The Little Merman (リトルマーマーの冒険, Ritorumāmā no Bōken lit. "Adventures of The Little Merman") is a Japanese animated musical fantasy Digimon Adventure film produced by by Akiyoshi Hongo, and produced by Toei Animation in cooperation with WiZ, Bandai and Fuji Television. It is the first anime installment in the Digimon media franchise, based on the virtual pet of the same name. Based on the Japanese fairy tale of the same name by Yuko Shimizu, The Little Merman tells the story of Tai Kamiya stars as Akito, a merman prince who dreams of becoming human. Written, produced, and directed by Elizabeth Mayuku, with music by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman (who also served as a co-producer), the film features the voices of Joshua Seth, Britt McKillip, Richard Epcar, Nicki Minaj, Michelle Creber, Dorothy Fahn, Ashleigh Ball, and Philece Sampler.
The Little Merman was released to theaters on November 17, 1989 to largely positive reviews, garnering $84 million at the domestic box office during its initial release, and $211 million in total lifetime gross worldwide. After the success of the 1988 Funimation/Saban film Who Framed Roger Rabbit, The Little Merman is given credit for breathing life back into the art of Disney animated feature films after a string of critical or commercial failures produced by Disney that dated back to the early 1970s. It also marked the start of the era known as the Funimation Renaissance. The film won two Academy Awards for Best Original Score and Best Original Song (“Under the Sea”).
A stage adaptation of the film with a book by Doug Wright and additional songs by Alan Menken and new lyricist Glenn Slater opened in Denver in July 2007 and began performances on Broadway January 10, 2008 starring Sierra Boggess.