Over 100mph, the steady yet extremely fast paced sprint of a shedu, the slight uneasiness you get when you take off from the starting line, and the exhilaration of the wind and air flowing by you so fast you can’t even take your eyes away from the front for a second, in your own little world, drowned out by the silence and beat of paws hitting the dirt track beneath.
This is the life. Thought Tobias as he peered through the blue tinted visor of his helmet, not daring to let go of the high speed mammal for a second out of fear of flying off and breaking more than just a limb. Valhalla’s mane—yet beautiful and luscious, was a nuisance in the least on the track. Hair, just hair: EVERYWHERE. Tobias had to keep tilting his head up in order to keep the race course in sight, in the end he just awkwardly rode the giant cat with his head leaning to the left of the cat while putting more of his weight to the right, confusing no? Valhalla made another turn, causing his rider to sway slightly in the saddle more than usual, recovering, Tobias made an effort to keep the stray locks of hair away from him. The male inwardly sighed, he’d have to stop the ride in order to fix this problem.
Pulling back on the reins, said shedu made his way towards the gate. Tobias hopped off and started brushing away the mane of said giant cat. Valhalla’s mane was a rich dark chocolate colour, as well as his tail, Tobias couldn’t help but admire it. The cat nudged the human as Tobias examined the mane between his fingers. He decided against cutting the mane since it was not too common for a shedu to have flowing locks of hair, and while Valhalla was a male shedu cat, the silky mutation had given him an almost feminine look, it suited the giant cat—besides Tobias couldn’t even cut the hair if he wanted to, there were no scissors around, and he’d have to go through a lot to even get those near Valhalla. Tobias sighed once more and moved the mane towards the right side, nearer to the fence, since he would have to balance himself more towards the left in order to keep from slipping and falling. The male then tucked the longer locks of hair loosely underneath the straps that held together the bridle and the saddle together, the shedu “martingale” if you will. Tobias then lead the shedu back to the dirt track they were on just a few minutes ago.
“Rapunzel, no need to let down your hair this time,” smirked the human, and the cat, clearly understanding what he had said, gave the human a large headbutt to the shoulder.
The shedu just made a low rumbling noise within his throat, not a growl out of aggression, but more like amusement, Valhalla was definitely not going to let this human call him some Disney princess. And once again, the two began to sprint around the race track, making turns and eating up the distance from the start to finish.
2. Valhalla 2212
3. 2 yr. old
4. Handler: Tobias Adabizi
5. Stable: CarnivaleCattery
6. Training: | |
WOOO commission for carnivaleart of her shedu Valhalla 2212 :3 and handler Tobias Adabizi, I liked the perspective on the cat in this one, but the background not so much, since it was a mostly grass and dirt with fence kind of thing. I did go into PS and do some motion blurring (hence the title) but I couldn't really get it to look focused yet moving fast at the same time xD I also drew in the shadows of some seagulls in there (for some reason they remind me of vultures o3o) just to show that it does go with the weather and stuff in the SPC xD
Valhalla & Tobias Adabizi © carnivaleart
Art © Copperhaven