Comments: 73
ThisIsSammy [2017-07-29 10:44:36 +0000 UTC]
I just saw you in my "Discover more Deviants to watch!" section. And then I saw this...
We have TOO MUCH in common...
Would you mind if I used this idea?
π: 0 β©: 2
ThisIsSammy In reply to ThisIsSammy [2017-07-29 11:19:57 +0000 UTC]
Also... why do you hate the Chara Defense Squad?
π: 0 β©: 0
coolcat001100 [2017-05-01 15:46:59 +0000 UTC]
How would you describe having a "love/hate relationship" with Asperger's Syndrome?
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FuzzyPickles42 In reply to coolcat001100 [2017-05-02 05:10:12 +0000 UTC]
I love it for making me feel passionate and care deeply about the things I enjoy, helping me stay on-task while I'm working, be more creative, and be more logical when I think. I also love it in the sense that, on a good day, I know not to feel ashamed of it and have accepted it as a part of me. I hate it in the sense that it interferes with almost every real-life social interaction I partake in, causes my senses to get overwhelmed at times, and makes me literal-minded to the point where it sometimes makes me act like a dick. I also hate it in the sense that, on a bad day, I feel as if I'm a ticking timebomb where one bad day will permanently screw me over once I'm in the real world, and that my disability will forever interfere with me being able to achieve my life goals.
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coolcat001100 In reply to FuzzyPickles42 [2017-05-02 13:31:17 +0000 UTC]
Oh, I certainly know about what all that feels like. Both the good parts and the bad parts, all too well. Hell, the "ticking timebomb" thing has actually been quite prevalent for me lately.
I remember for a while when I first discovered I'm an Aspie, I wasn't sure how to feel about it. Hell, I remember some days when I wondered if my life had been screwed over because of it. But over time, I think I started realizing that I could put up with the hindrances if the good parts were still there.
I think another thing I realized was that in spite of it just being one part of me, it's still that - a part of me, and I'd probably be a much different person without it. Yeah, the social hampering can be tricky at times, and getting overwhelmed is never any fun, but I love being able to be this passionate about what I enjoy, getting this into what I'm working on so much, and thinking outside the box like this. I think that's what a lot of Autistic pride boils down to - knowing to love yourself, flaws and all.
(Not to mention Autistic pride is a necessity in the eyes of many others due to the fear and hatemongering posed by groups like Autism $peaks...)
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coolcat001100 In reply to FuzzyPickles42 [2017-05-03 13:34:37 +0000 UTC]
Right back at ya, pardner.Β
(Also, since you said you're into YTPs... I might happen to know a certain feline with a knack for those)
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coolcat001100 In reply to FuzzyPickles42 [2017-05-04 04:01:03 +0000 UTC]
Aww, shucky ducky!Β Β
One of the most pleasant things I've heard all week, thank you!
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killb94 [2017-04-01 21:35:06 +0000 UTC]
FuzzyPickles42 is my favorite class in TF2.
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marex184 [2017-03-18 20:29:55 +0000 UTC]
I feel like I relate too much with a lot of these x)
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AllofEverything [2017-03-18 03:57:07 +0000 UTC]
Can I just say, I love you? Let's always talk about skeletons and amazing storytellers and dank memes and bromance, and never think about the world's problems. <3
π: 0 β©: 1
ismartins [2017-03-17 23:44:45 +0000 UTC]
I only saw that now, but I have to comment!
I used to watch A LOT of these last year! I really should reconsider to watch them again
Some of these never get old, it's impressive!
π: 0 β©: 1
X-I-L2048 In reply to FuzzyPickles42 [2017-03-17 08:30:56 +0000 UTC]
Ah yes, those. I watched the trailer for the movie out of morbid curiosity, and like... cringe. Pure and utter cringe. They canceled the Popeye movie for this?? There is no justice in the world. DX
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FuzzyPickles42 In reply to X-I-L2048 [2017-03-17 11:05:23 +0000 UTC]
Wait, they did?! I thought they only delayed it! SONY, YOU CORPORATE PRIIIICKS Β
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X-I-L2048 In reply to FuzzyPickles42 [2017-03-18 07:54:45 +0000 UTC]
I mean, I COULD be wrong, but that's what I heard, yeah. :/ This is what you get when you make movie story decisions by committee, guys.
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Marked-Writer [2017-03-17 01:16:40 +0000 UTC]
Eatin' some Doriters there? Nice.
These are always so fun for me to look at, they give me that little bit more info on the artist I follow, and I think you did a really good job here! And hey, 300 followers?! NICE! Here's to the next four hundred! Β
π: 0 β©: 1
Marked-Writer In reply to FuzzyPickles42 [2017-03-18 03:00:57 +0000 UTC]
Actually, wait... I think they're Deriters. But yeah, I'd eat 'em all day too. You and I could chill on different couches and just bury ourselves in twenty party bags of Deriters. WE WILL GO DOWN IN HISTORY IF WE DO THAT.
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Majestic-Sushi [2017-03-16 23:32:01 +0000 UTC]
crap you're taller than me /s LAPPED
but really though, this is awesome !! :>
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mikustarchan [2017-03-16 22:30:19 +0000 UTC]
Are you sure that we're not related? LOL
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ismartins [2017-03-16 19:54:49 +0000 UTC]
Bromances are my cup of tea!
I just love to see relationships that are not romantic ones, including friendships!
Actually I just think I'm a total clichΓ© hahaha, but those things are enough to make me go "awwww"
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Leetel-Cat-Bug [2017-03-16 16:04:35 +0000 UTC]
Dislikes:"Most AUs" GOOD..
π: 1 β©: 1
Leetel-Cat-Bug In reply to FuzzyPickles42 [2017-03-17 04:18:04 +0000 UTC]
Most are stupid, so yeah it is hard for me not to.. just my (and yours I guess) opinion though!
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MiniMoon23 [2017-03-16 12:38:10 +0000 UTC]
God damnit, why do I have to be shorter than you... I'm like, 5'4....
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FuzzyPickles42 In reply to Primerules23 [2017-03-16 16:56:17 +0000 UTC]
I'm doing great, thank you! Just trying to very through finals, haha.
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FuzzyPickles42 In reply to Primerules23 [2017-03-17 04:10:10 +0000 UTC]
Drawing a whole lot, mostly. Maybe other things, haven't discussed it with my family yet.
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