DistortedWhispers — Horror OC: Lady Agony Reference sheet and info

#ladyagony #ghost #poltergeist #creepypastaoc #creepypastaoriginalcharacter #creepypastaocreference
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General Information

Full name: Alyssia (Mary Lee) Jones

Nicknames: Lyssi is what her family used to call her, another name she earned from the people was 'Lady Agony' due to how she dealt with people.

Gender: Female

Species: Ghost/poltergeist?? (Unknown, but many suspect her to be such, despite her ability to materialise)

Other Name(s): 'Lady Agony'

Age: Deceased at 35

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 

Romantic Status: Taken

General status: Deceased

Birthdate: 15th January 1831

Death date: 26th February 1866

Cause of death: Impaled

Nationality: British

Religion: Atheist

Weapon(s): Telekinesis, or if in her materialized form she will use what's around. 


Victoria Jones (Mother)-Deceased

Edward Jones (Father)-Deceased

Drew Jones (Older brother)-Deceased

Vincent Manson (Ex-husband)-Deceased by her own hands


Alyssia has a different outlook on 'friendship' due to not having any but Derek when she was alive. She doesn't even like the word 'friends' and prefers 'allies' which are more distant and formal. Whilst she isn't the friendliest person, if you manage to do or be something she prefers, she will basically have an attitude of 'I'll allow you to stay around' kinda thing. However, unlike real friendships, Alyssia would try to manipulate those who are around her. This includes people she finds useful in some situations or those who can do what she can't (e.g. if she needs some physical action going on when she herself is too weak, she could manipulate someone else to do it for her.)


Byron Alby 
who belongs to EvilCharlotte  

So Alyssia was stalking a victim for a few days and was contemplating how she'd deal with him. Seeing as he lived by the sea Alyssia figured she'd try and drown him. So when it came to her getting him and drowning him, she was shocked when someone else pulled the man under who wasn't Cedric or James. That was when she met Byron. After meeting him, reuniting with Alaric and meeting Alaric's new lover Alyssia found Byron's company more bearable between the three, surprisingly. The two spent some time together before finding their mutual interest in literature. Though due to Byron's situation he couldn't walk on land as she could. So Alyssia does occasionally take books to read to Byron. The man also appears to like hearing her stories so she also tells him them. The two also share a mutual bitterness towards Alaric.


Weight: 105lbs (very underweight due to loss of fat and muscle, especially near the end of her life.)

Height: 6ft when standing on the ground.

When she was alive, Alyssia was a woman with a slender body, having small hips and chest. She was pale to the point of looking a little sickly, but not ghost white. 

Alyssia stood at 6ft, making her taller than her own husband. She has a very, very skinny body with little fat, but also little muscle. She has a rather long face with a bit of a cherry chin. Her nose is rather thin with small nostrils and the tip does tilt up a little. She has full lips with black lipstick which is smudged a little. She has medium sized eyebrows that tilt down a little, giving off either a grumpy look or a very strange look when she smiles. She has oval-shaped eyes with not so thick lashes. 

Her straight hair is black with some grey and her hair falls down to her shoulders with a middle parting at the front and two sections of hair either side of her face. She used to keep her hair well kept. As she aged and neglected sleep, she gained heavy bags under her eyes.

As for attire, Alyssia wore many outfits. Her most popular one though was a long-sleeved white shirt, a shin-length pale purple skirt, black boots and black gloves. The bagginess of the shirt is able to hide the very small frame that hides underneath.

(After Death)

After death Alyssia has holes all over her body...a lot of them being in her torso and abdomen. She has dry blood on her skin and clothes as well as tears in her clothes, which she hates greatly. She is also missing her left eye. 


Alyssia is very, very arrogant. She was and still is a woman of belligerence and very irritable. She lacks empathy and sympathy. A woman of cruelty, she has no hesitance in ridding those who are in her way or who disturb her. She has been desensitized to death due to how many years she has done her job.

However she is very ambitious, and even after death she continues on with the work she was doing when she was alive. Given these traits, she is very sadistic. She is someone who hates being told what to do or being controlled in any way. She prefers to be the bossy one who ordered people around and did what she wanted. She is manipulative, smart and is thorough with what she plans.

She is very distrusting and has very little faith in anyone due to her background. This could also make others believe she can't be trusted.

She is a megalomaniac and is always trying to think of different ways to gain more power. 

There's still some kind of compassion inside her, as she does miss and still loves her family, as well as praise those who she sees also punishing wrongdoers, now those people are exceptions to keep alive, but only if their way is like her own through killing. She'll quickly hate anyone who thinks to put them in prison is a good enough punishment, as well as a quick death. She wants the person to feel the pain that they have "caused themselves."

She is a hypocrite as she kills sinners...whilst she herself isn't any better. She does somewhat acknowledge this as well, but her tainted and damaged mind is clouded by her believing she is being a good person.

She is rather prudish and she has yet to experience anything near lustful. However, the most common way she'll try to manipulate men is via flirting, well as much as she knows how to. She's learned a few things from the many generations of those more out there than herself, and despite disliking it will use it if it benefits her.

She will have a standoff if it comes to teasing or making fun of another person. She will also sometimes go along with certain situations if she feels she'll either benefit from it or she'll have the upper hand. The woman likes to have at least a little fun sometimes, despite her mood.

She is delusional and believes what she does is the right thing, despite many telling her otherwise many times before. 


Alyssia is able to use telekinesis, like most ghosts. However, she uses hers to the extreme. It is her weapon and she uses it to hurt or even kill people in many brutal ways. Though the weaker she gets, the weaker her ability is. 

Another ability she has is to materialize either a body part or her entire body, however, in this state, she is very, very weak. 

She also has the ability to go completely invisible, but only for a short amount of time. 

These abilities use up her energy and power, and so if they are used recklessly, she will begin to rot quicker than usual.


Alyssia was the second born between Victoria and Edward with an older brother, Drew. Alyssia had a good relationship with her family and friends that she made, but she did sometimes have small outbursts that resulted in many scoldings. Alyssia's family was aristocratic to a degree as her father had a high status. Her father was an officer of high authority whilst her mother was a simple housewife. Due to being born in the 1800s, Alyssia was mainly taught how to be a good housewife, and how to entrust a man to do all of the heavy work. However, Alyssia sought more than that.

She strongly idolized her father and loved to hear him tell her and Drew about how he caught many criminals and got praised for it. She'd always get excited when she heard the door open and see him walk in, wondering what events had happened on that day. Although he began teaching Drew how to be like him, it was Alyssia who was influenced by it most. Their father taught them that any evil or wrongdoing in the world was punishable, and that stayed with young Alyssia. Drew had very little interest in law and wanted to become something else, but Alyssia wanted to be just like her father. However, upon mention of the sort, she was talked down by her father and other people. They'd tell her as a woman, she was too weak, and wouldn't surpass her father or even reach his level of power. Rather than deterring her from her goal, it only made her more determined. She would become like her father and make this place pure.

Though at the age of 15 there was a knock at the door from an officer, however, it wasn't her father. Alyssia, Drew and her mother were informed that her father had died. He had been killed by a criminal who had managed to strangle him to death. Alyssia was distraught and grieved heavily for her father's death. Though once his funeral was over Alyssia swore that she'd avenge her father, and would reach to be in his position in authority. For years she prepared herself, remembering and writing down everything she'd heard her father say to Drew. Drew also helped her by telling her what he remembered. 

Among her studies, at age 20 she met Vincent Manson. He was the head of his own family and earned his high authority through his father. Alyssia saw the two as kindred spirits and fell in love with him. They married when Alyssia was 22 and he was 24. Alyssia was having trouble trying to achieve her goal, but with help from Vincent, she was rising in positions rapidly. She was using her husband's status to do so, otherwise, she would be instantly removed for being a woman. Her mother had a dislike for her choice of work, but nonetheless, she and Drew were proud of her. Although Alyssia was in some authority, Vincent was always one platform above her as women were still seen as the weaker sex back then. Throughout her work, she had become rather unsocial, and the hate for criminals and sinners had festered over the years. Aside from spending time with her family and husband, she'd spend her time reading and writing; just locking herself in her room. She lost sleep as she wanted to keep working, and soon gained the bags under her eyes. 

Age 24 was when Alyssia felt that she was prepared to start going after criminals and punishing them. She led a small group of people who followed her orders and so she set out to catch criminals like her father. However around the same time, Alyssia's health and body had deteriorated a few years before and left her rather weak, and she had very little muscle. She had spent those few years busy sat at her desk and researching, that she hadn't made good use of her muscles. 

So rather than sending her out to catch criminals, Vincent placed her in a position where she could choose how to punish criminals-an executioner of some sort. Since she was physically weak, Vincent gave her many devices to use on criminals as well as an assistant named Derek. Alyssia disliked that she needed help and was determined to do it by herself. However she was more determined to put away criminals, but kill them? Alyssia was a little hesitant in that regard until she had her first criminal. She never truly became a proper police officer, and it wasn't until 1910 that the first female police officer came about. She was simply more of an executioner. 

A man who had murdered his wife was her first, and even then she did feel a little hesitant about using certain devices on him. Despite all these years of hating wrongdoers, she was unsure about killing them now. She was taking a life. Derek saw her hesitation, and so ushered her to the devices that would be used on him. With his encouragement, she finally executed the man. She was instantly hit with regret as she watched the man's life leave his eyes. She'd killed someone. After that, she was sick and went home for the day. She laid in her bed, just staring at the ceiling whilst the picture of the man's eyes haunted her mind. She didn't sleep for a good couple of nights. Noticing his wife was a little different and evasive to work, Vincent sat down and talked with her. 

He slowly but surely convinced her that what she had done was right. That man was a criminal, and he deserved what he got. Alyssia was at peace after the talk, for the most part. She was still a little nervous. However the more people she'd execute, the more confidence she'd gain. 

However, during that increase in confidence, something else was growing inside of her. Something much, much darker. Derek convinced her to use more devices and slower killing methods, and so she followed along with it. Little did she realize that she wasn't her own independent person.

The more she killed, the more desensitized she became to pain and death. The screams turned into songs, and the blood turned into wine for celebration. She was doing the right thing. She was a good person.

By age 34 she had become completely numbed from death. Even when her own mother passed away from an unknown illness, Alyssia didn't shed a single tear or even come close to the funeral. She just stared with hollow eyes at the coffin, before turning her back and walking away; not even bothering to talk or comfort Drew. This angered him and he followed her to her office.

Drew began shouting at her, and soon they both began arguing. This would be the last argument they had, as well as the last time they'd see or hear from each other. Drew near disowned his sister and distanced himself from her. This made Alyssia upset, but she had to put her work as her top priority now. She needed to make her father proud. 

Vincent then gave her a surprise and had Alyssia put in a very high position where she could have more leverage and decide on the rules of the town. Having a very boosted ego, she was very arrogant at this point. She was happy enough to make new rules, but it was always Vincent who would be the one to actually make it possible. With her mind now on death and sins, she demanded that any crime would result in either torture or death. That rule managed to pass, and so began the downfall of Alyssia and her town. 

With this new law, there was a big increase in criminals being brought to her, to where she had to have more assistance from Derek. They both punished criminals from both of the results, but it was Alyssia who wanted to kill them. She wanted herself to be the last thing the sinners saw, or if tortured they'd want her face burned into their minds as well as the pain she'd caused them. Derek didn't mind that, as long as she wasn't ordering him around. The town became very unhappy as mothers lost their sons who stole, whilst women lost their husbands to simply trying to go against who they now dubbed 'Lady Agony.'

One day when Derek and Alyssia were cleaning up the rooms, Derek began acting strangely. Alyssia had noticed but thought nothing of it. She didn't really care. However what she did care about was when he suddenly pushed her against a wall and kissed her. She was shocked by the sudden action and pulled away. Derek declared his love for her and tried to convince her that she felt the same for him...which she didn't. Their relationship was entirely platonic to Alyssia. However her denial didn't deter Derek and he began making unwanted advances towards her, to the point she finally felt fear. After being confident and numb for some time, she was scared. Out of panic, she kneed him in the groin. He backed away after that and turned his back to her. 

That gave her enough time to grab a flail on the wall. Derek was aware she had a husband and made advances to her that were unwanted. That was punishable. Just as he turned to look at her, she swung the weapon and hit him in the head. Not yet dead, Alyssia beat him to death with the flail, screaming at him that he was a pig, selfish and should have just stayed the way they were. His blood was splattered over the floor, walls and herself. She'd killed her only 'friend' and had little to no regret about it at this point. She was angrier. Of course, Alyssia knew she'd be asked as to why she'd killed him and would have no evidence to back up what she'd say. So by the time Vincent did find Derek's bloody corpse, Alyssia went to him with (fake) teary eyes and scratch marks on her body (that she'd given herself prior). He believed her when she said Derek attacked her, and so wasn't too bothered with his death. Instead, he praised Alyssia and told her he'd be helping her from now on. 

Vincent also seemed numbed by death and pain, so the two executed people with ease. They weren't exactly a match made in Heaven, but they understood each other. Or so Alyssia thought.

One summer evening Alyssia had noticed Vincent wasn't around as much. He'd been disappearing with no explanation as to where he was going and why. So she followed him and was horrified to find out he was seeing someone behind her back. Someone younger than her and prettier. Her heart shattered. The only person left in her life was now in the arms of another, and she could hardly handle it. Now she was seething with anger and her mind quickly got to work. Rather than confronting them there and then, she simply followed them. 

By the end of their time together, Alyssia followed his mistress when she was walking home alone. Alyssia knocked her unconscious and kidnapped her, putting her in the torture chamber where would be her own resting place. Alyssia wanted to be extra slow with this woman, but before anything extreme could happen, Vincent arrived unexpectedly. He was shocked and did act oblivious to the affair. However, once the jig was up Alyssia attacked Vincent. Her body and mind now filled with a fury, she used her adrenaline to get to him. However, it all seemed to be true about men being stronger than women.

Alyssia insulted him and his mistress as she grabbed her flail from the wall and swung for Vincent. He was able to avoid being hit quite easily before he came up with a plan. 

In the years of using devices, Alyssia had tried to make some of her own with Derek before his death. One of the devices the two worked on was the box with spikes, also known as the Iron Maiden. Vincent saw the doors of it open. There was no going back for Alyssia, she was too far gone. She was mad! So he discreetly led her nearer to the device whilst she still tried swinging at him in rage. Then when he moved past her when she swung at him, he took his chance when she was right in front of the spikes. With one hard shove, Alyssia was impaled. The woman, still alive, let out a loud screech as she felt the pains, one being in her left eye.

She dropped her flail and tried her best to get out. She managed to get out, but there was a problem...she left an eyeball on the spike. She screamed and held her face whilst turning to Vincent who then pushed her back in again before this time also shutting the doors on Alyssia. She let out another screech whilst Vincent went to free his mistress. 

The last thing the two heard from Alyssia was her calling out to her father before it went silent.

Lady Agony was pronounced dead, and the town celebrated and was overjoyed. Alyssia didn't even receive a proper funeral, to Drew's dismay. Despite their fight, Alyssia was still his little sister who he could have protected. He could have helped her.

However not even a day later, people began disappearing. Vincent took note of these disappearances and investigated. There was no trace of them, and he was pulling at strings. A few days later his mistress then disappeared. Concerned, Vincent was more desperate to find out what was happening. Out of curiosity, he went back to the chamber, where he made a shocking discovery.

All the missing people were in the chamber, all slaughtered and dead on all of the devices in the room; including his mistress. She had been mutilated and was near unrecognizable. As he mourned for her, he felt a presence behind him. Then as he turned around, he saw Alyssia half rotten form wielding her flail. She had kidnapped all of these people and tortured them; taking her time on Vincent's new lover. She beat him to death. Lady Agony had returned, and the world would know she meant business.

How she kills

Alyssia is a soul sucker and feeds on people's souls. Their souls are what prevents her from rotting entirely. Rather than taking the souls straight away though, she can only take little portions at a time. Once she begins to feed off of someone, the said person will slowly become ill, and eventually, she kills them by taking the rest of their soul. This is due to how weak she was when she was alive, and so she is quite weak in her spirit form. However, the only way she can feed off of souls is if the person is in agony or in any upset. That is when their souls are the weakest.

She kills people with her telekinesis or in her materialized form she'll use what's around. The one majorly consistent thing she does is torture them before killing them. 

Targets of killing

Alyssia targetted mainly criminals when she was alive, but that had changed slightly over the years. Since being around for at least 150 years, it would be no surprise her memory is slowly fading. She has forgotten some of the laws she once made but still has ones such as cheating in mind. She also remembers key moments like her father dying (she'll never forget anything about her father), her and Drew arguing and Vincent killing her. She'll kill anyone. 


Alyssia is manipulative and smart, so she is able to befriend some people with ease. She catches people at their lowest point. (E.g you just found out your partner cheated on you, a friend backstabbed you etc.) It's mainly when someone has betrayed you or wronged you in any way. She has hoped to get proxies this way as she knows she can't do everything. However most either end up in prison for murder or end up dead from being shot. 

She has strong telekinesis which can kill a person. She can shove, drag and lift people. Her sort of limit being a medium built adult male. 

She is agile when in her materialized form, making sure that she can get away from danger if she can't fight or is unable to turn into her ghost form in time to teleport. 

She has had enough experience with criminals to tap into their mindset, and can usually predict what they are going to do.

She plans everything out or thinks of every possible scenario to a situation. In order to get the result she wants, she uses her manipulation to try and achieve it. 


Alyssia has this problem with rotting when she is in both her materialised and spectral form. After a certain time or point, Alyssia will begin to rot. She is unable to maintain her form without a price. The only way she can regain what looks she has left and to stay existing, in general, is through consuming souls of the 'sinners.' They kept her going when she was alive, and keep her going now. However, if Alyssia were to go without consuming souls, she will cease to exist completely.

The woman isn't strong in her materialized form. In that form, she can be taken down by a small built teenager at least. She is unable to use her teleportation and telekinesis in this form, thus why if she isn't able to turn into her ghost form, she will try and grab what she can. 

Already missing an eye, Alyssia can find it hard when it comes to depth perception. She has had a long time to grow accustomed to it, but she still has small problems once in a while. 

The most important and major weakness is that she can be killed in her materialized form, and that will also rid of the ghost form. Even in her materialized form, she is still a ghost nonetheless, but will still feel the effects she'd have as a human. So she can feel pain as well in that form. This is another reason she rarely turns into her materialized form. She only does so if she is assured she can turn into a ghost in time but isn't always right. She can also be killed in her ghost form if she isn't able to consume souls in time or is electrocuted enough. Her energy to keep herself there weakens until she becomes nothing, despite having unfinished business. When in that form she can die no different than any normal human could. 

Without her telekinesis, she is very weak, and so she relies on that more than anything in a fight.


Alyssia doesn't do as many of her hobbies as she used to, but she did like to read and write as well as listen to people telling her stories. She was mainly focused on her ambition to do anything else, even though Drew did make her interested in gardening for a while. Now it's rare for her to do any of those things.


She does hate that she has to keep consuming souls in order to stay alive, as she has never really been independent before. She would like to be. 

She dislikes the current generation as there are fewer death penalties and punishments, as well as seeing people getting away with crimes. 

She dislikes people who would rather follow than lead and has dubbed such people as 'Sheep' 

Despite being Atheist, Alyssia was surrounded by a bunch of bigots and eventually became one herself. She has a dislike towards those who are different. This includes people of different race and sexuality, and she isn't afraid to express such dislike.


She prefers silence, but even for her, too much will make her a little fidgety. She likes it when children follow her orders and will praise them a little when they do and she likes it when parents or any adults don't get in her way. She gains satisfaction if she manages to kill a "criminal", as she still has the mindset that she's being a good person. 

Whilst she does dislike 'sheep,' she does tend to like them, but only because it will give her a chance to try and manipulate and control them.


The woman is too prideful and arrogant to admit the fact that she is scared of not existing. She cannot picture this world without her, and desperately wants to stay around as long as possible. She also fears what will happen after if she does by chance end up rotting too much or dying in her materialized form.

Extra Info

Due to being a ghost-like being, Alyssia can be summoned in a seance or Ouija board. However, most people either summon her to either try and control her, do it out of curiosity or do so by accident. These types of people are an exception to kill, as she becomes angry that they were trying to get to her and interrupting her work. So most who summon her end up dead.

Drew became an author during Alyssia's authority and afterwards, but that wasn't the only job he maintained. Drew was influenced by Alyssia's assertion after all, and so was determined to carry on her work, rising up in positions as she had but much easier since he was a respected man. He continued her work, but like Alyssia was taken down not long after. He was beheaded soon after, but his rule did not have the same effect as his sister's. He had written a book about his sister and her actions, as well as his own before his execution.

Alyssia will never pass on to a new life or be at peace as there will always be bad people in the world, especially when her range of who is a criminal is quite large, but she is too stubborn to give up on her "duty."

Alyssia does come in contact with humans, but most are criminals and end up dead. She has tried talking to one person at least once, but they quickly ran away in fear. She hasn't come into contact with that many other ghosts or spirits, but when she does she mostly ignores them. As much as she wants to punish them if they have sinned, she is more focused on the living problem makers than the already dead ones.

If in an alternative universe or born in the modern day, Alyssia would have been a spoiled child. She also would've been that one girl in school who just had that resting bitch face. She would have eventually gotten married and had kids, but she wouldn't be a good parent. She'd lose her temper and end up abusing her children whenever they did even the smallest thing wrong, eventually having said kids taken off of her. Her husband, Vincent, would also eventually divorce her and leave her for another woman. He would get custody of the children. 

After gaining some muscle back, Alyssia favourite weapon was the flail. She would even carry it around her house due to both her paranoia and love for the weapon. 


You can draw her if you like her, but please no rude pictures ^^ She is a very prudish woman.

If you are going to use her in anything, please do ask my permission!

I'm pretty laid back with my character Hope you all like her ^^ 

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Comments: 94

DistortedWhispers In reply to ??? [2018-11-15 22:32:44 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad you like her! ^v^b

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AngelDissonance In reply to DistortedWhispers [2018-11-22 00:07:13 +0000 UTC]

Mmm! It's been years since I've written a Creepypasta (and perhaps for good reason). Would you ever be willing to allow someone else to write about your characters? o:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DistortedWhispers In reply to AngelDissonance [2018-11-22 00:28:47 +0000 UTC]

Yes I would indeed!

I would only ask that they keep them in character and credit me for being their creator, obviously ^v^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

rileyticcixxx [2018-06-02 21:23:13 +0000 UTC]

You have a amazing character here^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DistortedWhispers In reply to rileyticcixxx [2018-06-03 00:43:50 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much! QvQ

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rileyticcixxx In reply to DistortedWhispers [2018-06-03 00:55:31 +0000 UTC]

your very welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Number543 [2018-04-21 13:40:15 +0000 UTC]

damn she became very skinny XD
but still like her *v*  
(and i love the story again about her and Sam being allies 
it's even better XD)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DistortedWhispers In reply to Number543 [2018-04-21 14:12:32 +0000 UTC]

Yup. She now a very, very skinneh lady and very holey xD
Glad ya still like her mah boi c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Number543 In reply to DistortedWhispers [2018-04-21 14:26:28 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LiaWorlds [2018-04-17 06:20:33 +0000 UTC]


I love her so much !
Look at her !
She is so badass !

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DistortedWhispers In reply to LiaWorlds [2018-04-17 11:05:18 +0000 UTC]


Glad ya like her, mah dude! ^u^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LiaWorlds In reply to DistortedWhispers [2018-04-17 11:10:53 +0000 UTC]

Only the truth *.* !!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Hooded13 [2018-04-17 01:14:15 +0000 UTC]

Ooo very very nice! Really liken the new look and the slight changes. ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DistortedWhispers In reply to Hooded13 [2018-04-17 01:16:19 +0000 UTC]

Thank yah mah dude! Glad ya like her new look! ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Psycho-Blood [2018-04-16 19:38:17 +0000 UTC]

OMG Gotta love her even more >3>

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DistortedWhispers In reply to Psycho-Blood [2018-04-16 20:12:38 +0000 UTC]

Pls do. Even if she won't accept it- 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Psycho-Blood In reply to DistortedWhispers [2018-04-17 12:06:51 +0000 UTC]

Oh she will >w>
Imma force her

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LillWoof [2018-04-16 19:24:24 +0000 UTC]

OMG!!! ALYSSİA! What happened to you? O A O
Do you need help? Q.Q

And I like her new style very much, dear. QwQ ♥

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DistortedWhispers In reply to LillWoof [2018-04-16 20:13:35 +0000 UTC]

She got impaled...a lot xD
Nah she's fine. She's more frustrated about her clothes being messed up now.

Thank ya mah boi! ^v^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JiinxRuTheAlien [2018-04-16 19:00:30 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful OuO

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DistortedWhispers In reply to JiinxRuTheAlien [2018-04-16 20:13:49 +0000 UTC]

Thank ya mah dude! ^v^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Guro-Senpaii [2018-04-16 17:31:55 +0000 UTC]

She is wonderfully done here, you've improved her A LOT since the first version I've seen of her. Good job! Keep up the good work!

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

DistortedWhispers In reply to Guro-Senpaii [2018-04-16 17:43:15 +0000 UTC]

Well actually the part about her having holes in her body was actually taken from an old design of hers. I just started liking the concept so decided to bring it back whilst also having new stuff xD

I'm really glad ya like her, she has been the OC I have developed both the most and the longest!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Guro-Senpaii In reply to DistortedWhispers [2018-04-16 17:44:26 +0000 UTC]

Oh okay that makes sense now xD 

I can see the hard work you have put into her though, she's wonderfully put together<3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DistortedWhispers In reply to Guro-Senpaii [2018-04-16 17:46:37 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, mah dude! ^v^

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Guro-Senpaii In reply to DistortedWhispers [2018-04-16 18:10:44 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!

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Guro-Senpaii In reply to Guro-Senpaii [2018-04-16 17:33:23 +0000 UTC]

I just noticed this is actually an old drawing?? Idk I JUST got a notifaction showing this drawing and am unsure of whats new & what isn't. My deviantArt has been acting weird.

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DistortedWhispers In reply to Guro-Senpaii [2018-04-17 01:04:23 +0000 UTC]

Picture is new, info has also been slightly edited to suit how she died now. Rather than making a seperate pic I just decided to update this one I already have for her ref and such ^^ 

(Only just seen this comment xD)

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Guro-Senpaii In reply to DistortedWhispers [2018-04-17 01:07:40 +0000 UTC]

Oo oh makes sense :3

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EvilCharlotte [2018-04-16 17:29:09 +0000 UTC]


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DistortedWhispers In reply to EvilCharlotte [2018-04-16 17:40:36 +0000 UTC]

She's bacc-

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EvilCharlotte In reply to DistortedWhispers [2018-04-16 17:44:09 +0000 UTC]

Must hug attacc-
//steals waifu

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DistortedWhispers In reply to EvilCharlotte [2018-04-16 17:45:40 +0000 UTC]


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EvilCharlotte In reply to DistortedWhispers [2018-04-16 17:49:24 +0000 UTC]

I don't care, mINE-

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Isledow [2018-01-22 16:02:33 +0000 UTC]

Lovely OC!! Love her! <3

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DistortedWhispers In reply to Isledow [2018-01-22 20:30:15 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! I'm really happy that you like her! QwQ Also thank you so so so much for the favourite, llama and watch! I greatly appreciate it!

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Isledow In reply to DistortedWhispers [2018-01-22 20:36:13 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!! Her design is awesome! And no problem, Your content is very beautiful!!! <333

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MrPutt [2017-12-31 03:11:40 +0000 UTC]

Ooooh, I really like horror based OC's. Good job~

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DistortedWhispers In reply to MrPutt [2017-12-31 03:16:39 +0000 UTC]

Thanks mah dude! Glad ya like her. Also thanks for le favourite and llama~!

Love your art btw! Keep up the great work! OwOb

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Number543 [2017-11-14 12:30:25 +0000 UTC]

so for the design of your character i try to say some of the thing you should take away

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DistortedWhispers In reply to Number543 [2017-11-14 12:31:31 +0000 UTC]

I know and I responded ^^ Again sorry if it sounded harsh, I really didn't mean for it to! It's hard to express emotion through text xD 

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Number543 In reply to DistortedWhispers [2017-11-14 12:41:18 +0000 UTC]

na it's fine 

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Number543 [2017-11-14 11:59:47 +0000 UTC]

so i just sent you a note and i would love to hear some tips for his backstory, so you cn sent me another note i hope what i suggest is fine 

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Number543 [2017-11-14 10:04:14 +0000 UTC]

woaw amazing the story u did for their first met that is incredible 
love it 

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DistortedWhispers In reply to Number543 [2017-11-14 10:07:38 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. mah dude. I hope it did it alright OwO

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Number543 In reply to DistortedWhispers [2017-11-14 10:08:38 +0000 UTC]

it's so freaking good i think you did a great job 

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DistortedWhispers In reply to Number543 [2017-11-14 10:09:02 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, mah dude ^^

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Number543 In reply to DistortedWhispers [2017-11-14 10:10:36 +0000 UTC]

your welcome 

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LiaWorlds [2017-11-05 14:06:51 +0000 UTC]

Wow !
She is awesome !

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DistortedWhispers In reply to LiaWorlds [2017-11-05 14:29:11 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!
I spent years improving her, so I'm glad you like her!   

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