Emot1onBlur — Vagabonds HQ infiltration Pt.3

#vagabond #blondegirl #fightingfemales #ponytail #redheadgirl #sexyabs #fitnessgirl
Published: 2023-10-25 16:01:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 5765; Favourites: 45; Downloads: 17
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    There! A climbing rope just a few meters to my left hung down from a metal support structure just below the ceiling. Maybe a way out, but at the very least a means of ensuring better odds. I sprinted towards it, grabbed it and started going up. The Vagabonds, initially dumbfounded by my move, picked up the pursuit, Pixie girl tried to grab my ankle, but I was already too high. I reached for the metal beam over my head and pulled myself onto it. Below me, the Vagabonds stared daggers at me, though they seemed unsure of how to deal with the situation.

    “The fuck are you standing around like that, get her!” Trisha yelled furiously.

    The Latina started climbing. She seemed pretty skilled at it though not as fast as me. But one thing she hadn’t realized. Someone was waiting for her. The moment her fingers grasped the beam next to where I was standing, I lifted my foot up high and stomped on her hand. She screamed out, letting go of the ledge and falling. When she landed on one foot,  a crunching sound sent shivers down my spine. Her leg gave in under her under an unnatural angle and she howled like an injured animal. Pixie girl rushed to her aid as she held her knee in tears.

    “Fine, I’ll do it myself.” Sarah grumbled.

    With an agility not befitting her muscular stature she began her ascent, swiftly making it to the top. The entire time, her eyes were fixed on me. She didn’t smile, didn’t even move a muscle, just stared at me like a wolf stalking its prey. If this look didn’t scream “I’m going to kill you” then I didn’t know what did. However, if she thought I’d be intimidated by it, then she was sorely mistaken.

    I waited for her to find her footing on the beam. Nobody should say I beat her by fighting unfairly. Even if they hadn’t shown me this courtesy, I would not stoop down to their level. As soon as she stood up, Sarah’s demeanor changed noticeably. Though she put on her trademark arrogant smirk, her body language suggested anything but confidence. Her knees were bent as she carefully balanced on the narrow ledge. She seemed out of her depth in this unfamiliar fighting environment. But it was my element. Ever since I had done gymnastics all throughout highschool, the beams had become my second home.

    “Not so cocky anymore?” I asked, grinning at her.

    “You’re only gonna survive to get a front row seat for me destroying your friend, the Showbimbo. And as an example of what happens to those that cross us.” Sarah said in a low tone, seeming to have found her mojo again.

    Slowly, she slid towards me, looking down at her feet from time to time to ensure she wouldn't slip and fall. The moment she got in range, I kicked against her front thigh. Sarah’s instincts kicked in to evade as she pulled her leg back quickly. The sudden movement caused her to lose footing and she stumbled, flailing her arms around to regain her balance. She withdrew a few steps until she arrived at a spot where two beams crossed each other, allowing for a firmer stance. Fixing her eyes on me again, she grinned and motioned me to come to her. Fine.

    I closed the distance and kicked again, gauging her reaction. This time, she stood still, trying to grab my leg instead. But she was too slow. Her movements seemed almost timid, as if she was afraid to fall. If I bested her this way, could I really say that I beat Sarah Bryandt? Somehow, it felt like cheating. With a deep breath, I moved in even closer.

    Like a venomous snake, Sarah pounced, grabbing the straps of my top and pulling me closer. I punched her in the side two times, but she shrugged it off, seemingly without even noticing. Her arms clasped around my waist and squeezed as she lifted me off the beam in a bearhug. A glint of satisfaction appeared in her eyes, then she headbutted me. Once. Twice. My vision went blurry while warm blood began dripping out of my nose down my chin and then on my chest. It became hard to breathe as she pressed all the air out of my lungs.

    My arms were still free though, so I did the only thing I could: I started laying into her head, peppering her with elbow strikes. Sarah tried to evade the blows, but just as well she could have tried to do a backflip. Her weight shifted backward as she tried to keep her balance with my weight on top, and her whole body started to shake. Like Sisyphos under the weight of the stone, she buckled and trembled and her grip on me weakened. And that’s when I made a crucial mistake.

    I saw that she was on the verge of falling, so I planted my foot on her thigh, ready to jump off of her as soon as I had freed myself from her hold. But Sarah didn’t even try to stay on the beams. Instead, she supplexed me over her shoulder as she fell backwards. We landed on a padded mat which prevented any injuries, but I couldn’t help but think how readily Sarah had jumped, risking serious injury. What a psycho. Just as I picked myself up, Pixie girl and the Asian who had apparently recovered from her nosebleed, were already running at me. Fuck, my only advantage was gone. I looked around for something to offset their numbers. 

    There was an empty bar on the squat rack next to me. Perfect! I grabbed it and swung the 12 kilogram heavy piece of metal around in front of me. While it wasn’t as nimble as a Bo staff, that probably worked in my favor, as all the Vagabonds stopped at a safe distance. Nobody in their right mind wanted to get whacked over the head by this steel rod. And I had enough fighting for one day, too.

    Slowly, without losing sight of all of them, I made my way to the nearest exit. The Vagabonds followed me at a safe distance, glaring hatefully. Then, suddenly Zukova stepped forward with a 10 kilogram plate in her hands.

    “Where do you think you’re going?” She asked and hurled the weight at me with such force, an olympic shotputter would blush. The plate whooshed over my head as I narrowly ducked underneath it, and smashed into the window. Behind me, the glass burst into a million tiny pieces, and I was showered in a rain of razor sharp shards. Instinctively, I threw my heads around my head to protect myself from getting sliced. And that’s when Sarah pounced.

thanks for reading!
Joanne is my OC
Vagabond is a joint venture by rtashkin5 , vrobx1   and Annakonder  
The "Showbimbo" is DaisyPierce2000  

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Comments: 6

One-sided [2023-12-31 20:45:00 +0000 UTC]

👍: 4 ⏩: 1

DaisyPierce2000 In reply to One-sided [2023-12-31 20:56:20 +0000 UTC]

👍: 2 ⏩: 0

MaleVsFemaleFightFan [2023-10-26 19:59:30 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

OliviaParker901 [2023-10-25 16:23:27 +0000 UTC]

👍: 2 ⏩: 0

DaisyPierce2000 [2023-10-25 16:08:21 +0000 UTC]

👍: 3 ⏩: 1

Emot1onBlur In reply to DaisyPierce2000 [2023-10-25 16:12:03 +0000 UTC]

👍: 2 ⏩: 0