First submission as ToWander We all have those days every once in a while, I think. Days when nothing goes right and everything just sucks. I had a day like this not too long ago. I wanted to bake a cake just because I wanted to bake something good only for myself for a while. I wanted the cake so bad and almost couldn't wait to take the first piece. But then I took it out of the oven too soon and you can guess what happened. The whole thing was half raw and as soon as I tried to flip it over, it just fell out of the damn cake tin.. I was so pissed I could have cried. I ate one piece of the cake out of pure pity. Was it towards me or the cake, or both, I'm not sure. So anyway, with this little story I give you this Fluttershy. In the upper corner it says "We all have those days", scanner just cut it out.