much as he could.  He would constantly walk from door to door asking for books, quills, ink, or anything else he could get his hands on.  At school, he was very curious and always inquired what the teacher's reasoning was.  With the help of others, he became the village's little prodigy.  
     Remorse began to grow in the other youngsters, but Clayton was oblivious.  His only goal was to make his parents proud.  Everyday, the growing boy locked himself in his parent's room and studied.  He even worked when he left his household.  He would have conversations, then tried to remember word for word days later, writing notes to himself to see how close he could get.  Other times, he would go out to the berry bushes and make inferences about their growth, taste, et cetera.  He became very bright and the village's new project.  While this was good on one hand, on the other hand remorse and anger continued to grow as he became remarkably brilliant.  Clayton eventually developed an arrogant, boastful temperament.  He would brag nonstop about his accomplishments, and talk on and on about his wonderful future.  He easily grew bored of long conversations and made sure everyone knew this.  
     The entire village soon grew sick of the colt's attitude.  Derision took the place of encouragement.  Day after day, someone new would approach Clayton's father to convince him that Clayton needed to become a real stallion.  That Finnion needed to control his son and teach him basic gathering and hunting skills.  After all, this silly little dream had to come to an end.  No one had ever left the village and successfully"survived" the city on good terms.  Although Finnion worried, he didn't think much of it until one day.  Clayton had just finished messing around.  It was an early spring morning, and the air smelled of morning dew drops.  Clayton galloped over to his father beaming brightly.  He excitedly told Finnion that he had decided on where to make his living... The great land Koruna.  Mistaken for thinking Clayton meant Santugan, Finnion reared up in fury and denied Clayton his wishes.  He knew what it took to make a living in Santugan, and refused to believe for even a second his son may become a criminal.  He attempted to convince Clayton that Nordberg would be the better option, despite how far from home it was, but Clayton arrogantly fought against his father.  So, Finnion denied Clayton's wishes and decided then and there that the villagers were right.  It was time for Clayton to learn a new skill.
     The next spring, Clayton was forced to work the fields and hunt the land with the other colts.  Because he had never before worked on the land like the others, he had to learn from scratch and was by far the worst hunter.  It was humiliating for him.  He had already broken his friendships, so working the land was lonely and painful.  He was constantly tormented, teased, and bullied by the other colts.  Clayton's temper was easy to trigger and he lashed out often, only making it even more so entertaining for the others.  
     Clayton quickly grew sick with their taunts.  He set out to prove them wrong and began waking up earlier than everyone us to practice.  Every morning before the sun rose, he would sneak out onto his father's land and practice setting traps with the help of the village's only Raccardi.  After that, he learned how to camouflage when needed and how to naturally blend in his surroundings in case of emergencies.  Over the course of that spring, he shocked everyone with his supposedly raw abilities on gathering food for the village.  It did indeed impress his parents, and he gained a new-found respect from everyone.  When summer rolled by, he alone was sent to assist the fillies in gathering berries, roots, and honey.  Once again, he became the laughing stock of the colts.  However, his mother believed it was important for her son to be well rounded.  How thankful he was when the end of summer came!  At the start if school, he happily returned to his studies.  He remained as arrogant and boastful as ever, but he became more careful and learned when to shut his mouth.

Adolescence (6 years - 8 years)

     Fall quickly came and went, and soon it was winter once again.  His parents worked hard to store what little food and blankets they had, finished patching up their small hut, and closed up for the winter.  The only difference was Clayton helped this time.  He learned to bargain with the local vendor for an extra blanket, and helped his father fix the hut.  Later, he helped his mother store the food.  All this time he worked on his memorization skills by playing his little mental games as before.  When he wasn't cutting firewood or hauling logs, he was studying in his free time and talking with his grandparents.  His grandfather took it upon himself to teach Clayton how to fly since his father couldn't and his mother refused.  Channelle was not only afraid that her son may try to run away, but it was a well known rumor that she despised the idea.  She herself could no longer fly after a tragic accident.  So, if she couldn't then why should her son be able to?
     Clayton would often sneak over to his grandfather's at the break of dawn while his parents still slept.  They started with the basics, then slowly worked their way up to tricks and unknown facts.  When they weren't flying, Clayton and his grandfather were laying in his grandparent's cottage discussing magic and the history of winged horses.  Clayton would listen, wide-eyed and curious to know more.  He soaked up all the information he received like a sponge that never grew wet.  Clayton hated leaving but he always made sure he made it back in mid-morning.  He did not want his mother would to grow suspicious for that would be the end of his adventures.
     Aye, but how long does happiness last?  As the cold winter dragged on more and more people began to die.  The first family member Clayton lost was his grandfather.  This nearly broke his heart for the great pegasus had been the closest friend Clayton had had.  Then went his grandmother and two of his uncles.  As if it couldn't get any worse, his father caught a nasty cold.  It was so bad he could barely move.  Clayton watched as Chanelle cared for Finnion in his last moments.  She wouldn't let Clayton come anywhere near his father, refusing even the courtesy to say hello.  Clayton thought he would never get the chance to speak to his father again.  However, luck must have been with him.  His mother had to leave one morning to go and borrow some butter from his aunt.  Channelle wanted to make her famous soup, but needed the butter and a rare herb in order to make it.  Afraid Clayton would mess it up and get on the vendor's bad side, she hesitantly left her husband in his care with one condition:  He was not to enter the room unless called.  Clayton nodded and waited for her to leave.
      As soon as Chanelle had thrown on her best cloak and walked out of the hut, Clayton had trotted to the main "room" where he slept.  He laid down and began to re-read one of his favorite books.  It was, in fact, one of the only ones the village owned that was given to him as a gift.  So into the book was he that he almost didn't hear his father's hoarse call.  In fact, he didn't hear it.  Clayton didn't understand he was wanted until he heard wood hit the ground.  Startled, Clayton leaped up from his comfortable position and looked around with wide eyes.  He cautiously walked to his parent's room (the only one in the hut) and pushed his head past the blankets that worked as a door, peering inside the "forbidden" room.  There lay his father sicker than Clayton could have ever imagined.  He noticed the wooden cup that Finnion had thrown in order to get his attention.  He cleared his throat, "Yeah, dad?"  Finnion looked up at him wearily.  "Is your mother here?"  He asked his son.  Clayton shook his head no.  Finnion exhaled loudly and said weakly, "Come in, boy."
      Clayton never told his mother or anyone else of the conversation he had with his father that day, but he remembers every word that was spoken that day.  His mother did catch him in the room and angrily chased him out of the hut, screaming at him to never come back.  Clayton did return three days later only to find his father had died.  His mother had not been able to get the herb from the vendor.  She went into deep depression and wouldn't eat nor drink for days.      When she did finally return to "normal", Clayton became her primary target.  He looked identical to his father and spoke too much of him, and he had the ability to fly that his mother no longer possessed.  She grew cruel and injustice, even attempting to break Clayton's wings.  Everyone knew what was going on, but no one but a stop to it.  According to their traditions, a child belonged entirely to its parents and whatever the parents did was their decision.  Clayton did his best not to be at home when she was, even going as far as sleeping out in the cold in their berry bushes.  He never did tell her that he could fly for fear that she would break his wings.  He even saved up enough money to bargain with the vendor for a new cloak, that way he could hid the reminder of flight from her.
      Good did occur in during this time.  Clayton reignited old friendships with the other teenagers.  One filly in particular caught his eye.  She was one of the sweetest, gentlest creatures he had ever met.  The more time they spent together, the more he fell in love with her.   But, alas!  It was not meant to be.  His mother had grown more and more brutal, and was their pathetic piece of land could no longer support them.  Outraged, Chanelle told him that he had to choose:  Either stay in the village and make a living there, or leave to the great Koruna and try his luck there.  Clayton felt his heart tear in two.  He wanted to stay and marry the mare of his dreams, but he feared he was putting her life in danger.  He did not trust his mother's antics and she was becoming more and more unstable.  Reluctantly, he left the village and set out in search of a new life.  He never did keep in contact with the mare like he had promised, fearful of the the feeling of his heart breaking to return.  So, it wasn't till years later did he discover that his only love had moved on and married another stallion.

Young Adult (9 years - 12 years)

       Clayton decided upon Monabur, Koruna to try his fortune in.  He remembered his father's outburst because of a mere thought of Santugan, and decided such a city was not the place for him.  However, upon entering Monabur, he realized that any city would be hard for him to fit into.  He was obviously a country boy and was easily taken advantage of.  Unlike his vendor from home, these other traders were more cunning and less compassionate.  He didn't know his way around nor did he know Monabur's traditions.  He was a blind man walking into a new harsh reality.  He didn't have a home or a plan.
       Chanelle had already told Clayton that he had one year to prove his worth.  Otherwise, he would have to return to the village.  He was determined to make this work.  For a year he lived in the slums with the lowest of the low.
 While this helped him develop important skills, such as bargaining and catching a thief before your items disappear, it also made him distant, self-centered, and very materialistic.  He learned how to differentiate those who really needed help from those who were just faking.  He spent everyday fighting for survival.  Most people did not realize he was a pegasus because he kept his cloak on at all times.  He was not familiar with their beliefs, and was frightened at the idea of losing his wings.  So, he kept his wings hidden under his cloak.
       Clayton was nearing the end of his one year when something remarkable happened.  He strolling along the dirty alleys, looking for a job, when he looked up at saw a snow leopard cub playing on the balcony of building.  She was chasing a butterfly.  Clayton's eyes went wide once he realized she was teetering over the edge.  He tried shouting to catch someone's attention, but the bustling crowds drowned out his voice.  Desperate, he quickly took his cloak off and pushed his way past the crowd, thinking he could make it just by walking.  How wrong was he!  The young she-cub slipped and went falling over the edge, screeching.  Clayton flew up and quick as lightening shot over to her, catching her on his back.  He then flew back up to the balcony and placed the cub down.  It's mother came out and thanked him.  Turned out, it was her sister's daughter that she had been caring for.  She was a mage of the middle class and her sister had married into the high class.  Soldiers that had seen what had happened approached him a few days later offering him a chance of a lifetime: To become a solider.  Clayton happily accepted and was even more thrilled when he discovered he was to be sent to study first.  How happy he was!  To be taught for real was a dream come true.  He was told it would simply be a test training at first, but this did not dampen his spirits on bit.  He worked hard and listened well, eager to please and easy to teach, he was a favorite of the generals and teachers.  However, he had little experience in both flight and magic.  He had to hire tutors and work every night in order to catch up.  He did this all in secret, so everyone assumed he had raw abilities, while it was not completely true in reality.  He did have a leg up, though.  His ability to learn quickly assisted him.
    Among the pegasi, he was viewed lower than dirt and unworthy of being a solider.  However, among a variety of the other students, he was treated with fairly high regard.  This confused him greatly, so he took it upon himself to study the culture and history.  He wanted to become a true citizen of Koruna.  
       During this time, the other pegasi training alongside him would bully him everyday.  Their favorite mockery was calling him a country boy and a mama's boy.  This insulted Clayton like no other because he had never been close to his mother, and his entire village had thought him to be to erudite to survive their hardy village.  He also learned how to keep his temper and independent thinking from surfacing.  Clayton grew to hate being in their presence.  He forced himself to learn how to act around those higher than him, when to be curt and when to be polite, and how to come across warm and cheery when, in reality, he was distancing himself farther from that person.  
       There was only one person Clayton grew even remotely close to during this time.  It was a fellow solider and a good one at that.  They never told each other much, but when they did, it strengthened the friendship that was forming.  Sadly, not all friendships are meant to last.  The solider was dragged into the same group that had been bullying Clayton since day one, and they plotted a way to kick him out and back to the slums.  He was punished from his "crime" and had to do dirty work for several months, while the generals discussed whether or not they should put the stallion back out on the streets.  The bully posse's plan was almost successful.  With a professor's help, Clayton was able to prove it was the work of someone else.  However, he could not prove who had done it and he had to reshape his reputation all over again.  
        Through his own insecurities, Clayton figured that he needed to change his look as well as memorize Koruna's culture, beliefs, and holidays.  He had already succeeded the second goal, so that left the first.  He decided to cut his mane short so that more people would take him seriously.  He had his tail also cut, but mostly so it would look neat.  Later, he bought a new cloak and small, comfy home that reminded him of his family's hut.  And, although he hated the idea of having Raccardi as a slave, he soon realized he needed one in order to carry out common orders.  So, he went to a store that sold Raccardi's and looked for one he liked.  Originally, he wanted a young, fit Raccardi.  However, he came across quite a sorry looking one.  He was uncertain whether or not he wanted her, not only for her looks (he was frightened by how he may be treated when seen with such a mangled Raccardi), but also because he knew his past may affect the way he treated her.  However, he decided to buy her anyway after several days of indecisiveness.  The Raccardi he settled on was a red-orange Raccardi named Mia.  She is currently his one and only Raccardi.


    Overtime, Clayton has worked his way up to a highly respected messenger.  He is known for his high I.Q. and knack for remembering important messages and details.  He is also known for having a good eye at deciphering real criminals from the dirty low workers who are just trying to get by.  Although he tries his best to treat his Raccardi fairly, he can accidentally be brutal to Mia because of his past, temperament, and most importantly, attempts to fit in with "city life".  Because he spends all his time trying not to lash his frustrations out in public, he is prone to doing so on his Raccardi.  However, he has never physically beat Mia.

     To add to all this, he has adjusted and grown accustomed to his new life, so well that you have to either concentrate or know him fairly well to realize he did not grow up in Monabur or Koruna, or just be good at reading people.  It is hard to tell at first.  He does send money to his mother every month, but only because of a promise he made to his father.  He is very careful on what he says to people, and gets defensive on touchy subjects.
     Clayton loves to visit the Royal Library and other libraries when he can.  He finds an enjoyment of surrounding himself with knowledge.  He is still disliked by some but has learned to ignore their petty ways.  He finds an enjoyment in collecting anything rare or odd, and is still working his way up through the solider ranks. 
     Regardless of the years he has spent in Monabur, he is still not very religious.  He does accept most of their religious beliefs, because he was raised with very similar ones, but he neither believes as strongly in them.  In contrast, he does actively engage in their religious practices, but is only going through the motions.  As a child, his village accepted the religion but most did not have time to pray seven times a day.  So, he was not raised on such a dedicated belief. 
          Finally, Clayton does not eat very much.  It's quite natural for him to only eat as much as his body needs in order to remain healthy.  He watches what he eats and how much, despising any kind of wastefulness.  He grew up eating very little and eating only the freshest of meats and fruits.  So, he naturally eats the bare minimum.  This causes Mia to worry day and night about his health.
(Also, he does have a slight accent but has learned to mask it.  It mainly shows when he's flustered and isn't focused on making his speech sound perfect.  That's also why he sometimes speaks so "fancy" XD)


Clayton, story, and all art (c) to me,
World, ranks, and concept  (c)
Pose reference   (c)

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Comments: 26

N0rthernSpirit [2015-01-14 22:35:52 +0000 UTC]

*cannot stop staring at new reff*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ghjdtyurt In reply to N0rthernSpirit [2015-01-15 04:29:27 +0000 UTC]

I'm so happy you like it
I like this one so much better than his old one... He looks more his age XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

N0rthernSpirit [2014-08-05 06:35:11 +0000 UTC]

As soon as I can get Auruun accepted somehow WE MUST RP THEM. lol, I do believe they would probably hate each other

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ghjdtyurt In reply to N0rthernSpirit [2014-08-05 14:37:49 +0000 UTC]

They probably will hate each other, but will only make even more fun (:<
Hehehehehe *starts plotting*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

N0rthernSpirit In reply to ghjdtyurt [2014-08-05 18:18:50 +0000 UTC]

*runs off to hurry up and finish Auruun*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ghjdtyurt In reply to N0rthernSpirit [2014-08-05 18:34:10 +0000 UTC]

*impatiently waits*

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N0rthernSpirit In reply to ghjdtyurt [2014-08-05 20:32:27 +0000 UTC]


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Em-pyre [2014-07-08 22:13:13 +0000 UTC]

He seems lovely, and I'd love to rp him and Aggie sometime!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ghjdtyurt In reply to Em-pyre [2014-07-08 22:36:50 +0000 UTC]

Oh my goodness, I would love that so much

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Em-pyre In reply to ghjdtyurt [2014-07-08 22:47:11 +0000 UTC]

Awesome! Any plot ideas?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ghjdtyurt In reply to Em-pyre [2014-07-09 03:18:26 +0000 UTC]

Ermmm... I'm dry right now  But maybe I'll come up with something tonight while I sleep
Do you have any plot ideas?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Em-pyre In reply to ghjdtyurt [2014-07-09 14:55:26 +0000 UTC]

hmmmm, perhaps she could just accidentally run into him cause of how scatterbrained she is?

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ghjdtyurt In reply to Em-pyre [2014-07-09 15:29:28 +0000 UTC]

Would it be alright if he offered to help her?  That way he can't just blow her off XXD

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Em-pyre In reply to ghjdtyurt [2014-07-09 15:36:06 +0000 UTC]

That would be fine would you like to start then? 

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ghjdtyurt In reply to Em-pyre [2014-07-09 15:37:45 +0000 UTC]

Sure!  Are notes alright?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Em-pyre In reply to ghjdtyurt [2014-07-09 15:39:31 +0000 UTC]


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ghjdtyurt In reply to Em-pyre [2014-07-09 17:47:11 +0000 UTC]

Okay dokay, sent it to you, dearie

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ghjdtyurt [2014-07-01 02:41:29 +0000 UTC]

Well, I prefer notes because that's all I currently know how to use  However, I'm willing to learn another method The only thing I can't/won't use is Skype.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JourneyHorse [2014-06-29 23:23:01 +0000 UTC]

I like his personality and design. Awesome wings!
I bet he is intersting to RP

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ghjdtyurt In reply to JourneyHorse [2014-06-30 15:20:50 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!
I think he will be but he's gonna be a challenge for me.  We are such opposites
We should RP together sometime ^^  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JourneyHorse In reply to ghjdtyurt [2014-06-30 15:29:53 +0000 UTC]

I'd like to RP with him!
I have a theif so it would be very interesting XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ghjdtyurt In reply to JourneyHorse [2014-06-30 21:17:50 +0000 UTC]

That would be so awesome
But Cougar should probably get away in the end...  Clayton's not so merciful

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JourneyHorse In reply to ghjdtyurt [2014-07-01 01:29:39 +0000 UTC]

yes good idea.
How would you like to RP?

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ghjdtyurt In reply to JourneyHorse [2014-07-01 02:43:15 +0000 UTC]

Well, I prefer notes because that's all I currently know how to use   However, I'm willing to learn another method  The only thing I can't/won't use is Skype.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JourneyHorse In reply to ghjdtyurt [2014-07-01 03:14:16 +0000 UTC]

I dont used Skype either.
Notes work fine for me.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ghjdtyurt In reply to JourneyHorse [2014-07-01 12:04:56 +0000 UTC]

Woohoo!  This sounds awesome  I'll send you a note ^^

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