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Last week's update!! I did upload it on my comic fury but well, my dA was still banned until yesterday. I’m glad to have my account back haha. I was too tired to post it yesterday so y’all are just getting a double update today, wOOO
Also before anyone asks:
the text in the background is polish and means “I screwed up, sorry” or “sorry, I screwed up” depending on where you start reading.
If you didn’t understand it: GREAT, NEITHER DOES CAPRI.
If you do understand it bc you’re polish: don’t comment in polish I will not understand you. I had help with the translation, don’t mean to give any false information here haha xD
to further elaborate: July is mumbling that over and over again, Capri just perceives it as “background noise”, just some words she doesn’t understand. Which is why it covers the background!