Comments: 104
DeathPwny In reply to ??? [2014-07-31 14:59:05 +0000 UTC]
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PhantomEevee [2014-04-27 03:12:31 +0000 UTC]
Β when you scroll though the comments rly fast u c so much pinkie pie >w<
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CandineGirl [2013-12-15 09:28:58 +0000 UTC]
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CandineGirl In reply to DeathPwny [2014-01-07 19:34:23 +0000 UTC]
You do speak Spanish?
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DeathPwny In reply to Bevii [2013-08-15 12:56:43 +0000 UTC]
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DeathPwny In reply to lilipopil [2013-06-11 10:19:36 +0000 UTC]
You're not very patient, are you
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lilipopil In reply to DeathPwny [2013-06-11 11:21:00 +0000 UTC]
no i just did not see my comment
i think i need to fix it
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DeathPwny In reply to lilipopil [2013-06-11 10:19:21 +0000 UTC]
Sure, as long as you credit
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Trixie444 [2013-03-27 23:31:26 +0000 UTC]
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DeathPwny In reply to Trixie444 [2013-05-23 22:31:31 +0000 UTC]
Pinkies talents know no bounds
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RyogaHyouga [2013-01-03 23:26:14 +0000 UTC]
looking for permission to use your works on the website message me if its ok
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Citron--Vert [2012-12-07 16:07:00 +0000 UTC]
I feature your wonderful deviation here [link]
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MuffinsPls [2012-11-16 18:14:25 +0000 UTC]
Very cute!! c:
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Dgs-Krieger [2012-10-03 11:41:33 +0000 UTC]
heh, good work! ^^
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PepsiSlushie [2012-09-08 23:59:11 +0000 UTC]
Pinkie is friggin awesome.
She is best pony.
That is all.
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PineappleShrimp [2012-08-29 19:42:47 +0000 UTC]
Is this free to use?
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DeathPwny In reply to PineappleShrimp [2012-08-29 22:16:37 +0000 UTC]
Sure, all my animations are free to use for non-profit projects if you credit
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TheZeroTeam [2012-06-08 18:40:14 +0000 UTC]
No offence, but err, is there any package with the Sounds already included? (I do know how to fix it, though I just wanted to be sure if there's a Package with sounds already...)
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DeathPwny In reply to TheZeroTeam [2012-06-08 20:14:02 +0000 UTC]
This is only meant as an update pack, but it's not needed anymore. [link] It's all included in Desktop Ponies by now and the sounds should be there as well
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TheZeroTeam In reply to DeathPwny [2012-06-08 20:42:59 +0000 UTC]
EDIT: Eenope. Not there. (I had just double-checked!)
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DeathPwny In reply to TheZeroTeam [2012-06-08 21:25:07 +0000 UTC]
Did you download the newest version? [link]
It has all the ponies that currently are in the project.
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TheZeroTeam In reply to DeathPwny [2012-06-09 05:31:55 +0000 UTC]
On the site it says 1.41, and in the 1.41 download I don't find anything with Pinkie Pie other than "Pinkie Pie", "Pinkie Pie - Gala", and "Suprise".
(I do find her relatives/family, but that doesn't count!)
Meaning I neither found anything with "Salto" OR "Oink" in the package.
So I just have to manually edit the pony.ini to remove sounds I don't have, and add the sounds I do have, right?
(Or am I supposed to extract it into the Pinkie Pie folder instead of a separate folder...?)
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DeathPwny In reply to TheZeroTeam [2012-06-09 07:22:54 +0000 UTC]
Huh? I downloaded and checked before answering Β°_Β° The backflip is included. Everything is there except the new chicken animation.
Her sisters are Blinkie and Inky and her parents are Clyde and Sue and they're all there Β°_Β°
Did you extract everything in the same folder?
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TheZeroTeam In reply to DeathPwny [2012-06-09 08:27:39 +0000 UTC]
I'll try to explain what I have extracted: (Underlined means a begin of a "group" (Ponies, Houses, etcetera). Italic means one of the Mane6. Bold means something custom that works perfectly.)
(Grown-up) Ponies I have:
Derpy (Nightmare Night)
Doctor Whooves (Doctor Whoof)
Oinkie Pie*
PingPong Bat
Pinkie - Gala
Pinkie Pie
Princess Celestia (Stated as "Filly Celestia" in the .ini)
Princess Luna
Princess Luna (Season 2)
Rainbow Dash
Twilight Sparkle
Fillies I have:
Filly Applejack
Filly Celestia (Stated as "Filly Celestia (Pink)" in .ini)
Filly Fluttershy
Filly Pinkie Pie
Filly Princess Luna
Filly Rainbow Dash
Filly Rarity
Filly Twilight Sparkle
1 house ("Trixie's Stage")
2 mini-games (Hoofball, and Ping Pong Pony)
*Oinkie Pie is this here you made. Extracted to it's own folder. (And even if I extracted it to Pinkie Pie's folder, there would still be missing some sounds (actually all, due to that there's 2 .wav files, and the .ini is set to .mp3 or .ogg) and some images too (like the teleporting).
But I can live with it.
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DeathPwny In reply to TheZeroTeam [2012-06-09 10:37:39 +0000 UTC]
I still don't really understand the problem... Did you download the right file? I downloaded it again and it looks like this and has everything included [link]
Here's the link [link]
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TheZeroTeam In reply to DeathPwny [2012-06-09 11:23:30 +0000 UTC]
What I mean is:
Your "Oink Oink Oink + Salto" refuses to work without me editing the pony.ini first. And no, it's not included in that 1.41 package I've downloaded like 3 times.
(And yes, I'm using Desktop Ponies, not Window Ponies or other stuff!)
Fails: Missing sounds (either they aren't there at all, or in the .ini it says .mp3 and/or .ogg while it's .wav), missing sprites (teleporting's all I know is missing.)
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DeathPwny In reply to TheZeroTeam [2012-06-09 11:33:29 +0000 UTC]
Well, I out of my wits, I downloaded it from where I linked and ran it directly from the zip-archieve and sounds work just perfectly as well es the animations you mentioned and I get no error messages about missing files.
Try running it directly from the archieve and if it works, something went wrong with the unpacking, if not, is your windows and net framework up to date?
Apart fromt that I don't know what else to do, it works without a problem for me Β°_Β°
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TheZeroTeam In reply to DeathPwny [2012-06-09 11:50:42 +0000 UTC]
Ugh, I don't think you get what I mean. I'll try to simplify it even more:
I DO have Desktop Ponies official version 1.41, but your extra Pinkie named (the folders name) "Oink Oink Oink + Salto" doesn't have the sound files or the teleporting images, and a lot more, I think. And there's no MP3 or Ogg files in the package (that I know of), but there are Wave files, and the .ini is set to either .mp3 or .ogg. After fixing that, it still derps. But I'll try to "fix" everything myself, since I'm pretty sure you have all the needed sprites uploaded here on your gallery . (And I know how to flip Gif files.)
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TheZeroTeam In reply to DeathPwny [2012-06-09 15:47:54 +0000 UTC]
It doesn't. I read it as "it's already in Pinkie Pie's folder", though it isn't... Also, the sounds are neither there. (Except "cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye.wav" and "losing a friend... FOREVER.wav".)
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DeathPwny In reply to TheZeroTeam [2012-06-09 16:56:38 +0000 UTC]
Yes, yes they are [link]
They are all in the package I downloaded from the link I provided so I really don't know what you're doing differently
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TheZeroTeam In reply to DeathPwny [2012-06-09 18:36:22 +0000 UTC]
All I do differently is that I open Zips with Windows Stifinder* instead of WinRAR, which I also have.
*My computer is danish. The .exe I open Zips with is called "explorer.exe", where you do, like, search your computer. (I only open Zips with WinRAR to change Texture Packs for MineCraft.)
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DeathPwny In reply to TheZeroTeam [2012-06-10 00:28:47 +0000 UTC]
Then I really have no idea why it doesn't work for you...
When I download it, everything is right there and works without any need for editing Β°_Β°
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TheZeroTeam In reply to DeathPwny [2012-06-08 20:35:50 +0000 UTC]
Okay. I'll check the Desktop Ponies folder for more Ponies for the third time now! (I don't have all the Ponies on my Computer, only my Favourites!)
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MASF123 [2012-06-08 18:16:28 +0000 UTC]
I think Pinkie is the only pony that can actually do a backflip without the use of wings or magic.
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