IHS Vermillion
Drakehest Mare
Import | Experience Tracker
ID: 8411
Barn Name/Nickname: Ver
Sex: Mare
Breed/type: Drakehest
Age: 22 yrs
Height: 16 HH
Genotype: Bay splash spotted blanket | Ee Aa nSpl nLp
Personality/History: In her prime, this mare was queen of her stable block. Cold and focused, she remained the top horse in the pastures for years, and she was as difficult to ride as she was to overthrow. Now, an elderly mare, she is moved into retirement and lives quite happily by herself in a small paddock.
Quirks: Snores when she sleeps.
3158 Borderline
5990 Aela the Huntress
Related to natural foundation horses:
Arina 474
Hey Arnold 424
44 Undefeated Gall
765 Brandywine Affair
727 NemesisRelated to mutation foundation horses:
119 Panthera
395 Road to Mordor
Daimhin 476
840 Femme Fatel
Shiya 98
Breeding Price: Currently closed
User | Horse to Breed with | Status (not able to be used yet) (able to be used) (used) | Resulting foal