Comments: 40
Sayuki-Tanuki [2011-10-15 08:58:00 +0000 UTC]
Awwwwweeeeee <''3 du weißt ja, wie sehr ich dein Pigoyle liebe, Brudi!!!!!
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Tropicanine [2011-09-27 15:36:54 +0000 UTC]
welche farbe soll das schweinchen, nenn ich einfach mal so lol denn jetzt haben?
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Dimigurumii In reply to Mitchel-Jacobsen [2011-08-27 00:01:23 +0000 UTC]
^___^ thank you so much!
Yes, they did. They tried to win a contest with it. Someone luckily noticed that and reported that person. But I'm sure that people steal art and never pay for it.
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Dimigurumii In reply to Iheartwerewolves [2011-08-08 23:15:21 +0000 UTC]
^__^ thank you.
Hehe, you're right. It IS. But most Pigoyles are pets nowadays, they're like little loyal dogs ^^ (I want one, haha)
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Dimigurumii In reply to Iheartwerewolves [2011-08-09 22:36:06 +0000 UTC]
Megumi and Voitto, my other dog XD haha.
Haha, you're right. No one looks better with sunglasses then Megumi ^^
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Dimigurumii In reply to Iheartwerewolves [2011-09-09 14:22:40 +0000 UTC]
^____^ yes, I know it. They're so wonderful and I never get in trouble with them, they're allways well-behaved ^^
They're mates in some way. Like best friends. If I though a ball and Voitto retrieves it but it's behind a tree or so and Megumi can't see him anymore, I can see how she gets worried about him and relaces when he comes with the ball in his mouth and she sees him again. They're so sweet. But they'll never have puppies ^^
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Lumary92 [2011-08-02 20:46:04 +0000 UTC]
AWWW! gott wie süß ist das denn? x'D
erinnert mich ein wenig an ..uhm wie hieß es denn noch gleich ....hach da war der name wieder weg -___-''
naja das anfangspokemon fon der 5. generation (dieses schweinchen halt x3)
...nee nee ..ich und namen x'D
wie auch immer das bildchen ist echt sooo süß Q___Q
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Dimigurumii In reply to Lumary92 [2011-08-08 23:18:40 +0000 UTC]
^///^ dankeeee!!!! Freut mich, dass es dir gefällt!!!
XD haha, FLoink meinst du (ich nenns ja immer noch Pokabu). Ist eins der wenigen Namen, die ich mir gemerkt habe... XD haha, ist die erste Generation, bei der ich alle Japanischen und Englischen Namen vor den deutschen kann (ich sollte lieber richtiges Englisch lernen, als Pokémon Namen, haha XD
danke :'D
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Lumary92 In reply to Dimigurumii [2011-08-09 20:12:28 +0000 UTC]
ja genau xD floink ^^ hach ja mein verdammtes namensgedächniss ^^
(pokabu klingt aber auch besser .__.)
kein ding ^^
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Dimigurumii In reply to yukim4ru [2011-07-31 23:45:50 +0000 UTC]
^___^ thank you so much! Hehe, the colours can vary. This one just has my mum's favourite colours (scary, dark mama XD no, she's very nice and sweet!!!)
I sent your regards : ) Vielen Dank von meiner Mama ^^
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Dimigurumii In reply to yukim4ru [2011-08-09 22:26:21 +0000 UTC]
XD haha, so true. That makes her cool AND sweet ^^
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Eeeviee [2011-07-29 23:33:14 +0000 UTC]
Haha that's so cute :3 Happy birthday to your mum
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Dimigurumii In reply to Eeeviee [2011-07-31 23:43:21 +0000 UTC]
^__^ thank you!
I sent your regards and now I shall thank you ^__^
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AndreTXH [2011-07-29 22:39:52 +0000 UTC]
You really like them piggies, don't you? xP
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Dimigurumii In reply to AndreTXH [2011-07-31 23:42:23 +0000 UTC]
X3 haha. Well spotted. I don't even know why. They're just awesome animals. (and also tasty... oops, did I say something x3
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AndreTXH In reply to Dimigurumii [2011-07-31 23:43:01 +0000 UTC]
Pffff, Soji, Soji, Soji...
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GeorgieGanarf [2011-07-29 22:26:12 +0000 UTC]
I love it! Such an adorable critter!
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rajewel [2011-07-29 22:19:27 +0000 UTC]
Very cute, the pig cross is a pretty neat idea
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Dimigurumii In reply to rajewel [2011-07-31 23:42:50 +0000 UTC]
^___^ thank you so much!
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