Chaltiere — The Parting + Hetalia

Published: 2009-01-29 00:32:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 7661; Favourites: 367; Downloads: 68
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Description Yeah, I am addicted to Hetalia. Ah, oh well. I'm more addicted to Alfred and Arthur's relationship. I like relationships like this >< I'm so bad.

Took around 2 Hours.
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Comments: 33

HiddenSnowFlower [2014-12-15 22:34:20 +0000 UTC]

Is this America and Britain...? It is beautiful though!

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FriezasLuver4Life [2012-06-06 19:02:33 +0000 UTC]

i came so close to crying during that scene...my eyes were hanging on to my tears for life
it was so sad...
going over the revolutionary war will never be the same now...

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Nara-Rei-Uzumaki [2011-04-05 08:47:39 +0000 UTC]

D: This is suuch a sad picture!!! It actually reminds me of the end of a fic of mine! ;A;

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xXxwillow [2010-06-06 01:19:01 +0000 UTC]


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Acidilicious [2009-11-21 01:28:44 +0000 UTC]

BLOODY HELL.(Haha get it)

That's really pretty.

Oh, I love USUK.

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Noyzz [2009-10-22 00:50:24 +0000 UTC]

That is so cute~ I just love pics of Arther and Alfred during the revolutionary war. :3

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SadMelloOrobaka [2009-10-09 23:32:46 +0000 UTC]

im an adict too, thats my favorite couple >w< as well... great job!

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sai-xem [2009-08-21 23:24:44 +0000 UTC]

Nothing wrong with being addicted to Hetalia... XD lol And who wouldn't be into USxUK? O': It's angsty, yet it can be fluffy too! X3 At least I find it that way, and that's why I like it at least... lol

Epic drawing btw! :3

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Chaltiere In reply to sai-xem [2009-08-22 05:00:59 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! USxUK is like the ultimate pairing there D: I swear, omg, I love them to death.

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sai-xem In reply to Chaltiere [2009-08-23 20:01:31 +0000 UTC]

No prob! :3

Gawd, yes! X3 I'm seriously in love with the pairing, even though it took me a while to actually get into it as deep as now. lol |D;;; I mean, I supported it back when I first got into APH (back then, it was more on the side), but it grew to be my current OTP!fandom... :'B I feel ashamed for it taking weeks to realize just how epic USxUK really is. OTL

But the ultimate torture for me in the pairing... I can't draw them right at all! D: I keep messing up on Arthur's hair. |D;;; *needs a lot of practice*

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Chaltiere In reply to sai-xem [2009-08-25 12:14:29 +0000 UTC]

Arthur's hair, SUCKS! Oh my god, it takes me forever to finally like what I did on HIM. >,>

I instantly fell in love with the couple as soon as I read "Cleaning Out the Storage."

The couple I hate the most is....JapanxEngland....

I understand why people like them together, because they are similar and stuff...but "Opposites ALWAYS attract." that's my motto, lolz. ORZ.

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sai-xem In reply to Chaltiere [2009-09-03 23:56:41 +0000 UTC]

You draw his hair fine! >:'O *envies*
But I swear; Arthur's hair is like an illusion... Just looking at it, you'd think it's simple to draw, but when you actually start, you need a lot of persistence to get it right! |D

Oh, wow. XD lol I saw the anime version of "Cleaning Out the Storage" (they really should've made it longer like with the Chibitalia series, but that's just my JoKir!fangirl's wish). lol I need to read the webmanga version though! O': I'm so under-exposed to the strips themselves... OTL *more savvy on the anime version*

Okay, I'll admit that once upon a time in my Hetalia fandom, I somehow saw the JapanxEngland pairing (I questioned about it when Sealand arrives; England glares at Japan for even looking at him). And I was all, "Are they a pairing? O':"
But in all honesty, when England visits and stays with Japan for a bit, it really killed that "pairing" for me... |': By this point, I was rabid on America and England being more together.
I blame/praise my Alfred!side for kicking me off it, really (guess you can say it was slight jealousy :'B lol *shot*)... XD *RPs as America most of the time*

Very true! X3 Because it's the opposites that fully completes what the other lacks... :'3

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Chaltiere In reply to sai-xem [2009-09-04 00:58:27 +0000 UTC]

OMG. America x England is the BEST XD (imo). XD I like JapanxAmerica too sometimes - but never England x Japan D: that pairing just never got to me :/

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sai-xem In reply to Chaltiere [2009-09-04 20:21:57 +0000 UTC]

USxUK are the best! X3 They top in any fandom pairing I support, really. *strongly supports it* :'B lol *shot*
But that's just my little opinion... |'D
Japan and America, I can see and tolerate at times (I guess it depends on the level). :'B But I've lost interest on Japan with England... :/ I'll actually have to force myself to sit through episode 30... D:

But omg! Did you know that America and England really are canon like, historically too? O': Okay, the Revolutionary War was just their angsty moment... XD lol *shot*
But, anyway, I think it was Roosevelt who stated that the US and the UK have a strong supportive relationship with each other.
"When World War II broke out in 1939, Roosevelt rejected the Wilsonian neutrality stance and sought ways to assist Britain and France militarily. He began a regular secret correspondence with the First Lord of Admiralty Winston Churchill in September 1939 discussing ways of supporting Britain. Roosevelt forged a close personal relationship with Churchill, who became Prime Minister of the UK in May 1940." From Wikipedia ...
And current events still say that the bond between America and England is still as strong... hehee
So... "Regular secret correspondence," huh? lol
Gawd! That should be in a fanfic... XD

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Chaltiere In reply to sai-xem [2009-09-06 18:01:39 +0000 UTC]

It should be canon XD lol. "Special Relationship" is AWESOMMMMME <3

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sai-xem In reply to Chaltiere [2009-09-09 00:26:10 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I know right! O': ~ <3 At least it helps label America and England as canon... Hetalia made me love history... Especially when finding stuff like that to prove canonship between two countries. lol

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Chaltiere In reply to sai-xem [2009-09-09 02:20:05 +0000 UTC]

I always loved history <3 Hetalia just made it awesomer to me hahahahahahahahah.

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sai-xem In reply to Chaltiere [2009-09-15 01:02:23 +0000 UTC]

History's been at an on-off for me, depending on the situation... XD;;; Like, I was failing it in my later middle-school years, but I was much better at it in high school. In college, it varies; I like the learning part of it (but I bomb on exam time). |':
But I haven't taken a history class since my Hetalia exposure... *wants/needs to* I should dedicate like, a whole semester on like, history/geography/culture studies! lol

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Chaltiere In reply to sai-xem [2009-09-16 02:36:52 +0000 UTC]

^^ Unfortunately I overloaded my highschool schedule with so many history classes, I'm not required to take history for college >< I filled all the requirements for it already TAT

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sai-xem In reply to Chaltiere [2009-09-22 21:06:54 +0000 UTC]

Can't you take history classes as an elective then? <:'B;;; Or even as non-credit or something?

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Chaltiere In reply to sai-xem [2009-09-25 14:09:14 +0000 UTC]

No TAT lol, the nursing program here is intense, strict, and not very flexible.

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sai-xem In reply to Chaltiere [2009-09-28 21:26:07 +0000 UTC]

Oh my! D:
Well, um... :'B Maybe..... Study history leisurely? OTL;;;

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Junoan [2009-04-16 22:19:58 +0000 UTC]

Don't worry... you're not bad... I also like tortured or twisted relationship... >_>

Aside it, I praise your drawing style *o*

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Chaltiere In reply to Junoan [2009-04-18 00:41:20 +0000 UTC]

XD Thank you ~ <3 Yes, I love this sort of relationship ><

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Arwing [2009-03-12 20:32:06 +0000 UTC]

Well, we had to let him go one day. It's good to know that even though Alfred is a burger fanatic and self proclaimed, he still remembers Arther.

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Chaltiere In reply to Arwing [2009-03-12 20:38:14 +0000 UTC]

XD Yeah I agree

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Arwing In reply to Chaltiere [2009-03-12 20:49:22 +0000 UTC]

Thats the thing with UK. He comes off as a bit of a grouch but he's just lonely that the others left him without a goodbye. Still, it seems that everyone wants UK it seems.

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nennisita1234 [2009-01-29 17:56:45 +0000 UTC]

aww this is sad ;v;
but cute XD

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Chaltiere In reply to nennisita1234 [2009-01-30 00:52:59 +0000 UTC]

^^ Yeah it is sad...;-; I'm glad that you like it

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HandxPalm [2009-01-29 01:22:29 +0000 UTC]

aww... poor Arthur ... *goes in there and give him a hug too*

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Chaltiere In reply to HandxPalm [2009-01-29 01:25:28 +0000 UTC]

Yeah poor Arthur *cries*

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Kiiro-Bandit [2009-01-29 00:46:41 +0000 UTC]


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Chaltiere In reply to Kiiro-Bandit [2009-01-29 00:55:12 +0000 UTC]


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