False-Paradoxes — [SI] Muriel - Master's Test 3

#arpg #scatterstar #arpggroup #scatterstarisles
Published: 2023-04-30 13:12:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 322; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 0
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Description Write or draw your character helping in their Guild’s entrance exams by giving an interview or overseeing a basic test.

Typically, Muriel would've expected to become frustrated with guild recruits. She hadn't the best track record dealing with those who aren't entirely sure of themselves (unless of course they're too young to know otherwise, in such cases she has infinitely more patience than usual).
Marrow's technical expertise made for a very welcome change of pace. Muriel was impressed, but not surprised as she remembered his lineage.
Dusty was somewhat of an enigma. He'd seemed healthy, in pretty good shape for his age and with no obvious difficulties with his vision when he'd first come in. Yet he failed the eye exam...miserably, too. She wrote him a referral to an optician.
Pearl..well, she seems awfuly fond of that book. Muriel issued her a reminder in good faith that the book would not be allowed in any exam setting...she wanted her to be fully aware that she might have to - ancestors forbid it - put it in a locker during the exam!!

Thanks squonkpuddle and heartiinhand  for lending me your curios! I thought I was going to have to make some lil guys up for this but no!! Muriel likes to help the guild recruits but she's sometimes not the most patient if she thinks they should know better...

Focus Character’s Reg Sheet: Muriel

Guest Characters Reg Sheet(s): Marrow , Dusty (Not including him in the EXP tally because nto 50% but he's still there!), Pearl

Your Curio’s Guild: Archaeologist

Prompt: 3 of 4

EXP Payout:  Shaded fullbody - 6EXP + Simple background - 4EXP + Guest bonus - 5EXP (x2) + Comic panel bonus - 2EXP (x2) = 24EXP

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Comments: 1

squonkpuddle [2023-10-13 20:02:03 +0000 UTC]

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