cute-Bird — Please read description : )

Published: 2018-08-28 14:24:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 259; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description Heyya! I made an OC and a new world.
The picture you see is just a placeholder for now, I will change it once my hand gets used to drawing on a tablet again.
Welp have fun reading!

Name: Ivery Roggers
Nickname: Ivy.
Age: 16.
Gender: female.
Hometown: London.
Birthday: 11.2.2002.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Language spoken: English.
Relationship status: single.

Height: 1.72m.
Weight: 49kg.
Hair colour: very dark brown/ebony.
Eye colour: green.

A few stats:
Strength: 4/10 (because of her weight and lack of practicing sports)
Intelligence: 7/10 (because of reading a lot of books)
Speed: 6/10 (same reason as by strength)
Social skills: 2/10 (Because of her imperfections and fears)
Humour: 7/10 (because of her love for jokes, especially really stupid ones)
Self control: 7/10 (because she learned to act like others)

Personality : rather shy, funny, introverted, fake, charming, loner.
Likes: Books, animals, complimenting others, alone time, chocolate.
Dislikes: constantly lying about her personality, most other people, carrots, mirrors.
Phobias/fears: mirrors, heights, deep water, public speaking, crossing streets.

Here is a description of my world.
"The perfect world"

Ivy lives in a world that I created myself, it is basically like our world but more “perfect”.
Everyone in this world is perfect and acts so as well.
Friendly and polite, happy and well dressed, living a healthy lifestyle, feeling the right emotions at the right time and almost never making mistakes. They are also really accepting... for the most part.
Of course there are exceptions... people that are not perfect, like Ivy, also known as fake faces.
They feel emotions like we do and can't control it.
But the perfect ones don't accept that, they physically push them away from society until they isolate themselves or die.
The only way to fit in, is acting like normal people, in other words, lying to yourself.

How to spot a fake face:
Fake faces...
-can swear, swearing is not polite, not being polite is not seen as perfect.
-are less organized, disorganization is not perfect.
-can get mad at others, showing anger towards others is not nice, not being nice is not perfect.
-get scared, showing fear is weak, being weak is not perfect.
-can be lazy, being lazy is unacceptable.

A little bit about Ivy:
Ivy wears her oversized hoodie as a dress because she doesn't feel well in actual dresses and tight clothing, she was born in the usual strict family, being forced to eat healthy and look pretty.
This is the reason why she hates carrots so much, her mother cooks everything with carrots in it, even cakes to special events.
Ivy became a fake face after the death of her best friend. Perfect people usually become fake faces after terrible and scaring events, like deaths and accidents.
She learned how to act perfect but feels pretty dead inside, not letting anyone other than her friend, Ethan(who is also a fake face), know about it.
Ethan has obvious feelings for her but she just sees this as past of his personality.
she doesn't mind it though.

A little bit more about the perfect ones:
Perfect people never miss school or work, they can't be lazy.
They are always nice to each other and only experience hate towards fake faces, being seen interacting nicely with a fake face can have consequences.
A perfect one always looks well dressed, the women have to look pretty and the men have to look strong, dresses or tight clothing are usually worn by women, while men tend to wear formal clothing.
They are basically what we see as Mary / Gary sues.

A bit more to Ivy's backstory:
Ivy was born in a perfect family, acting like everyone else.
She did very well in school of course and met a girl named Caroline, her best friend.
They did everything together.
But one day when she was 10, Caroline went home from school with her, not paying attention while crossing a street. Ivy didn't notice the car, which breaks didn't work properly.
Caroline pushed her away from the street and got hit, she died in the hospital shortly after.
This event turned her into fake face and forced her to live as this.
A year later she met a boy named Ethan, not knowing that he is a fake face as well.
Ethan soon told her about his secret, which didn't bother her at all, she told her secret and the bond between them grew.
(I will change the backstory later a little bit, this character is still a work in progress.. kind of)

How and why did I create this world?:
I got inspired by the whole ‘Mary sue’ thing. I thought a lot about how stupid it is to make a big deal about a thing like this until a thought came into my mind.
What if the perfect characters would live in a world where being not perfect is unacceptable?
Where WE would be seen as Mary Sue's and everyone would hate us for being original and different.
So I created this world and a few characters.
I just kinda put them into our universe, so They don’t look like rainbow nekos.
Oh and animals are not perfect as well but they are still loved. (Usually not held as pets though because they tend to make a mess. Police dogs and service dogs are an exceptions though)

If you read everything till here, congrats! There is nothing special here.
I really would love some critique and suggestions on how to improve this and how some characters could behave in this world.

Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it! <3
And sorry if this is a really stupid idea and i just wasted your time :3
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Comments: 5

kiwikat92 [2018-08-29 00:48:30 +0000 UTC]

This OC of yours is so cute! I find her kinda relatable in my opinion because we have some things in common. (I'm not saying that my OC,Kiwi is me. That's the old me.),but still. You don't have to change anything. She's perfect in my opinion X3.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

cute-Bird In reply to kiwikat92 [2018-08-29 05:06:40 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much ^.^)//

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kiwikat92 In reply to cute-Bird [2018-08-29 19:19:44 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome X3.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

lilmisspowderpuff [2018-08-28 14:27:03 +0000 UTC]

It’s amazing 😉!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

cute-Bird In reply to lilmisspowderpuff [2018-08-28 14:30:00 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! : )

👍: 0 ⏩: 0