GamtosMintys — Boletus Meditation

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Published: 2022-10-06 18:16:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 1072; Favourites: 40; Downloads: 0
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Description I love doing anything in nature...just being in it and doing nothing in nature is great for me too. But what I love doing a lot is mushroom hunting! I've been mushroom hunting since I was a little girl, since in my country is a very popular thing from the ancient times as I know of...and the mushrooms are great! I know what mushrooms to pick, which are edible, which are poisonous and etc, but I would never take a mushroom if I wouldn't know what kind it is...just would look at it kindly, because they're all really cute, and go on looking for what I came for.
But you know, what I realised is that mushroom hunting is a huge meditation, and kind of a preview or a show how to find your right path in life. I mean, the Boletus mushroom (most popular and best mushroom at the moment growing) would be the one I'd be looking for today...so it's my goal, to find the mushroom. Then, you go to the forest, and got to get everything out of your head, leave it empty, except letting the Boletus goal of finding it float around you. When you find one, yay!, I just reached my goal, and it gives you a motivation to look for more of the thing or goal that makes you happy, because you know it can happen again if you do it right. Walking around the forest then becomes the most relaxing meditation, and makes you so happy when you find that thing you've been looking for. Well, then you keep on going, and if you're finding more of them, that means you're on the right path, law of attraction will bring them to you if you let it be, but if not, too many things are in your head, you don't let the forest do it's thing, wouldn't have enough of the goal thing in you, and you wouldn't find them anymore...that means your path is somewhere else, or you just forget the thing that you came to look for.
Seriously, when people are stressed and don't let the nature relax them just by grounding themselves, you wouldn't find the mushrooms that easily, even though there's lots of them growing.
So yeah, do you have a goal? Can you come to the goal or find it easily? If not, then get some crap out of your head, concentrate on things you came to this world for, and you should find the right path in life much easier! I'm talking about making your surroundings like a relaxing forest wherever you are, and your wishes of life be like the thing you know you're looking for. Once again, if you learn to do it right, you'll find your right path in life picking up your goals and wishes one after another...
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Comments: 11

Eysescope [2022-11-22 09:34:40 +0000 UTC]

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GamtosMintys In reply to Eysescope [2022-11-22 20:24:39 +0000 UTC]

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Eysescope In reply to GamtosMintys [2022-11-23 07:16:36 +0000 UTC]

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guccikucci [2022-11-10 08:03:27 +0000 UTC]

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GamtosMintys In reply to guccikucci [2022-11-10 19:31:18 +0000 UTC]

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mindauggss [2022-10-06 19:33:00 +0000 UTC]

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GamtosMintys In reply to mindauggss [2022-10-06 19:37:28 +0000 UTC]

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mindauggss In reply to GamtosMintys [2022-10-06 19:42:51 +0000 UTC]

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GamtosMintys In reply to mindauggss [2022-10-06 19:47:24 +0000 UTC]

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model88 [2022-10-06 19:32:09 +0000 UTC]

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GamtosMintys In reply to model88 [2022-10-06 19:40:43 +0000 UTC]

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