Charlatan999 — We were..

Published: 2010-07-26 09:17:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 208; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 12
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Description Most of your pictures were stolen from me, little soul..so I had to make my own.

No one will ever truly know what you were to me. All I can do is thank you for the years you gave me smiles and unconditional love. All I can do is keep you in my black and white memories..where you will always be loved.

Someday Tiki..in a better place..we'll meet in a world where we never have to say goodbye..

I'll love you always little soul..always. Until then..

Tiki 7-25-10..R.I.P
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Comments: 5

Ranafroggie [2011-03-17 18:41:58 +0000 UTC]

I'm so sorry.. My first cat, which looks just like yours here, is going to pass soon..

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Charlatan999 In reply to Ranafroggie [2011-03-18 01:57:42 +0000 UTC]

Omg that's terrible T~T just make sure you spend all the time you possibly can with your kitty..especially if it's an age related thing or an illness..take lots of pictures so you have something to remember him by.

My kitty died of poisoning from flea medication. He got toxicity from it and died in my arms on my kitchen floor just minutes after I applied that stuff to the back of his neck. I thought I was helping him..and killed him instead I didn't get to spend proper time with him..I never thought he would die. He was only like 4 years old.

Treasure your baby while you got him. Cats are amazing creatures each one is unique and your kitty will never quite be replaced.

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Ranafroggie In reply to Charlatan999 [2011-03-18 22:31:19 +0000 UTC]

I'm very sorry, that must have been extremely difficult. I plan to spend as much time with him and take so many pictures that he will be mad at me XD He doesn't like the camera at all. X3

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Charlatan999 In reply to Ranafroggie [2011-03-19 03:12:15 +0000 UTC]

Angry kitties are the cutest kitties XD my first cat was like that..always had an angry face. My poor old lady..she was the sweetest It never gets any easier..to lose such unique companions. All you can do is try your best to show them they were loved ^^

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Ranafroggie In reply to Charlatan999 [2011-03-23 07:31:32 +0000 UTC]

They're so funny!! They just look at you like and when you giggle at them they are like

I don't imagine it'll get easier.. But they will always have a special place in my heart.

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