Desperado1995 — Rude awakening

#hypsilophodon #cretaceous #iguanodon
Published: 2019-09-09 13:05:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 321; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 0
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Description Two Iguanodon are grazing in the early morning, when one stumbles across a group of sleeping Hypsilophodon. They are awakened and immediately start to plough through the ferns in panic. This sudden movement in the plants eventually scares the Iguanodon as well. 

The size of Iguanodon in comparison to Hypsilophodon was quite surprising for me and I never realised that the difference was this large. 
However, I measured them on paper and seems to be right. 

Henry Gee & Luis Rey, A Field Guide to Dinosaurs (2003)
John Malam & Steve Parker, Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs (2002)
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