spooky time collab with DARCl ! i hope you guys enjoy these babes <3
the winner for spell cast is... dai
and the winner for candy witch is LiiFang !
-These are NOT free designs - please do not enter if you cannot pay the price listed.
-One entry per person per scarfox; you are not allowed to have friends enter for you.
- You may enter for both, but keep in mind you will only be able to win one
-This is Random Number Picked (RNG) - You will be given a number
-No Payment Plans
-Open 24 hours before it will be closed and winner will be selected.
- Please reply to my featured comment with “Entering” to enter the raffle!
Spell Cast by chuchy07
- Very rare elemental tail
-Rest of traits are all common for this scarfox
Candy Witch by DARCl
-Traits are all common for this scarfox
By participating in this flat sale raffle you agree to follow the rules set forth by myself (as an artist) and the Scarfox-Realm group.
Be sure to refer to these guidelines ahead of time!
Scarfox design guidelines
ToS + Rules 2020
-Accounts must be six months or older
-Payment is in USD only. Points and other currencies are not accepted.
-Do not bid what you cannot pay - serious bidders only please.
-Do not hide or delete your bids; if seen that you are hiding your comments you will be blacklisted from my next sale. If you need to remove a bid please inform me so I can make the necessary fix.
-Do not talk in the bidding chain, please keep it outside of it.
-Do not belittle, harass, guilt trip bidders or other people - that will not be tolerated.
- We reserve the right to deny entries from accounts that have broken the TOS and rules of the scarfox species.
-There will be a two month cool down once receiving the redesign before you are allowed to resell or trade the design.