Dandare-Rastaban — INRI

Published: 2010-01-24 14:16:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 937; Favourites: 26; Downloads: 33
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Description Name: Elisabeth C. Ravenwood -alias INRI
Age: 17
Height: 173cm
Story: During the car incident Elisabeth lost both parents and got paraplegic. It happened once she was only four years old. Luckily a friend of her mother took care over her. Once Eli was 7 year old she met a son of woman taking care over her. That meeting for many reasons drives her later to strive for perfection in own studies to extend where she becomes an official director in company owned by the family taking care over her at age of 16. Despite being paralized everyone who knows about her gives her the highest respect. Also since she grew up to be a quite beuty she haves no problems with socializing at all. Yet the real break point was an effect of research held by no one else than her 'once met' childhood friend which gave her back ability to walk... and not only.
Personality: Elisabeth haves a split of personality. It's a side effect of surgery. Her former normal personality is intelligent, calm and reliable girl (with glasses btw). A second one name itself INRI and is quite street-wise... also this one might lack of technique but knows well how to fight.
Abilities: During the surgery in Eli's body over 30% of neurons were replaced. After that she got also implanted with a neouronic chip N.E.W.S. (Neuronic Enhancement Wale System). Thanks to that her reflexes and over all speed are way over an average human being as well as she accuired quite high level synesthesia (on numerous levels which is most surprising) which seem to also 'boost' all her senses.
Weapon of choice: G77 custom 8mm semi-automatic pistol and probably highest quality katana blade made by Oshino family (she named it Anna for some reason)
Favorite snack: Eli is a coffee freak and likes almost all kinds of coffee. Her favourite is double Mokka
Hobbies: It's quite unusual but ... chess. Elisabeth haves ability to foretell up to 12 moves (it's not a highest world level but any normal person won't stand a chance)
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Comments: 16

RowenaHeart [2012-10-29 00:35:12 +0000 UTC]

Ummm... so why does the badass girl nickname herself "Jesus Christ, King of Jews"? XD

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RowenaHeart In reply to RowenaHeart [2012-10-29 00:37:40 +0000 UTC]

Well, technically "Jesus of Nazareth, King of Jews" but let's not be picky

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ZeroConfidence [2010-02-06 18:16:59 +0000 UTC]

Hmm, very lovely work indeed and nice character. The style of the work looks very amazing indeed. Ha ha!

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Rai1000 [2010-01-29 14:04:02 +0000 UTC]

Very nice design. I love the katana especially...keep up the nice work!

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Dandare-Rastaban In reply to Rai1000 [2010-01-30 13:28:30 +0000 UTC]

Hai sensei XD!!

Hehe... had to say that. About the katana it was quite weird idea. I planned to give Eli some tribal tattoos and then thought about how should look sheath of her katana... in end it was a punk-tribal sheath as I would call it... glad You like such style

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Irlandesaaa [2010-01-26 16:56:28 +0000 UTC]

wow that's a nice one...
u know, in my 'st attempt of writin a manga there was a blonde sexy Elizabeth too xDD

btw you've got an amazing ability to make drawings of people in different poses lol

ps.: ok, i've been out for ages, but i was workin on a new manga, that's why ^^'

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Dandare-Rastaban In reply to Irlandesaaa [2010-01-26 18:22:12 +0000 UTC]

You don't even know how happy I'm to see You once again ^^. Welcome back XD

A new manga? I didn't done my first yet... and now those exams and all.... ehh... need to do something with all of this >_>

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Irlandesaaa In reply to Dandare-Rastaban [2010-01-28 14:08:40 +0000 UTC]

hahah thankss and how r u? is it still snowing there? lol

your manga seems interesting (at least the characters do) have u got a story yet? u could start writing at ya spare time, it's sometimes very relaxin ^^'

yup, i'm gonna use the same frontcover (coz I luv yer colouring, it's amazing!) with another title - Uí Brasail
oh and the characters are fairly different too...Tsuyu is the only one that remains the same way

I was wondering...would u like to be my assistant? *.* I've got a couple of drawings to colour
if so, just drop me an email and I can send u the written story too


thanks in advance! ^^

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RedWingsDragon [2010-01-25 04:03:17 +0000 UTC]

Sexy work here she looks very niiiiice

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Dandare-Rastaban In reply to RedWingsDragon [2010-01-25 12:01:08 +0000 UTC]

As always: deep thanks XD

Tell me red: U know any people who would like to watch my gallery? I'm kinda... in need of watchers (or will be soon) due to some little bet >_>...

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RedWingsDragon In reply to Dandare-Rastaban [2010-01-25 15:40:53 +0000 UTC]

.... What have you done?

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Dandare-Rastaban In reply to RedWingsDragon [2010-01-25 20:02:30 +0000 UTC]

Long story >_>.... to defend my artist honor I'll need more watchers soon ^^'

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RedWingsDragon In reply to Dandare-Rastaban [2010-01-26 03:26:58 +0000 UTC]

[link] good enough?

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LaserPL [2010-01-24 18:33:34 +0000 UTC]

Musze przyznać że całkiem ciekawa postać Szczególnie ta druga osobowość Mam nadzieje że narysujesz jeszcze Elizabeth, bo jestem ciekaw jej formalnego wyglądu Poza tym lubię postacie w okularach

Jeżeli chodzi o rysunek, ładna poza i kolory, coś jednak mi nie pasuje Chyba ta lewa ręka, jest w niej coś dziwnego, ale sam do końca nie wiem co Ogólnie rysunek jest świetny Czekam na więcej

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Dandare-Rastaban In reply to LaserPL [2010-01-25 11:59:41 +0000 UTC]

Teżmi się zdawało chwile... ale ta ręka jest ok :/. Serio czasami coś wygląda ok a jest zrypane choć nie widać tego, ale bywa i na odwrót XD

A w co do okularnej wersji: będzie... ale nie wkrótce bo czas nie pozwala >_>... nawet znalazłem fajne propozycje co do uniformu, ale to później ^^'

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LaserPL In reply to Dandare-Rastaban [2010-01-25 20:47:21 +0000 UTC]

Ja tam mam w głowie słowa pewnego wspaniałego artysty, który mawiał że nie należy udawać że coś jest dobrze, skoro razi cię w oko gdy na to patrzysz XD Gdy widzę że w mojej pracy coś jest nie tak, od razu to poprawiam ;D

Czekam na tę pracę z niecierpliwością XD

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