In this illustration of Bonded by littleAmberamethyst, shows a memory of young Ford and Fiddleford when they had first encountered the herd of pegasi. This memory is mentioned to Dipper from Ford.
"How did you know what to do?" Dipper asked.
Ford chuckled. "One spring Fiddleford and I happened upon them," he said. "I ran straight for one-it was a female. The father of her unborn charged me and knocked to me on the ground hard."
Dipper laughed at the image of his great-uncle in his youth running after a pegasus in a similar manner to how Mabel approached most animals.
"Fiddleford was the one who showed me how to properly greet a horse," the author finished. "He says you have to give them respect in order to receive it."
Dipper nodded. He felt that the same could be applied to humans.