chibijaime — The Nefarious Prof. Ratigan

Published: 2003-11-30 03:18:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 1474; Favourites: 26; Downloads: 42
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Description Ah, yes... what would a delving of fanart into one of my favorite animated films of all time be without a crack at drawing the loathesome villain... the nefarious Professor Ratigan.

Now, as you can see, I've taken a few liberties with our rodentus evil-doer. Notably, the addition of the cane and the lengthening of the cape. So, allow me to explain myself.

I've seen a lot of people that have him survive the fall from Big Ben by landing in a trash barge.

While this is believable enough, I can't bring myself to believe that he'd escape so unscathed. So my version of the survived Ratigan walks with a cane and a noticable limp. But don't by any means think he's harmless now... this rat packs his own personal self defense, not only in his teeth and claws, but also the cane... which houses a hidden ice pick and sword.

As for the cape, well... what villain that has nothing better to do with his time than slink about in darkness and hiss orders at his subordinates is complete without an awesome long cape that he can swirl around and make dramatic entrances and exits with? ^_~

Professor Ratigan is c/o Eve Titus and Disney.
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Comments: 7

WingsOfASong [2011-05-26 20:50:59 +0000 UTC]

I love him very much. He is just so delightfully wicked! Vincent Price man...AWESOME. You drew him really well too!

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Nekoroshi [2006-11-08 21:04:50 +0000 UTC]

I've herd the trash barge thingy. People like to have him come back because, Ratigan is just to cool of a villain. ^ ^

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MissCassidy [2004-02-10 00:12:19 +0000 UTC]

Cool pic, yeah I've never heard of the trash barge thing either... woooww what Disney could do with better writers?!

Anyhoo, awesome picture.

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CecilBrown [2003-12-04 22:21:46 +0000 UTC]

lol, cuute ...I'd never heard the whole trash barge bit

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chibijaime In reply to CecilBrown [2003-12-05 16:02:46 +0000 UTC]

You hadn't? o_o Wow! I keep reading it in a lot of fics. Heh, maybe it just strikes me as odd. I d'no.

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CecilBrown In reply to chibijaime [2003-12-05 16:48:24 +0000 UTC]

hmm, maybe it's because I haven't been reading any fics lately *pout* I live in a cave... and at work and school, lol

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mariana [2003-12-03 22:52:11 +0000 UTC]

*Whacks evil rat with a broom*
There... now the evil thing has a comment ^^

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