Dahlshita β€” Chuis Bo

#animated #benson #bo #film #french #mordecai #regular #rigby #stupid #chuis #pzk #show #dahlshita
Published: 2015-01-02 03:30:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 5551; Favourites: 40; Downloads: 0
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Description sorry, i lost too much quality, because i didn't have the god software, and i have done it how i could do
well.... you know, when you listen a music, and that you imagine bullshit in the same time ?
that happens me freaking often, but never i can share my shitty thoughts....
thay why have have decided to make that animation...
... sorry for the end, normally, that shouldn't have finish like that.. but that was too hard for me to continue...

well, the song is : PZK - Chuis Bo
don't try to understand the sens of that music : that has no any sense xD


Edit of 27th February : Β finally, this animation sucks to much >x'D.. (o-0) ... i'm too lazy to correct it... in more, i dunno where the fuck i have put the files...


ok ... well ... for people who don't understand french : there is the translation here :

I'm Handsome :

I'm pretty, I'm pretty
I'm pretty, I'm pretty
I'm handsome
I can't believe how handsome I am
The perfect guy, without any flaw
Damn, I'm so handsome

I dedicate this song to the hunk that I am
I have too much sex appeal, sometimes I come when I look at myself
There are 52,000 pictures of me on Facebook
Heart-shaped mouth, straight look
I even end up being appealing to men...
I'm so hot that when I go to the supermarket
The automatic doors open up
I'm such a beast, a work of art
I should have my place in the Louvre
Every car is honking at me
I'm sure that even as a girl I'd be a good lay
There may be something off
But honestly, I haven't found out what...

I'm handsome
I can't believe how handsome I am
The perfect guy, without any flaw
Damn, I'm so handsome

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Comments: 123

Thebiscuitslover [2016-05-12 17:50:04 +0000 UTC]

I don't know why but I LUV THIS. You have a lot of talent, a-and Rigby is so smexy XDΒ  Β 

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Mordecailoverigby2 [2016-01-27 09:09:12 +0000 UTC]

wtf XD

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Zorrodefuego000 [2015-11-29 03:21:31 +0000 UTC]

solo quiero saber como se llama la canciΓ³n?

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Helixdude [2015-08-21 07:55:41 +0000 UTC]

This is probably what goes through his head all day.

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Adohr [2015-05-09 05:37:02 +0000 UTC]


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Nimty [2015-03-24 05:06:43 +0000 UTC]

omfg this is perfection xD <333 *faves*

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Dahlshita In reply to Nimty [2015-03-25 21:25:32 +0000 UTC]


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princesspeachluver1 [2015-03-06 14:07:39 +0000 UTC]

This made me love Rigby more than I could ever imagine. Gawd he's so hott! I want to squeeze him to death, (and more)

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Dahlshita In reply to princesspeachluver1 [2015-03-07 14:44:35 +0000 UTC]

what a fucking big fan girl you are! (O3O)

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DarlingDarlingPlease [2015-02-23 12:54:55 +0000 UTC]

What da fack is this hahahaahahahahahahahahhahaha

Damn!!... thats NASTY Hahahahahahaaha

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Dahlshita In reply to DarlingDarlingPlease [2015-02-23 13:38:11 +0000 UTC]

this fuck... is the kind of fuck i'm always thinking xD

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DarlingDarlingPlease In reply to Dahlshita [2015-02-23 14:56:25 +0000 UTC]

hahahahhaah i love the song anyways hahaha

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Dahlshita In reply to DarlingDarlingPlease [2015-02-24 23:41:56 +0000 UTC]


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aNikymation [2015-01-06 21:49:37 +0000 UTC]

This animation is too sexy *--* god dammit Rigby !! I love it!

Now you tell me, how long did it take you to finish this animation? I envy your skills xP

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Dahlshita In reply to aNikymation [2015-01-07 00:31:09 +0000 UTC]

i needed..... four.... ENTIRE days...
but in the same time, it's the first time that i do someting like that... so, maybe if i do an other one, i will spend less time

dude, you envy my skills.... but when have almost the same age, and the sameΒ competences : you draw and animated freaking good too ! ^^

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aNikymation In reply to Dahlshita [2015-01-08 17:14:40 +0000 UTC]

wow but it's a very well done job tho! o.o It didn't take you long, it's still a pretty shot time of period considering on the animation's quality!
Even more amazing if it's your first time! x'D

hmmmm well depends what we draw bro! At some things we're better and at some things we're less good at but we still have that passion for drawing either way! c:

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Dahlshita In reply to aNikymation [2015-01-08 21:04:22 +0000 UTC]

it's my first in the same time, it is not...
i had already done an animation for an homework, but it was shit compared at what i have done with rigby..
my first was that : i have to make a parody... and in english... she forced me to add my face in, and it's why i have let it in private... i love and i hate in the same time this video...

the result is good, but i hate my pronunciation, i had time problem : it's why i spoke so quickly, and in more, i hated add my face in.

yeah, you 're right ^^

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aNikymation In reply to Dahlshita [2015-01-10 11:56:45 +0000 UTC]

Dude I watched it and showed it to me boyfriend too! We both loved it. I thought it was clever and hilarious xD Were you the one telling the story? I gotta say that I love your french accent. I love the language in general, it's pretty unique for me so it's kind of one of my favorite languages next to the russian, japanese, australian accent and all british accents c: You shouldn't put it as private, be proud of your creations, don't feel too scared to show it to other people on youtube. I bet they'd love it too. I thought the faces you added were pretty rad haha!

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Dahlshita In reply to aNikymation [2015-01-10 21:31:43 +0000 UTC]

you love my french accent ?Β 
you're kidding, dude, in reality, it's 5X worse xD

i never know how pronunce the words xD
for example, for the "y"
the "y" pronunciation is not the same in "sky" and in "rigby", even if the "y" in the two word, is at the end

to pronunce in my video, i was asking google translate to read it before, and after, i was just repeating x'D
pffff xD
otherwise, no people would have understood xDD

about language, later, i would like learn russian, japanese, arabian and spanish language

i put as private, because i'm not really proud of it... and especially because it's in english, and i don't want that people piss me of with all the grammar and pronunciation mistake ....
if i would have made a french video, it would have been a bit different....

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aNikymation In reply to Dahlshita [2015-01-11 14:56:02 +0000 UTC]

Yeah it sounds awesome
haha so what? it doesn't matter as long as you know english. I know many people who don't even bother speaking english because they don't wanna.

dude I don't understand why people get so overhelmed by not pronouncing words correctly. As long as you understand what they mean when saying it it really doesn't matter. I have a friend like that who corrects my grammar mistakes or if i pronounce it wrong. Me and her speak Slovenian but we talk to each other in English. I hate being corrected. I don't correct people because 1. At least they are proving a point 2. I would make it sound like their opinion, advice is invalid 3. If they are aware they made a grammar mistake then why bother trying to sound smart and correct it just to make them seem stupid?....I don't find it fair that's why you shouldn't worry whether you pronounce a bit wrong. Who cares? You know how to speak english, it's enough c:

Aaah but google translator can sometimes fail at translating words properly xD I prefer you looking at it logically because you're smarter than some crummy old google translator xD

That's awesome! looks like you're interested in learning new languages, that's good 8)

Hmmmh like I said, people will find anything to put you down because they enjoy being trolls and haters all around..So you can just show "fuck you" to them and say "Haters gonna hate!" and then you'll shut them up x'D
I think your video was great and you shouldn't worry about those lifeless people. But it's your choice because it's your video. I made music videos before and I rather prefered not posting them online xP

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Dahlshita In reply to aNikymation [2015-01-11 18:26:58 +0000 UTC]

naaa.... it's not that...
it's because, when i speak to somebody, i don't take car of the mistake, because when i speak, it's only one time... while, with a video....
you can play, replay it as much you want, and the mistake will be there for ever.... while when i speak.... i can improve with the time... it's not like in a video...

about "Aaah but google translator can sometimes fail at translating words properly xD I prefer you looking at it logically because you're smarter than some crummy old google translator xD"

i dodn't use google translate for the text... but only for the ponunciation.
i have made the text, and ask to my american friend to correct it xD
otherwise.. my homework would have been a piece of shit x'D

awesome or no, i don't know why it's these languages in particular i want learn :l

yeah xD
of course there is trolls on internet...
but if people laugh at me or insult me, i would like that they do it under a video i would have made to piss people off, not under a correct video :l

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aNikymation In reply to Dahlshita [2015-01-13 00:06:33 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad you don't care then Cx
mhm that's true but if you're bothered by it you can always reupload it..I'm saying in general, not saying you should do it xD

Ah ok good good then because it's NOT to be trusted x'D Like I said, we all know better english than the translator which is kinda sad. It would suppose to help us but nope owo

dude you have a wish to learn them it's not wrong with that. The more the merrier..who knows, they might come in handy for you one day c:

yup see? or maybe it's better to not respond to them at all..That'll piss them off more if you ignore them x'D It's so hilarious when they don't get a response because they want attention!

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Dahlshita In reply to aNikymation [2015-01-14 18:28:41 +0000 UTC]

ok ^^

the problem it's that i love reply...Β 
I love to have the final say, even if it's only insults x'D

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aNikymation In reply to Dahlshita [2015-01-14 22:31:29 +0000 UTC]

I like to do that too but my boyfriend keeps saying it's a bad idea because then I'm just letting THEM win for some reason x'D

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Dahlshita In reply to aNikymation [2015-01-15 06:18:52 +0000 UTC]

you let them win ?

naaaaa ! never i could do that xD

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aNikymation In reply to Dahlshita [2015-01-17 11:57:09 +0000 UTC]

No I don't want to let them win either but my boyfriend is the one stopping me because he says it's not worth it xD

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Dahlshita In reply to aNikymation [2015-01-18 19:10:29 +0000 UTC]

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aNikymation In reply to Dahlshita [2015-01-19 20:46:05 +0000 UTC]

I can't see the pic D: It doesn't want to load for some reason!! Stupid computer >.<
Try and send it to me through sta.sh if you can please. I really wanna see it now xD

Congratulations hahah I'm glad! xD

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Dahlshita In reply to aNikymation [2015-01-25 01:21:52 +0000 UTC]

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aNikymation In reply to Dahlshita [2015-01-25 14:56:47 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow the animations look really smooth o.o I love it!! Did you put it on rule 34? xD You really should if you didn't man!Β 

damn that sucks -.- What is wrong with people?! I swear to god I think they're getting crazier every year...

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Dahlshita In reply to aNikymation [2015-01-25 15:45:34 +0000 UTC]

i have put in on rule 34 xD
and only on rule 34, but without say that it was me who have done that...
remember charlie...
they where killed only for having drawn muhammad...

so, imagine what muslims could do to me, if they were knowing the autor of the pic ?

what's wrong ?Β 
the things which is wrong is not that they are stupid and violent... it's especially that they are allowed to live in france.
we should ban them from france, and for ever...
but no. stupid shitty government.

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aNikymation In reply to Dahlshita [2015-01-25 22:33:59 +0000 UTC]

good xD
Yeah I know :c still sad because this happened...
You made a pretty fair point by making these animations x'D

......o_o I hope they don't find out

yes! What the hell?! I know it's rude of me to say this but I want all terrorists to die because look what they do?! They kill off people for their own reasons and they don't even think before that so they just kill them!Β 
Ughhhh they really piss me off and I want to put a stop to it! I guess I'm too extreme by killing them but idk i'd put them in torturing rooms or something !!

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Dahlshita In reply to aNikymation [2015-01-29 11:24:39 +0000 UTC]

me too i hope that never they would know that it's me who have done that >x'D

dude.... if you could know all the hate i have in my heart.

and in france, we have allowance systems. guess who wome to get these allowances ?

in france, you can find some books, legally, in which it's writted that if frenches don't want to convert to islam, it's normal to kill them.

you can find legaly, music like that :

in which, they said that the laicity sucks, that islam is good, and that all the french girls should join this religion of "peace and love".

3 years ago, i already got problem with muslim, who said that i was wearing bitch's cloth. that was in front of school. and the director of school said me that it was my fault, that i haven't to come in school like that (i was wearing normal clothes.. it's just that i have a spiky collar.)

in france, if you say something against muslims, you're called racist.
i don't lie, we get invaded. i'm from the immigration. so, i know that all kind of immigration aren't bad.... but all kind of immigration aren't good too...

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aNikymation In reply to Dahlshita [2015-01-31 14:08:55 +0000 UTC]

Omg this is just too cruel o.o I can't believe this at all...
Some people need help I swear...

Jeezus christ! This is all too retarted...This is not fair to you and anyone else...I swear this generation is going to hell and gets worse and worse every year and by all means necessary people in your country should protest and put a stop to this insanity ._.

Really?? Are they kidding? You can't even wear the clothes you want in school? So you have to be forced to wear something else just to satisfy the stupid muslim?! You just can't do anything about it at this point and I feel bad for you that you have to go through this crap in your country :c

That really sucks...I can't believe you have to put up with their bullshit with muslims...

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Dahlshita In reply to aNikymation [2015-02-01 01:27:06 +0000 UTC]

.... but the worse, it's not that...

it's that the last time (because i live in ne of the several "ass hole" of the france, in dunkirk, in the north of france, just next to the belgium), and one day, when i was in the town centre, a tramp get unched by 4 shitty muslims, who said "fuck the tramps", just before hit him with iron bars? there was blood on the floor.

at this moment, i became crazy : how it was possible ? i was living on a calm town. generally, that kind of event happen in paris. that wasn't possible to happen where i was living....
but sadly, it was...

and the next day, i was crying at school. and the nurse take me to put me in the school infirmary.
she asked me what happened, i answered her. i said all the hate i have toward muslims.

i said that if one day, there would be a war between algeria and france, for who would fight the muslims ? france, or algeria ?
i'm pretty that the most of the muslims will betray france. because i always hear them complain about france.

if they hate france so much, why they don't leave it ?

i said that to the nurse, and the nurse said that it wasn't normal for me, to have this hate.
and she even said me that if she would have been my mother, she would have locked me up in a fucking hospital.

i have already got locked up in a fucking hospital, anyway, i a know that it's useless for me.

in my college, when i hear what the others say about muslim... i feel like if everybody would be communist....
it's .... sad. for me, they are all stupid.

they said that islam isn't dangerous, that the muslims are cool, and that islam is a religion of peace and love...
i just have to read some sentence to prove the contrary, anyway.

an it's pretty more horrible, becaus ethe islamic veil is normally forbidden in classroom...

and i have seen, today, that in some town, girls were allowed to wear it.. during these fucking lessons !
we get fucking invaded

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aNikymation In reply to Dahlshita [2015-02-01 21:50:59 +0000 UTC]

All that I read here I'm just....speechless o_o I can't believe my eyes of what you just told me.....
Dude, I feel so bad for you.....How were you able to handle all of this pressure with retards?....It's just....wow....
Are you ok? D: *hugs*

I will never understand this world -.- Never ever.....I just want everything to fucking stop being so useless.....
This whole discrimination...This whole islamic crap.....This whole....everything....
And getting invaded for THIS....my god....

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Dahlshita In reply to aNikymation [2015-02-04 16:31:01 +0000 UTC]

"How were you able to handle all of this pressure with retards?"

because when i'm on internet, i see a lot of comment of pepole who are angry of that.
and i love it : i'm not alone, we have still a chance to win.

even some GOOD muslims say that we should do something ! we don't have to accept everything in the name of tolerance.

as you can see, i answer to this message after 2 days and 18 hours.
if you could know all the attack muslims do again during this time.

i hear thatΒ norway as banned 6000 muslims from its territory.
and guess what ? the criminality rate went down of 31%.

it's a pity for the good muslim, who don't piss anyone off.... but we should forbidden islam from france.

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aNikymation In reply to Dahlshita [2015-02-06 21:24:22 +0000 UTC]

That's good, thank god you have people on your side at least ._.

That's true, I'm okay with the fact that you guys are against it, protesting instead of letting it happen. Because France is a strong country, they can't win lol

Oh I didn't watch the news about it so I don't know o_o They attacked again?

Hm so that's good..Less criminality, more peace.

You should ban them because this is getting too far -_-

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Dahlshita In reply to aNikymation [2015-02-08 16:54:51 +0000 UTC]

yeah, but even if you read the news, they won't speak about that...
it's so normal in france that kind of attack...

you're ok with that ? socialism is for the equality, agains racism ?
guess what ? our minister, Valls, said that jews' life have more values than christians' life. i don't lie.
holy fucking shit... i'm fed up of them...

left and right parties are exactly the same...
if it's left VS extrem right, right parties will vote for left, and if it's right VS extrem right, left parties will vote for right..


if we want change somthing to our situation, we have to vote extrem.

personally, i will vote extrem right.
because this party isn't nazi at all (contrary to what say the assholes)
if they want see how look a real nazi party, they have to go in germany. in germany, extrem right is fucking more violent as our.
in our extrem right party, there are gay, jews, some blacks and muslims.
how a party who accepts gay, black and jew can be nazi ?

when the president of the extrem right party came in england (in oxford), a lot of people called her "nazi" and yelled on her.

btw, did you know that england get fucking invaded too ?
last time i went in london, i was happy and fucking sad in the same time.
happy, because the last time i want to londons, it was 6 years ago, and sad, because i saw a looooot of muslim girls wearing the integral muslim veil/burqa.
i can't belive how the country get invaded.

in more, i have read in the news, last time, that a group of muslims was kidnapping white children girls, and rappind them. that was a racist crime. but guess what ?
to don't stigmatize these bitches, the government said that the criminals were asians. so, everybody thought that they were chineses or japaneses...
but in reality, they were Pakistanis (for english, pakistanis are asians... don't ask me why)

and everytime the news don't say the ethnic origin of the criminals, the criminals win. because the most of muslims hate whites and the laicity.
and by didn't say that it's them the criminals, we let them continue, continue, and continues as long they want.

.... i would like to know, what is your political opinion ?

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aNikymation In reply to Dahlshita [2015-02-11 18:09:44 +0000 UTC]

That's so sad...How you need to be forced to be used to these attacks :/

I'm just really up for equality..I want all of this crap with racism, sexism, homophobia and everything like that to stop already. Because it's getting out of hand!
I would be fed up with them too u_u

What is the goverment thinking in general really? They never think with their minds...ever...That's why I don't believe there will ever be proper peace for a long time..And it dissapoints me..

Yeah I know that there is crap happening in England too...My boyfriend told me a lot about it...
It's been invaded for a while now but at least they've calmed down for now...There is also a racist party going down in there. They're hoping the people who are against it to get the most votes and win. Because it the people who are in that racist party win, no EU citizen can ever move into UK....so It's very risky :c Considering I'm going to live there...And I'm only a EU citizen...

WHAT?! that's insane o_oΒ 
I just don't understand...

People shouldn't let the criminals win this, because the more they continue, the more population will go in shit...And we don't want that!

Well my political opinion is pretty much what I wrote on the top...I just want the equality to get more and more popular and that there should be less criminality, terrorisms, racism, homophobia and sexism. I'm still so fucking surprised they're not putting an end to this and still continue with it because idk they want attention?? I don't understand politics and never will...All I know is that every single one of them are morons and don't know how to do their jobs to keep everything in the right place!
Screw them all....Because of that there will never be a peaceful world...They just simply can't do their own damn job!Β 
-That's my opinion...

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Dahlshita In reply to aNikymation [2015-02-11 18:29:00 +0000 UTC]

about your opinion ".I want all of this crap with racism, sexism, homophobia and everything like that to stop already"
normally, it's what the socialists should do !
and it's what they don't do, here, or they do it in a very very very bad way.
for example, certains immigrants, they do nothing, don't work and all stuffs like that... and they have houses, allowances etc...

while i just read in the new... that a dude, who was working, was sleeping in the street in a shitty camping tent, and somebody, who was fed up of that, put his tent in the trash ?!

why a dude, who work, cannot manage to have a house ?
and last time, an algerian was illegally in france. somebody wanted commit a suicide by jumping in cold water, the algerian save him...
and guess what ?
because he was in france illegally, they took him, and send him to algeria!
this dude deserved the french nationality. while some bitches prefer burn the french flag.

taubira, our shitty minitre of justice, refuse to strengthen the defense against terrorism... but prefered spend more money in the fight against "racism".

when an agressor get hurt, he can complain about it, and get money.
but last time, 2 dudes were in jail while they have done nothing.... and when the justice recognized that it has made a mistake, it make the 2 dudes free... but gave them no money !

where do you find justice in socialism ?

and about GB... na, it didn't calm down... even all the dudes who have bought the last Charlie were been on file by the police
why people, who only buy satirical newspaper, get on file by the police ?
is the police for the islamic state ?

i know what want do the extrem right party about europe...
but you serisously think that the extrem right parties would really manage to leave europa ?

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MasterEash [2015-01-05 07:34:01 +0000 UTC]

This changed my life.... <3

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Dahlshita In reply to MasterEash [2015-01-05 23:17:20 +0000 UTC]

really ?Β 

woaw ! i'm proud ! xD

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VinylStrach [2015-01-03 08:30:44 +0000 UTC]

Well, I must admit that this is rare but amazing *----*
I congratulate you, I really love it XD

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Dahlshita In reply to VinylStrach [2015-01-05 23:17:07 +0000 UTC]

it's rare because it's .... too long to make when you're alone

thx ^^

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slopsa [2015-01-02 22:44:31 +0000 UTC]



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Dahlshita In reply to slopsa [2015-01-05 23:16:37 +0000 UTC]

yey !!

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April-Springs [2015-01-02 17:57:59 +0000 UTC]

O Β n Β  Β  O ..................................

fack my live i quit .....................

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Dahlshita In reply to April-Springs [2015-01-02 18:17:32 +0000 UTC]

you know, this animation was hard to make.. (because of the mouth, i wanted that itΒ moves according to spoken words), Β but otherwise, that isn't so hard...
if you want make that kind of animation, i could help you ^^

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April-Springs In reply to Dahlshita [2015-01-02 18:26:51 +0000 UTC]

:w: OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMG FOR REALLL ?????????? ....... the only thing i would love to animate is finally GET A FACKING GIF WORKING WITH CS6 NNGHHHH

im just to stupit for it

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