Brittney Meelack By © EmyyWolf / me
Raphael Hamato By © Nickelodeon
".. This happened a little while before Raphael met Mona Lisa in Space. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Girlz went and visited the TMNT for a little while in New York. All 7 of them went on Missions and worked together. That was up until these two ruined it for everybody. At first they both were at each other's throats day in and day out. Bump'n heads, cussing each other out, and everyone thought they'd end up killing each other. It made each Mission impossible to complete. Brittney's personality is alot like Raphael's personality. It was very unlikely that they'd get along at all. Both badasses, attitude, strong.
One day.. Brittney was told to gift Raphael a "Slice of Pizza". Brittney being the uptight, egocentric tough badass she is ; refused. Her Leader threatened to remove her from Missions if she didn't do it. L0L.
So Brittney had no choice but to gift Raphael that Slice of Pizza. Nobody knows if she went thought with it or not. She was handed the Pizza Box and sent on her way. But during the next few Missions there was no more fights, arguments, yelling, or causing a scene. Most of the team had no idea why all their fights had stopped. They were glad for sure.
Then; things started getting weird. Brittney at first was quiet for the most part, she felt ashamed or like if someone ruined her ego. But Raphael started staring at her more and being by her side more. Like "near her". During missions Raphael was all over her trying to be close to her and pretend he's protecting her. And usually Brittney would have a problem with a guy doing that to her cause she'd feel incompetent and incapable. BUT NO , This time Brittney was actually enjoying the attention unlike never before. Soon they began talking and getting to know each-other like actual people. It appeared that they were flirting at times. Sometimes they would throw indirect flirty comments at each-other. And one of the female mutants of the team "Rose" caught them blushing at eachother. Later on, the two of them started missing out on Missions. They started avoiding eachother when the team was together. They'd both disappear DURING the mission and potentially causing other team members to get hurt! So... we can all guess what was going on.
This behavior went on for 3 weeks maybe a month... the leaders of either team "Leo" and "Deanna" were absolutely pissed at this so they both ended up getting them in trouble. There was no talk of "what was going on" because it was more than obvious. The TMNG "Ninja Girlz" ended up leaving. They went back home to New Jersey, taking Brittney with them. They had to remove them from each-other.
The story goes that: Brittney went out of her way to visit Raphael when ever she wanted. She was rebellious and Raphael was loving it. The two of them started a relationship later on. Doing what couples do, going out. It lasted almost 5 months until they started arguing again. Cussing each-other out. It turned into a toxic relationship that would be on and off, weeks on end. It was very unhealthy and with both their similar personalities clashing with each-other.
They ended the relationship for the very last time when things were getting bad for Earth. Never to hear of each-other again. "
In this picture, They're both at Raphael's place in the Kitchen. Hiding from everyone else. But there's a hidden cam recording them. Nobody knows who was trying to catch them on the act, or if they decided to get nasty on the kitchen table at all."
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