frenchfriar — Boundary changes

Published: 2014-10-25 17:03:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 1774; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 23
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Description Just having fun with a few boundary changes after doing some reading up on historical border agreements, each of these border changes was once proposed. 
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Comments: 6

Hop41 [2015-06-18 20:02:27 +0000 UTC]

I seem to remember hearing the Gadsden purchase was supposed to give Arizona a port city.

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KantiaCartography [2014-10-29 01:16:29 +0000 UTC]

Why is it that the alterations you made in the Mexican states are simply above the map (the cities and "Baja California" are all under the new colors), but the alterations you made in Ontario and around the Great Lakes appear to be on the map itself (the new colors replace the colors they were before and aren't above the cities)?

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frenchfriar In reply to KantiaCartography [2015-03-21 13:54:41 +0000 UTC]

not sure exactly what you meant here (and I apologize for taking so long to answer) but the difference between appearance is due to the difference between removing colors in the north, and adding colors in the south. the addition of color is MUCH easier to do for me. thanks so much for your interest!

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KantiaCartography [2014-10-26 18:24:27 +0000 UTC]

Very nicely done. What program do you use to make the maps look so authentic, and are they from scratch or altered only in places? 

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frenchfriar In reply to KantiaCartography [2014-10-27 18:06:08 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! oh, this one was just a  photomanip of an existing historic map, and I used paint.net to do it. It helps when the map is simple to start with!

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KantiaCartography In reply to frenchfriar [2014-10-27 22:29:48 +0000 UTC]

I guess looking back at it I can see where the photo was altered. I've tried altering maps before, specifically here dafreak47.deviantart.com/art/A… but it takes so much effort to try and get the style right and make it look real. 

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