This Funimation animated classic follows a lonely 8 year-old Chinese girl named Wendy Wu (Myriam Sirois) whose family moved from China to a suburban Chicago where they own the five-star hotel until her mother dies. When, after some tense circumstances, Wendy finds herself being kidnapped by the two bumbling robbing gangsters and their leader Yan-Lo (Tim Curry), the evil scientist who captive all the creatures called Digimon, whom she makes friends with, she is befriended and protected by the clever and mischievous boy of her age Kevin McCallister (Kathleen Barr), the rival shopkeeper's youngest son who rescues her with the help of their new-found friends SooLingmon (Stephanie Sheh) and Dracomon (Johnny Yong Bosch) and the rest of the other Digimon. A romance begins to blossom between the two chosen children and their partners as they have adventures in the street and at school, but their many differences after the death of Kevin's father and two cousins and the McCallister family's mall was destroyed, along with more drama at their feuding families, threaten to keep them apart during the game show.