What are Flauschkin?
Flauschkin are a closed species that is part of the PlanetOsmo ARPG.
They are a bipedal, sapient species, capable of complex thinking, crafting and living in complex social structures, living on Luname, the moon of the planet called Osmo.
Flauschkin Origin
A long time ago, on a different planet in a far away galaxy, the prehistoric ancestors of Flauschkin were just a primitive species, living in the wild like any other animals do or held as pets by the more advanced creatures on their planet. Their long and silky fur was highly sought after by them. As the more advanced beings of that world reached for the stars and started to migrate out into the universe, they took the Flauschkin-Ancestors, which they cherished as loyal companions, with them.One of those ships, which held quite a big population of Flauschkin-Ancestors for trade and colonizing space stations, was flying past the Osmo System. Unfortunately, an accident happened and the ship crashed with a meteorite and landed on the moon. Not many crawled out of this ship alive, the pilots perished and the few living Flauschkin found themselves in a harsh place, but with the resources on the ship that were still existing, they managed to survive for a while. Their long fur giving them an advantage over the cold and space radiation, though it still had a big impact on them. A few generations passed so that more and more younglings were adapting to the harsh surroundings of their new home. They started to explore the caves and tunnels that were natural in this place and were able to breath better in this atmosphere.
The Evolution of Flauschkin Anatomy
The fur of Flauschkin got thicker and longer, shielding them better against the radiation and cold when they were on the surface. Their feet adapted to the stony ground and with their hooves and claws, they became much more secure in climbing and venturing in this world. They developed long and thin tongues to find insectoids and food even at the most tricky places like tiny holes or cracks in the ground. Their tails extended to give them more balance while they became extra fluffy to warm them up and could be used as blankets. Over time their brains developed more as well, starting from the struggle to figure out solutions to find food and resources until they reached a point where they were starting to clumsily craft tools. A good benefit was, that some started to develop really flexible hands with fingers and especially a thumb, that only led to further development to a sapient being. Their long fingers were perfect to craft things, dig tunnels and build homes with their tools gave them a better grip when climbing and where helpful to find food in the cracks of the caves and rocks. Societies started to grow and coordinated hunter-and-scavenger settlements were created.
With the help of their kind, Flauschkin prospered even more in their mental development. More difficult tasks were easier to solve with a community, their safety and health prospered when they looked out for each other and helped the wounded and over time they crafted even more complicated tools with new materials until they reached the point they are currently living in
When two Flauschkins, that love each other, decide to start a family and want Kindlings, they create an egg.
The egg itself is covered in the shed fur of the parents to keep it warm. The parents will usually build a nest and comfortable warm place where the egg can incubate savely.
After a few weeks or months, depending how much time the growing Kindling needs, a little baby Flauschkin will hatch.
Flauschkin Society
Most Flauschkin live in communities on the moon, though a few live alone as rogue scavengers or on Osmo, when they were taken away by a Blobobin expedition ship from the moon.
Their society, even though they might still seem pretty prehistoric when looked at from the eyes of Blobobin on Osmo, are just as capable of learning and achieving something new. They have villages with organized power and task structures, mastered the art of metal processing, though they still prefer stone weapons for the most part, they care for their old and sick members and try to distribute food as good as possible to everyone of their tribe. Though several different villages and tribes exist on the moon, they are connected through trading. But sometimes the tribes have conflicts with one another and they fight for resources, better settlement places or if one party feels scammed.
Rogue Flauschkin are exiled by their tribes after doing unspeakable crimes or hurting their communities in other ways. Some of them feel illegitimately banished from their home, sometimes that’s even the case, and hold a big grudge against those who did them wrong in their eyes.
Flauschkin and other Osmosians are species by EarlNoir , calidoscopium and KineticSoulz
You may not make your own without a form of MYO.
Osmosians can participate in Neverlings