Comments: 91
enc86 In reply to ??? [2015-08-05 16:42:32 +0000 UTC]
thanks my friend, this one was a bast to make. really was a pretty detailed and complex model even outta of the box.
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Zalderriks In reply to enc86 [2015-08-05 17:06:59 +0000 UTC]
It does look very detailed, I really like how it look's with the background, it suit's the shot.
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enc86 In reply to Zalderriks [2015-08-08 15:30:17 +0000 UTC]
thanks my Friend! this was my most detailed model at the time. really dose look at home out there.
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enc86 In reply to Hitman85Pl [2015-06-17 16:05:23 +0000 UTC]
thank you very much! this model was pretty suited for my environment.
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shrouticus [2015-04-20 03:24:29 +0000 UTC]
It should also be noted that the Stryker is considered to be a failure to many due to its heavy weight (too heavy for a c-130!) large target profile, only light armor protection(very vulnerable to RPG fire)poor off road performance, cost(about US $4.9 million each as of 2012) and various other issues
It was considered a failure until we actually started using them. they were very effective in Iraq a little less so in Afghanistan (3rd and 4th brigade of the 2nd ID racked up impressive records in mission successes in both Iraq and Afghanistan, but 5th brigade lost most of there vehicles during there deployment to Afghanistan) Ill still take Strykers light armor, superior, speed and superior, troop capacity of over the bradleys, aluminum armor, inferior speed, inferior troop capacity although it has a bigger gun I wont take that from them.
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enc86 In reply to shrouticus [2015-04-20 03:46:39 +0000 UTC]
ahhhh good to know from someone who used them. i built this a few years ago, at the time pretty much most of my research pointed to various problems with it. i always liked its overall design(thus me making a model) but once i started researching the nitty gritty there was loads of critical info about it and seemed articles listed it as a failure. anyways i had no real way of finding someone that had severed with one, so i took the info that was at hand.
good to know that on the ground they were well liked at least!
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shrouticus In reply to enc86 [2015-04-20 08:08:42 +0000 UTC]
actualy the single most signifigant battle of OIF was conducted by 2nd ID 3rd brigade charley company. a platoon of strykers (4 vehicles) was attacked by 30 insurgents the battle quickly escalated as the rest of the company arrived (4 more platoons AKA 16 more strykers) what had original started as a large ambush turned into the open uprising that you may have heard of on the news in Baquba. when the smoke cleared 5 strykers were disabled 13 American soldiers were WIA, 3 were KIA, 3 Strykers had been killed, and over 900 combatants had been defeated just by them. thousands more by other forces that arrived (the uprising lasted several days) my brother was in this battle so I have heard it first hand. afterword they renamed the section of city Old Baquba and it was still pretty devastated when i arrived there with 4rth brigade in 2007 2 years later.
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enc86 In reply to shrouticus [2015-04-20 15:07:43 +0000 UTC]
wow that's pretty incredible, goes to show the might of our military for sure. i am assuming your brother made it thru it alright?
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shrouticus In reply to enc86 [2015-04-20 15:26:06 +0000 UTC]
yep has a bit of scarring from an IED blast 6 months later but he is fine an no longer in the Army. he guards prisoners at a correctional facility now (AKA a prison)
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enc86 In reply to shrouticus [2015-04-20 15:27:37 +0000 UTC]
ahhh good to hear, he is doing ok and has a good job too! my wife is a nurse at "correctional facility" so i know a little about how that goes.
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shrouticus In reply to enc86 [2015-04-20 15:36:12 +0000 UTC]
I have not been as lucky im smaller and less imposing than him 5'9" 145 lbs as apposed to 6' 245 lbs so I didnt get hired at the facility.
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enc86 In reply to shrouticus [2015-04-20 15:48:46 +0000 UTC]
ahhh well that sucks, could always look for different facility's. sometimes different facility have different requirements for size(or here in the middle of nowhere they do) my wife works at a min/med and there are some small guys/woman that work their. in our rural area, working there is one of the best jobs and one of the highest paying jobs.
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shrouticus In reply to enc86 [2015-04-20 17:14:00 +0000 UTC]
oh they have small guys but Im not a member of a prominant family in the state (Arkansas) so I cant get hired over all the Tremmels, Cabbots, Turners, Beebee's and Mc'clains who get the jobs automatically qualified or not.
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enc86 In reply to shrouticus [2015-04-20 18:49:22 +0000 UTC]
ohhh well that sucks dude. gotta hate politics like that.
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shrouticus In reply to enc86 [2015-04-20 19:32:04 +0000 UTC]
its how it is small price to pay for the peace of living in a small town
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aliensspawn [2014-02-11 03:37:10 +0000 UTC]
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enc86 In reply to aliensspawn [2014-02-11 12:58:51 +0000 UTC]
thanks! not many right now. we have about 3, but we hope to have more land when we get our new house.
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aliensspawn In reply to enc86 [2014-02-11 16:05:20 +0000 UTC]
staying in Vermont ?
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enc86 In reply to aliensspawn [2014-02-11 19:54:30 +0000 UTC]
yup, not even really leaving the area. there are some great schools in my general area so we are looking at a few different towns but all within a 50 mile radius.
right now there is not alot on the market, but we have been saving for awhile, hopefully there will be something this spring.
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aliensspawn In reply to enc86 [2014-02-16 17:27:49 +0000 UTC]
Good luck man happy hunting !
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LouieD0g [2014-01-31 11:40:44 +0000 UTC]
Sweet model and awesome shot. The scale is very convincing!
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enc86 In reply to LouieD0g [2014-01-31 11:57:31 +0000 UTC]
thanks a ton!
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Silver-Otter [2013-07-24 08:47:14 +0000 UTC]
Awesome work!
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foley1310 [2013-07-21 05:39:10 +0000 UTC]
hey man, did u have to clean the sprue first before assembling and painting?
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enc86 In reply to foley1310 [2013-07-21 14:28:33 +0000 UTC]
not sure what you mean. did i wash the sheets of parts before assembly(to re move any release agents?) i did on this one but honestly i don't do that as much as i should.
or do you mean clean the parts with my knife to remove flash. this one had very very little flash. the only bad thing i can really say about this kit was it had the most complex ,crazy, and intimidating set of directions i have even worked on.
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enc86 In reply to foley1310 [2013-07-21 15:53:24 +0000 UTC]
yea, thats what is recommended, a good soak and rinse with warm and light soap. i do it but not all the time. i had only a few kits that were affected by the release agents. its a good idea to do so, if you have the time and remember to do it. most of the time its no big deal with styrene kits, as the release agents are usually pretty mild and removed at factory(most of the time).
when working with resin products, its required(stowage kits,figurines ect) the release agents they use to get the resin outta the molds WILL mess with paint and such. those really have to be scrubbed(i use old tooth brush)
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VerdRage [2013-05-27 21:38:36 +0000 UTC]
Excellent work as often. Hey, maybe you will challenge this one: [link] By Talibans it's called "green devil", one of the best vehicles at Afghanistan. ;>
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enc86 In reply to VerdRage [2013-05-27 22:57:11 +0000 UTC]
ahhhh really cool, i have looked at a few models of those. high on my list to do.
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p40kittyhawk [2013-05-09 21:22:41 +0000 UTC]
Looks awesome..just make sure no small parts fall off..they would be a bugger to find in that undergrowth!!!!!
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enc86 In reply to p40kittyhawk [2013-05-09 21:48:25 +0000 UTC]
thanks man, lol god i know! this thing has small parts in spades. when i was building it i lost one of the tiny clear headlight parts on my floor but lucky my wife was awesome and found it for me.
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p40kittyhawk In reply to enc86 [2013-05-09 21:52:38 +0000 UTC]
lol tell me about it, I once lost a machine gun from an Amiot 143 bomber it dropped literally 1 foot away from me ...onto a carpet or should i say modelling black hole .. never found it, out came the stretched sprue
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enc86 In reply to p40kittyhawk [2013-05-09 21:56:26 +0000 UTC]
lol god i know, 99.9% of the time if the part hits the floor its lost forever. they always seems to freaking bounce behind the desk or in a pile of dog hair or something. then it will be like months latter an ill find the tiny bit. Murphy's law i guess!
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AEisnor [2013-05-06 02:57:51 +0000 UTC]
Shit man, this is awesome I have to agree with Dingo this is probably your best and the way you photographed it makes it look very realistic! Amazing work!
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enc86 In reply to AEisnor [2013-05-06 14:22:24 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much dude. this one was a ton and tons of work, so i was really happy i didn't screw anything up. the photos on this thing were a lot of fun too and some of my best.
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rihosk [2013-05-01 10:09:40 +0000 UTC]
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enc86 In reply to rihosk [2013-05-01 11:37:37 +0000 UTC]
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picoletor [2013-04-20 13:32:46 +0000 UTC]
love it, looks like a real one!
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enc86 In reply to picoletor [2013-04-20 14:01:10 +0000 UTC]
thanks alot man, this one was quite alot of work XD
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enc86 In reply to KINGOOB [2013-04-18 09:41:24 +0000 UTC]
thanks buddy, this one got extra love XD
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WOODYMUNYEA [2013-04-16 10:25:18 +0000 UTC]
Awesome Detail, Fantastic Realism
You should be doing this for video and movie production.
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enc86 In reply to WOODYMUNYEA [2013-04-16 13:27:18 +0000 UTC]
thanks! lol their are people that are WAY better at this then me, maybe someday tho, that would be a dream job.
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enc86 In reply to DasMarc [2013-04-14 13:34:29 +0000 UTC]
thanks dude!
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Boias [2013-04-12 22:54:41 +0000 UTC]
Yes... This photo gives a realy good prespective ,very realistic , well done mate !
You are doing awesome with the camera !
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